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Medieval II Total War

Estas en el tema de Medieval II Total War en el foro de Juegos de estrategia en Foros del Web. Buenas tardes señores generales Cadete Freeflow , de la unidad de arqueros de Bilbao, se pone a su servicio !! Me presento, soy un apasionado ...
  #2581 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 06:29
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Mensajes: 3
Antigüedad: 18 años, 4 meses
Puntos: 0
Buenas tardes señores generales

Cadete Freeflow , de la unidad de arqueros de Bilbao, se pone a su servicio !!

Me presento, soy un apasionado de los juegos de estrategia y de la historia , que hasta hace no mucho (por requisitos de PC) no pude disfrutar de los grandes juegos de estrategía.

Hace 2-3 meses descubrí el RTW , y desde entonces no hago más que meter horas al PC dirigiendo mis ejercitos.

Conocí este foro a traves de google , buscando estrategia del RTW y así conseguí una fantastica guia y unos consejos que me han servido de gran ayuda durante mis campañas imperiales.

ahora , ante el estreno del MTW2 , vuelvo a buscar informacion de este juego ...¿Y con qué me encuentro? Otra vez con este foro .Puesto que aquí están los mejores estrategas , me quedaré una temporada para aprender un poco de todos vosotros ( si no os importa , claro)

Un vez presentado , vayamos al grano : en la pagina donde aparecen los screenshots del menu, he visto un articulo en inglés que me ha parecido muy importante:

The result of cavalry charge on the well prepared pikemen holding their pikes strong is easy to guess - after a short fight cavalry units are routing. Ok - I thought, it's natural. But well, when I saw exactly the same situation when heavy French cavalry attacked English knights in the Battle of Azincourt, some hard feelings came to my mind - that's not something I expected, deffinitely.. I know that these English knights were heavily armoured and probably they had a bonus to cavalry but, taking into consideration history, the charge of cavalry should make at least some impact and cause some casualties - nothing similar happened - after a few seconds of fight French cavalry was easily beaten. Such a result could be good if we take into notice that in a history there was a hill on which these English knights stood and a muddy ground. To be honest, I'm not sure if the engine counted these aspects - simply, there was no hill in the game. I became even more worried when the French cavalry back-charged Billmen and.. they (horse riders) were easily slaughtered again. It's unbelievable - the backs of the foot soldiers stopped charging cavalry? This aspect of the game should deffinitely be improved.

Yo siempre había basado una parte de mi ataque en rápidas cargas de caballeria
  #2582 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 07:44
Avatar de Chow_Total_War  
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Mensajes: 639
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 25
En primer lugar, un saludo Freeflow, y gracias por la información (la cual la verdad si he entendido bien, es preocupante, pues para mí la caballería es si cabe más importante que la infantería, pero espero que sea sólo un pequeño bug o algo así). Ahora a lo mío, sacado de un foro:

The event;
First off, a big thank you to all people involved in the preview, I had a great time and I definately learned a lot about Medieval, CA and Atari.
The people present from CA England were:
Ian Roxburgh (Marketing)
Mark Sutherns (Marketing)
James Whitston (Game/Historical battle designer)
From Atari Benelux;
Johan de Windt (Senior Product Manager)
Wouter van Vugt (Executive PR)
There was also a lady from Sega present, but she was very busy dealing with stuff, and the other half of the time I was talking to other people. So I didn't get to meet her.

*There are 21 factions, namely;
England, Holy Roman Empire, France, Venice, Spain => these 5 are starting factions.
Milan, Sicily, Hungary, Russia, Egypt, Moors, Danes, Scotland, Portugal, Byzantynes, Turkey, Poland => these are unlockable factions
Aztecs, Mongols, Timmerids, Papal States => These are non-playable in campaign, but you can play them in custom battles.
The reason those 4 are non playable is obvious; Aztecs appear through the discovery of America, the Mongols and Timmerids are invasion armies and Papal states involves the Pope.
*Unit speeds and kill speeds have been decreases;
I can't really put it in numbers, but it *is* down.
*There are 8 Historical Battles planned, I have played a demo which had the Battle of Avincourt (the famous battle which involves a lot of arrows and mud :p) and the battle of Pavia (where you play the HRE with Spain AI allies versus the French).
*A public demo is in the works and nearing completion
*They are aiming for minimum specs of; P4 1.8 Ghz Geforce4 128.
*Cow launching is IN!
*Timmerids get the funky rocket launchers
*Generals can't be given titles like in Med 1 :(
*No eras like in Med1, there is only one campaign period.
*Campaign battle replay... is uncertain. It *was* in, but they all thought it might have been recently removed. They asked if I thought it was an important feature. Since this question was asked multiple times, and I personally felt it is really nice as well, I said we would all really like it and they responded that they will try to convey that to CA Australia and hope they put it in.

A ver, os sitúo, este es uno que ha tenido la gran suerte de ir a un evento organizado por los de CA (creo) y probar la demo, así como rapiñar información a las personas con las que habló, que son las que están más arriba (os las pongo para que no penséis que me tramo las cosas). La gran mayoría estas noticias se saben desde hace mucho, pero otras quizá alguien no las sepa… hasta ahora.

Al grano (voy a traducir, tened en cuenta que mi nivel de inglés es el de bachiller):
Hay 21 facciones, que son las siguientes:
- Inglaterra, Sacro Imperio Romano, Francia, Venecia, España (estas son las 5 facciones desbloqueadas por defecto)
- Milán, Sicilia, Hungaria, Rusia, Egipto, Los Moros, Los Daneses, Escocia, Portugal, Bizancio, Turquía y Polonia (estas son las facciones desbloqueables)
- Aztecas, Mongoles, Timurides?, Estados Papales (estas son las facciones no jugables, excepto para las batallas personalizadas).
La razón por la cual estas 4 facciones no son jugables es obvia (Chow: ¡¡ya, claro!!), y es que los aztecas aparecen al mismo tiempo que el descubrimiento de América, los Mongoles y los Timurides son ejércitos invasores, y los Estados Papales incumben al Papado (Chow: este es el único caso que veo realmente justificable).

- Las velocidades de las unidades tanto de movimiento como de lucha se han visto disminuidas, lo que no puedo es ponerlo en porcentaje, pero han disminuido.
- Hay 8 batallas históricas, 2 de las cuales he jugado (Chow: yo no, estoy traduciendo), y son la Batalla de Avincourt?? (la famosa batalla en la que están involucrados muchos arqueros y ¿¿Mud??) y la Batalla de Pavía (Donde diriges al Sacro Imperio Romano con España como aliada (IA) y os enfrentáis a los gabachos).
- Se está trabajando en la demo la cual está cerca de ser completada.
- (Chow: algo importante que desconocía, al menos de fuentes oficiales) Los requisitos mínimos apuntan a un P4 1’8 Ghz, Geforce 4 128mb (Chow: pero desde mi punto de vista para poder jugar decentemente imagino que será necesario P4 2-2’2 Ghz, Geforce 6600, aunque aún falta la RAM).
- El lanzamiento de vacas existirá
- La facción de Tamerlán podrá reclutar a los elefantes lanzadores de cohetes
- Los generales no pueden recibir títulos como lo hacían en el Medieval 1 (Chow: otro aspecto que desconocía).
- No hay eras como en el Medieval 1, sólo hay un período de campaña.
- La posibilidad de la repetición de las batallas de campaña… es incierta. Supuestamente en un principio sí iba a ser una opción, pero creen que ha sido eliminada recientemente. Me preguntaron si opinaba que era una característica importante. Esta cuestión ha sido planteada múltiples veces, y personalmente creo que eso está bien, pues me dijeron que a todos les gustaba esa opción y que tratarían de hacerlo saber a “CA Australia” con esperanzas puestas en ello.
  #2583 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 07:49
Avatar de TeBaS  
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2006
Ubicación: Coruña
Mensajes: 523
Antigüedad: 18 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 3
Bienvenido Freeflow. Como ya abrás visto tenemos los mejores espias y generales que pueda haber, y que dia a dia llenan páginas de información (este hilo va camino de superar con creces el del Rome)
"El sabio no siempre dice lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa lo que dice"
  #2584 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 07:55
Avatar de TeBaS  
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2006
Ubicación: Coruña
Mensajes: 523
Antigüedad: 18 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 3
Iniciado por Chow_Total_War Ver Mensaje
- Hay 8 batallas históricas, 2 de las cuales he jugado (Chow: yo no, estoy traduciendo), y son la Batalla de Avincourt?? (la famosa batalla en la que están involucrados muchos arqueros y ¿¿Mud??)
Muy buena la info Chow . Sobre la batalla ésta el tio se confundió, pq si no recuerdo mal es Agincourt, y mud es barro (lo mire en el diccionario )
"El sabio no siempre dice lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa lo que dice"
  #2585 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 08:26
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Ubicación: barcelona
Mensajes: 36
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Bienvenido freeflow espero que estes agusto en este foro del cual no hace mucho qu eparticipo (no participo mucho pero bueno) al caso que espero que te guste.
  #2586 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 10:04
Avatar de Chow_Total_War  
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Mensajes: 639
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 25
Ahora va la segunda parte del mismo hombre, aviso que es súmamente larga, por lo que lo voy a dividir en 3 partes. Como tiene muchas "no-novedades", subrallaré lo que considero más importante y novedoso. Aún así, aconsejo que los que ya controlen el tema, que le echen un vistazo por encima, pues apenas hay novedades (eso sí, miraos las batallas al final del todo). Pongo este documento porque es altamente fiable y porque reúne un poco de todo. Alguna palabrilla que considero difícil o importante la he traducido, pero la verdad es que casi ‘na’ (este casi ‘na’ me ha costado más de una hora y media, jejeje).

Part 2:

Okay so now I'll answer the individual questions asked (see the link in the beginpost of this thread).

1-10. Unfortunately, they weren't able to answer those, but they will ask their collegues in Australia to try get some answers on these questions.

1.+ 2. Yes, the AI has improved a lot in Sieges. This was actually necessary because the 3 layered walls which citadels have, weren't being used optimally by the AI with the Rome code. Also the Pathfinding got some changes here, so that you can actually have pretty nice siege fights. They both said fighting in the streets really improved in terms of fun and importance.
3. You can't station artillery on the walls, but the towers are upgradable. One very nice thing is that towers don't shoot unless there is actually a unit on the walls next to it. Yes, this means that if there is only 1 unit garrissoned in a castle, most of the defenses don't work.
The AI knows this and so it will be unlikely (but still possible sometimes) that the AI will leave a large castle or fortress defended with just 1 or 2 units.
Although I didn't get to see this in action, this sounds pretty promising and nice in my eyes.
4. Like I said before, kill speeds and run speeds are down. But I'm not sure if it's enough for the people who didn't enjoy it in Rome. If I had to guess (warning, take this for what it is; a guess..) it's probably a reduction of about 25-40% in kill speeds and movement speeds.
Playing the 2 Historical battles, I was able to complete and win both of them without using pause, while I used pause quite a lot in Rome's historical battles. I personally felt that the speed was pretty good in that I felt in control, without needing to pause the game, but also always having something to do or adjust.
Once more, this is just me personally. I think it might still be too fast for some people, but I guess that's inevitable.
5. They weren't sure about this, so they'll forward this question
6. There is no new graphical addition to see how fatigued units are, it's just the same as in Rome.
7. Ship battles are still using the autoresolve system, and your army still won't vanish unless all your boats are destroyed. They are working on some improvements though, especially about the decisiveness of these battles. In Rome ship battles were often not very decisive and remaining ships got a lot of flee movement. That is something they are working on changing, so that you don't have to keep chasing ships around who keep fleeing.8. Heat/armor penalties are obviously in the game, and compared to Rome it might have some more effect because of the heavier armor and such, but exactly how much of a difference is a balance issue that CA Australia is working on.
9. [U]For siege weapons you still have the assault towers, ladders and all the other stuff from Rome, in addition, the gunpowder event gives you a whole new range of Siege Weapons, so there is more choice then in Rome. You will be able to launch cows from Trebuchets and Catapults and the like (in addition to the normal boulder and flaming boulder ammo). These will (beside the obvious impact casualties.. splat!) have a morale effect[/U]. I'm not sure if they also have a disease effect, I noted down something like that in my notes, but it might be only what they told me about history...
10. Pathfinding (like I said in bullet 1 & 2) is improved.
  #2587 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 10:15
Avatar de Chow_Total_War  
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Mensajes: 639
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 25
1. Sadly, no titles can be given like in Med1, although they said that with the retinues and ancilliaries there will be plenty of stuff to go around. But yeah, it's still a tad sad it isn't in.
2. I listed the factions in the startpost
3. The 5 begin factions do have some special treatment in that they have a special wmv opening, but all factions start off with a small info tutorial about what the faction's position, what immediate things to look out for etc. Catholic factions might have slightly more options because of their direct involvement with the Pope, but the other factions still can't ignore religion or the Pope's power on the world.
They weren't actually sure how to unlock the 12 unlockable factions, it's either 'beat a faction in the campaign and it will become available (regardless wether you personally wiped them out, or someone else did)' or 'finish the campaign with one of the starting factions and all the others will unlock'. But it will probably be easily moddable like in Rome.
4. There is no food/supply system in Med2, just like it didn't make RTW.
5. I didn't get to see recruitment pools in action unfortunately, but they said the AI is well programmed to know how to use the recruitment pools and won't just build random units, it will build units that fit well in it's armies and will look at the future and save some recruits if it deems that's wise.
6. They will get back on how the gunpowder event is done, but they both thought it would be both a global thing (gunpowder invention) and a techtree thing (you need to have the buildings after that to make gunpowder units). It won't make earlier units obsolete right away, but how powerfull these units are in relation to the previous units is a balance issue that is handled in Australia. From the battles I played they actually were not that devastating killing wise, but they were pretty good at destroying morale.
The Aztecs are a lowtech (Bajo nivel de tecnología) race, but massive and fearless (terroríficos). They said that these battles will be very different from European battles and definately among the best in the game. For one there will be completely different terrain in the form of jungles in America, that aren't in any other part of the world. And of course there will be big rewards in terms of gold in America (I'm assuming that means that saccing an Aztec city will give huge gold amounts)
7. I wasn't really sure about this question. So I hope I interpreted it right. Economic Policy settings are the same as in Rome, you don't have an option somewhere to set all taxes to one level or all building policies to 'military' or 'culture' or something in that vein.
8. Sadly, it won't be possible to have the same thing as in Med1, where you could try to form a whole new royal line by killing off the king and trying to get one of your generals to claim the throne. Civil war on that scope isn't possible. (I forgot to ask about the option to choose an heir... I'll try to get that through email)
9. Balancing (again) is done in Australia, and the game should give a variety in game experiences. It could be that you see a few times that some factions are killed of early, but they think that's more a result of many things, rather then just balancing units and such. Also some events and positions hurt some factions more then others (Mongols invading won't hurt England much for example, but it will affect Russia big).
So I'm not sure if this changed much, obviously the factions are different then Rome, so balancing had to start from scratch. I also think balancing is really big. Changing a few stats ripples through the entire game. So it's something I guess we'll have to wait and hope it comes out right.
10. They weren't sure about re-emerging factions (Facciones que una vez destruídas vuelven a emerger, como en el Shogun), so they'll send that through.
11. Civil war on the scope (ámbito) of Med1 isn't possible. There will be generals who can go rogue and brigands and rebels, but coups (¿Golpe de estado?) and such aren't possible.
12. There are several Land-bridges in the world; Ireland has got one to Scotland and one to England, there is one connecting Spain to Africa, Denmark to Norway/Sweden and there is one at Constantinople. There might be more but those were of the top of their heads. They are always available (it isn't ice that melts in summer) and everything can traverse on them (including siege units).
13. Weather did undergo some changes. Stuff like mud (fango) slowing down armies in the battle of Avincourt, weather effects (expect lightning and such) and the weather should also be a bit more variable in that you could see more changes in weather in a battle.
14. I wasn't really sure about this question either. The timeline is set (dates) so the only way to vary the available number of turns (which they are still tuning) are things like how many seasons etc.
15. You can travel to America with normal boats (no need for special big ships) and you'll be able to pretty much fight the coasts on both south and north america, but not very far land inwards.
16. Only one era is in the game
17. They weren't sure about mercenaries, but reckoned at least the gunpowder (la invención de la pólvora) event would create different mercenaries.
18. Crusader armies work different then in Med1. No longer do they suck units from the country they are in (which is how I used crusades in Med1; weakening armies by moving the crusade over them and hoping they'd 'steal' some units :p) in Med2 the bulk will be mercenaries that you can recruit into the crusade while you move to the target. As you move through different countries you can recruit different units.
If the crusade sidetracks or takes a long time, it will like in Med1 loose units who just go away and farm or something. If another crusade army beats you to the city, the army comes under your control, but with very low upkeep. You even get to keep the crusader only units. Obviously this army will present some nice diplomatic issues if you happen to get the army as they move into neutral terratory (get off my land!).
19. Pathfinding, like in the Battles, is also improved on the campaign map.
20. Unfortunately, if a city rebels, they still kick you out (te expulsa) of the city :( sadness.
21. Although it's certain that roaming (vagar) around neutral or hostile countries will cause devastation (and as such less income for that faction), they weren't sure if you'd gain money from doing that in the form of pillage money.
22. They weren't sure on this, so they'll forward this question
23. Ballistics is pretty much the same as in Rome probably. Since it's also such a large part of the game and there is so much theory about it, this is probably all very realistic. From the game I played, trajectories and stuff like that looked fine to me.
24. As for unconventional weapons... there will be a Naphta unit like in Med1, but no poisons. There will be rocket launchers which are unstable (¿?), inaccurate (poco certeros), but sends infantry screaming in terror (well, kind of like guns). Timmerids get some of those things.
25. Squalor (la pobreza) is still in the game and does have effects, but a far larger effect is religion and heresy. Whereas in Rome squalor was among the things that you had to work hard on, in Med2, heresy will be much more of a problem then squalor. Religion is one of the center pieces of Med2, so it will require a lot of attention.
26. I wasn't really sure about what deserters were meant. You can capture soldiers like you could in Med1 (but couldn't in Rome). You have choices to release, ransom (pedir rescate) or execute those people, but they won't fight for you.If you meant deserting generals, those become single stack enemies like rebels and brigands.
27. I was actually surprised by the answer to this question. Missions can be gotten from 2 sources; the Pope and the Council of Nobles. I asked them twice and they said that guilds do not give extra missions, guilds provide bonusses to units and the like, but they won't give missions.
It also isn't possible to win except through conquering land and destroying factions. There is no mission point system with victory conditions.

28. One of my personal questions, I might have forgotten about how it worked in Med1, but in Med2, Chivalry (Código de caballería) and Dread (Terror) are the same dimension. So once a character looses his last point in Chivalry and then does something unchivalrous again, he'll gain a point of dread. (Es decir, que para poder acojonar al enemigo tienes que ser poco o nada caballeroso, es inversamente proporcional el código de caballería con el terror, lo que no me parece nada bien).
They said that influence is still in, although a screenshot on IGN didn't show it. I didn't get the chance to ask about it later on or see it in the game, so I'm still not sure about this.
29. City View is in, in the same way as in Rome
30. I didn't get the time to re-ask this, the presentation was starting and later on I forgot I had to re-ask this.
  #2588 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 10:17
Avatar de Chow_Total_War  
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
Mensajes: 639
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 25
1. Protestantism isn't in as far as they knew, which was also confirmed in one of the developer diaries I think (¿?).
2. Although catholic factions do have some extra content when it comes to the Pope, religion is very important in the whole game. Heresy is 'the new squalor' (my words) and Jihads and Crusades will still affect you in some ways (like them wandering through your lands).
3. Once your cardinal/bishop etc (all upgraded priests), becomes the Pope, he's out of your control. So it doesn't give you anything exclusive, but it will have a large affect on the standings with the Pope and Papal States. Meaning right after your priest became a Pope, you have a few more 'liberties', like you can attack a catholic faction and get away with it easier then before.
But technically there is nothing different from your Pope and another Pope. If you have a good relationship with a Pope that didn't come from you, you can do the same.
There is also only 1 Pope, there can't be multiple in the game.
4. Theorectically it's possible, although I don't know if the Pope will easily become a protectorate/captured. I asked if Heresy could become so abundant that it could destroy the Papal states, and he said there wasn't anything in the game that specifically prohibits that stuff. So he threw down the gauntlet there; I said I'd try to do a campaign some day to try and get heresy to destroy the world (by not building religion buildings, assassinating priests and sabotaging and destroying churches from other factions).. sounds like a fun challenge hehe
5. Inquisitors this time a round are Papal states only. Bishops and Cardinals etc are just upgraded priest. You can't build Bishops and Cardinals straight away.
1. The only real number I got were 1.8 Ghz Gf4 128 for minimum specs
2. Demo release is soon (probably the demo I played) and Store release is probably somewhere in November
3. They weren't sure about all this, so this will get forwarded
4. They weren't sure about all this, so this will get forwarded
5. They said that although Alexander was the first expansion to be released online, they couldn't imagine that they would not do that again somewhere in the future. They also said that the website will get even better and more important in the future. On the question on wether that meant we could look forward to downloadable textures (like spartan hoplites for Rome) or historical battles, they said that although they hadn't heard of that, that it could perhaps be possible. So here's to hoping!

1. There will be 8 Historical Battles, including Avincourt and Pavia (both in the demo I played) and the battle at Hastings.
2. There will be more custom maps and there will be an unsupported battle editor to make your own battles, similar to Rome.
3. As far as they know nothing has been said about online rankings.
4. Like I explained in my starting post; they weren't sure if it was still in or not in the current build. It was in in one of the previous builds, and they would try to convey to CA Australia that it is something we'd like to see.
5. There are changes, but I didn't get to play the whole game, and even then it's pretty large to just note down all the interface changes. One option that's in is 'minimized ui', which basically removes almost everything from your battlescreen except the action. If you are able to work with that ui or you already almost certainly won, then it's nice.

Large questions
1. This question was so large that I actually didn't ask it, but want to refer to the developer diary on the .com, that basically covers nearly all there is to know about diplomacy
2. This was also a big question. One particular point is merchants. Like has been revealed before, they can occupy a trade resource for extra income, even one outside your own borders. Merchants can fight between them if 2 meet (if you put a merchant on an already occupied trade resource), but something I found more insteresting, merchants can generate monopolies. If you have a 2 normal silver mines you get some income (like 10 or something per mine... completely random number) now if you move a merchant onto one of them, you can get 20 from that mine (again, random number) if you move another merchant on the other mine, you don't get 20+20, but something like 30+30... So the more merchants on the same trade resource, the better income you'll get.
3. The main differences between castles and cities have already been revealed; castles can produce better units and cities generate more income. What I didn't yet know was that guilds can only be built in cities, not in castles (and yes, they will get destroyed if you switch your town from city to castle). Castles (1 ring of defense) (3 anillos defensivos se refiere a 3 muros defensivos, x si alguien no lo ha pillao) can be upgraded into fortresses (Fortaleza)(2 rings) and then citadels (Ciudadela)(3 rings).
You might also want to build more fortications like watchtowers and forts (Torres de vigilancia y fuertes, como en el Rome) around the campaign map, because of the vulnerability of cities, and the improved (mejorada) AI which would give you more reason to make these or suffer the consequences (although I didn't get to confirm that.. so if it's true..).
4. One of the 'improvements' of Assassination and espionage are the movies that are back. I didn't have time to ask in depth since these were the final questions I asked and it already was about an hour after the official closing time of the event ;).
5. I already discussed merchants, and priests/bishops/cardinals. One last new agent type are Princesses. These act very similarr to Med1; they are diplomats that can also be used to marry, to generals or to factions etc. They now also get traits and such which help with diplomacy and such.

The Demo Experience
So in between talking to CA and Atari I had a chance to play a demo. It consisted of a Tutorial, 2 Historical battles and a movie.

This is basically like the Rome Tutorial. You begin with 4 units (general, archers, cavalry and footmen) and have to follow the instructions from the battle helper. I personally liked the Rome Tutorial more, but I can't really say why.

Battle of Avincourt (Es Agincourt, gracias, TeBaS)
I actually failed the first time I tried. I was winning but then the king died and my whole army routed... oops :p.
The second time I did win. The stakes from the longbowmen were quite usefull, even regular soldiers had trouble moving between them. They did look a bit large, but I'm no historian to know if they are the right size or not. The longbowmen didn't seem overpowered or anything. Most french battallions reached my line quite easily, but already were worn a bit in morale and fatigue.
The battle was decent, but I liked the second battle more. One thing that I did see once that I hope will be different in the final game, is that I saw the effect that was also sometimes in Rome; half of a battallion would attack a unit and the other half of the battallion would be a bit back, waiting or something. I only saw it once, but it is something I (and I think many others) didn't really like in Rome. Of course this was only a beta build, but still.

Battle of Pavia
This was a much more complex battle, although I did win it the first time around. You play the Holy Roman Empire with Spanish Allies against the French.
In this battle I saw some nice AI movement; somewhere in the battle I sent my Arquebusiers to attack a unit of cavalry and hope to provoke them. They did come, and when I moved my pikemen in front of my Arquebusiers and some Zweihanders on position to flank, the cavalry veered off just before the wall of pikes and ran through the Zeihanders and incurring pretty heavy loses before regrouping. In the meantime, one of my units west of that routed under cannon fire and severe losses, and the enemy battallion were coming up on the rear of the pikemen. I made a gamble to send in a half decimated unit of mine to hold that enemy betallion long enough for my Arquebusiers to keep hitting the enemy cavalry while I tried to position the Zeihanders left and pikeman to protect them.

It paid off, the west unit did reach the pikemen, but shortly after the cavalry routed and caused panic across the enemy and caused me to win.
So I was pleasantly surprised by the tactics the AI used in this battle. although part of it, especially the beginning, was scripted, I do think that headon charges on pikes by cavalry is something that wasn't just something for this battle.

The sound were pretty good in both battles. Especially in Pavia where the cannons and Arquebusiers fired stuff and people screaming...

Some final thoughts
I must admit that there are some things that I want to see differently before release if possible. I am a bit disappointed there can be no civil wars, titels to generals, that the mongols are just an invasion force and not playable (maybe with heavy modding.. although that's not certain), the removal of eras, rebels still kicking you out of cities, and perhaps some more.
I did see improvement in the AI and a reduction in speed/killing rate (although like I said, not sure if it's enough for some people), and there are some nice siege changes like towers only working with a unit near them.

(luego opina un poco, pero no es muy interesante)
  #2589 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 11:04
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Gracias por la info chow

Han visto bien mis ojos¡¡¡¡¡ la batalla de Pavia¡¡¡¡¡ yujuuu¡¡¡¡ , pero llaman literalmente: piqueros Españoles aliados? Dios me tienen frito estos de CA, que los llamen Tercios Españoles¡¡¡¡¡ y punto .

Sigo molesto tambien con el tema de los mongoles, solo espero que haya algun truquillo para poder modificar algun archivo pero me da que causaria posibles CTD.

PD1 : Estos de CA no se si les tendran mania a los Franceses, que si Angicourt, Pavia... en todas les dan para el pelo ja ja

PD2: Vacas voladoras, no se si cuando me las lancen partirme el cu...o ponerme a temblar cuando esparramen a mis tercios.
"Los hombres ofenden antes al que aman que al que temen."
  #2590 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 12:55
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Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
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Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
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Nuevas imágenes sobre las princesas y la diplomacia, la pena es que no se ven completas:
(si no funcionara el enlace, probad a poner lo de http antes)

¡Las princesas pueden tener un perro de compañía!!!! Yo flipo
  #2591 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 12:58
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Uppss, sí que se ven completas, jejeje, lo que pasa es que no había desplazado la página hacia la derecha.... vale, soy lerdo.
  #2592 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 13:04
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Saludos de nuevo, siento ser tan tiquismiquis pero toy harto de q digan la batalla de Angicourt cuando esa batalla no existio la q existio fue la batalla de Agincourt!!!xDDDDDDD
Pasemos a otra cosa, me gustaria saber si alguien sabe algo de imagenes de aztecas y gustaria verlos.
Y por fin se sabe ya cuando van a sacar la demo??esque n0o me ha qedao muclaro q aunq nunka escriba leo diariamente el foro
  #2593 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 13:18
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2006
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Saludos de nuevo, siento ser tan tiquismiquis pero toy harto de q digan la batalla de Angicourt cuando esa batalla no existio la q existio fue la batalla de Agincourt!!!xDDDDDDD
Pasemos a otra cosa, me gustaria saber si alguien sabe algo de imagenes de aztecas y gustaria verlos.
Y por fin se sabe ya cuando van a sacar la demo??esque n0o me ha qedao muclaro q aunq nunka escriba leo diariamente el foro
en la pagina 69 de este foro tirando para abajo hay muchas imagenes de los aztecas
  #2594 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 13:51
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Saludos de nuevo, siento ser tan tiquismiquis pero toy harto de q digan la batalla de Angicourt cuando esa batalla no existio la q existio fue la batalla de Agincourt!!!xDDDDDDD
Pasemos a otra cosa, me gustaria saber si alguien sabe algo de imagenes de aztecas y gustaria verlos.
Y por fin se sabe ya cuando van a sacar la demo??esque n0o me ha qedao muclaro q aunq nunka escriba leo diariamente el foro
Con respecto a la demo, nadie se pone de acuerdo, así que no te puedo decir más que saldrá a mediados-finales de octubre, pues seguimos a la espera de noticias oficiales.

A-G-I-N-C-O-U-R-T!!!! Gracias L0rD Dr4g0n!!!! Por fin alguien que sabe cómo se dice (Yo no digo que lo supiera)!!!
  #2595 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2006, 16:05
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Con respecto a la demo, nadie se pone de acuerdo, así que no te puedo decir más que saldrá a mediados-finales de octubre, pues seguimos a la espera de noticias oficiales.

A-G-I-N-C-O-U-R-T!!!! Gracias L0rD Dr4g0n!!!! Por fin alguien que sabe cómo se dice (Yo no digo que lo supiera)!!!
Es muy posible que sea entre el 20 y el 26 de octubre.
El juego si está programado para salir entre el 10 y el 25 de noviembre de este año, pero quien sabe, en estas cosas todo lo que parece seguro deja de serlo en cualquier segundo, son capaces de hasta cancelar el MTW2 y anunciar Napoleon total war, bueno a tanto no creo que lleguen.. XD.

Lo que no entiendo es por qué la página principal del juego no esta digamos tan actualizada, no se si me entienden pero salen mas cosas en otras webs que en las del juego.

PD: "oh the sadness when your favorite general is put to the flame by an overeager inquisitor. You " si la iglesia me elimina a mi general favorito le declaro la guerra, no me importa lo otro pero conmigo y mis generales no se meten XD, si hay algo que me molestaba del MTW1 es que las inquisiciones no se podian impedir de alguna forma.
PPD: No se si ya lo sabian pero confirmado que las partidas multijugador serán mejoradas ¡¡A VER SI GAMESPY SE PONE LAS PILAS!! XD
"Seamos libres, que lo demás no importa nada" Gral San Martín
"Soy soldado de mi pueblo y estoy orgulloso de mi general" Canción de Leonardo Favio

Última edición por Sesshaku; 25/09/2006 a las 16:16
  #2596 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 01:37
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¿que es lo que habrá pasado en esta imagen?:

No tuve ningún lugar donde esconderme del trueno, así que ya no le temo.
(Gengis Khan)
Quienes te hacen creer cosas absurdas, te haran cometer atrocidades. (Voltaire)
  #2597 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 03:27
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Preview de Facción: Sicilia:
  #2598 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 05:22
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Gracias Chow :P
Lekin supongo q habra sido un petardazo q ha dejao la imagen borrosa eso se le llama graficos xD
  #2599 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 05:27
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Oh,muy buenas las fotos de los aztecas :P
  #2600 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 05:36
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Gracias Chow :P
Lekin supongo q habra sido un petardazo q ha dejao la imagen borrosa eso se le llama graficos xD
No me refiero a lo nublado (eso es porque es una foto sacada a un monitor), sino a que si os fijais los caballos están caidos, pero los jinetes están medio de pie en una posición rara, y eso es lo que no se como interpretar.

No tuve ningún lugar donde esconderme del trueno, así que ya no le temo.
(Gengis Khan)
Quienes te hacen creer cosas absurdas, te haran cometer atrocidades. (Voltaire)
  #2601 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 06:11
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AAAA....pues eso,esq se estan cayendo despues del petardazo es decir,q los han matado y estan cayendo al suelo
  #2602 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 06:14
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creo,al menos se supone q es lo q deberia estar pasando pero no se,no soy adivino
  #2603 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 06:19
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Q rallote de imagen Lekin XD. La única explicación que se me ocurre es que se haya producido una explosión sobre esa unidad (me refiero a las explosiones de los cañones), y que cuando la caballería muere que caigan primero los caballos y seguidamente los caballeros. De todos modos si es ese el caso, la verdad es que debería haber humo o algún efecto no???

Cambiando de tema, ¿No pensáis que Sesshaku tiene razón en que la página oficial de Total War no se actualiza ni a la de tres? Es increíble lo súmamente perros que son. Además, que ya desde hace unas semanas hay (por poner un ejemplo) un documento que habla sobre las misiones del juego que sólo está en la página inglesa, pero en castellano aún no está. Realmente es vergonzoso. Pero lo que más me jode es que justamente la única unidad "española" que han publicado (en inglés), que son los jinetes, no está en la página en castellano!!!! Mejor no sigo que me encarnizo, jejeje. ;)
  #2604 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 06:34
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Nuevas imágenes (por cortesía del clan Devoti Custodes, para variar, jejeje). Se ven muy raras, debe de ser porque hayan utilizado un ordenador pésimo, una tarjeta incompatible o quién sabe por qué.
Lo dicho, poned www al pegar el enlace (para cuando pueda poner enlaces ya habrán sacado el juego, pero qué se le va a hacer).
  #2605 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 07:14
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Ojo a esta imagen:
(recordad las www)

Si tourney quiere decir torneo, es evidente que hay un edificio dedicado a los torneos. Es posible que hasta sea un gremio, aunque lo más probable desde mi punto de vista es que sea un edificio rollo coliseo en el Rome (es decir, que únicamente sea un espectáculo que aumenta la felicidad y por tanto lealtad de la población).
  #2606 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 07:42
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Ya sé que soy cansino, pero esque hay bastantes cosas interesantes que contar. Bueno, además tampoco tengo nada que hacer, jejeje.
En este caso es la traducción de la preview de la facción de Sicilia, gracias a Ergion (creo que habría que santificarlo, la verdad es que se lo curra como nadie)
(no olvidéis las www)
  #2607 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 08:00
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2006
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Antigüedad: 18 años, 6 meses
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- Agincourt;
- Arsuf;
- Hastings;
- Otumba;
- Pavia;
- Tannenberg (Grunwald);
- Hattin;
- Setenil
hay teneis las batallas historicas que saldran
  #2608 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 08:02
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Gracias pr la info y las imagenes Chow
  #2609 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 08:03
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gracias por la informacion Josele
  #2610 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/09/2006, 08:51
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2006
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Pues, hasta cuadno epseramos eh... COnste que no me gustan que em hagan esperar... Pero las imágenes lo vale...
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