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Problema Multi Thread y Server Socket Borland C++ 6

Estas en el tema de Problema Multi Thread y Server Socket Borland C++ 6 en el foro de C/C++ en Foros del Web. Hola, estoy comunicando dos aplicaciones por medio de Socket, tengo un ServerSocket en C++ (Borland 6) que por cada conexión recibe un mensaje desde un ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 09/08/2010, 10:26
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2009
Mensajes: 85
Antigüedad: 15 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 0
Problema Multi Thread y Server Socket Borland C++ 6

Hola, estoy comunicando dos aplicaciones por medio de Socket, tengo un ServerSocket en C++ (Borland 6) que por cada conexión recibe un mensaje desde un Cliente Socket en Foxpro 6, mi problema es que no he logrado comunicar FoxPro con C++, alguna idea?
Dejo los códigos:

Cliente Socket FoxPro 6
ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.RemoteHost = ""
ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.RemotePort = 23

IF ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.State = 0
		*WAIT WINDOW "Socket State 0: Cerrado!" TIMEOUT 1
			IF ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.State = 7
				WAIT WINDOW "Socket State 7: RE-Conectado OK" TIMEOUT 1
	IF ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.State = 6
		WAIT WINDOW "Socket State 6: Conectando..." TIMEOUT 1	
	IF ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.State = 7
		*WAIT WINDOW "Socket State 7: Conectado OK" TIMEOUT 1
		WAIT WINDOW "Mensaje Enviado OK" TIMEOUT 1		
	IF ThisForm.tcpClient.Object.State = 9
		WAIT WINDOW "Socket State 9: Error" TIMEOUT 1	
// *****************         ServerMain.cpp        ***************** 
//  Requires:   TServerSocket,   TMemo 
#include <vcl.h> 
#pragma hdrstop 
#include "ServerMain.h" 
#pragma package(smart_init) 
#pragma resource "*.dfm" 
TForm1 *Form1; 
// Wait 60 seconds for client 
const int CLIENTWAITTIME = 60000; 
// Size of buffer for reading/writing text across socket connection 
const int BUFFERSIZE = 32; 

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) 
   : TForm(Owner) 

// Instead of using a client socket component that you place in your application 
// from the Component palette, the server client thread must use the TServerClientWinSocket 
// object that is created when the listening server socket accepts a client connection. 
// This is available as the public ClientSocket property. In addition, you can use the 
// protected HandleException method rather than writing your own thread-safe exception 
// handling. 
void __fastcall TMyServerThread::ClientExecute(void) 
   // make sure connection is active 
   while (!Terminated && ClientSocket->Connected) 
         // Now, use TWinSocketStream to read or write information 
         // over a blocking socket connection 
         TWinSocketStream *pStream = new TWinSocketStream(ClientSocket, CLIENTWAITTIME);

            char buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; 
            memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer) );

            // give the client 60 seconds to start writing 
            if (pStream->WaitForData(CLIENTWAITTIME)) 
               if (pStream->Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == 0) 
                  // (if can't read in 60 seconds) than close the connection 
                  // Client to Server test text 
                  Form1->Memo1->Lines->Add(AnsiString("(Client) ") +AnsiString(buffer) );

                  // Back again to Client 
                  pStream->Write( buffer, sizeof(buffer)); 

               // ... 
               // Process requests here. 
               // ...

            delete pStream; 
      catch (...) 

void __fastcall TForm1::ServerSocket1GetThread(TObject *Sender, 
      TServerClientWinSocket *ClientSocket, TServerClientThread *&SocketThread) 
   SocketThread = new TMyServerThread(false, ClientSocket); 
// ******************************************************* 
// ******************         ServerMain.h        ****************** 
#ifndef ServerMainH 
#define ServerMainH 
#include <Classes.hpp> 
#include <Controls.hpp> 
#include <StdCtrls.hpp> 
#include <Forms.hpp> 
#include <ScktComp.hpp> 
class TForm1 : public TForm 
   __published: // IDE-managed Components 
      TServerSocket *ServerSocket1; 
   TMemo *Memo1; 
      void __fastcall ServerSocket1GetThread(TObject *Sender, 
         TServerClientWinSocket *ClientSocket, TServerClientThread *&SocketThread); 
   private:       // User declarations 
   public:        // User declarations 
      __fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner); 
extern PACKAGE TForm1 *Form1; 

// Threads for server connections are descendants of TServerClientThread. 
// Thus, you may not use the New Thread object dialog. 
// Instead, declare your thread manually as follows: 
class PACKAGE TMyServerThread : public Scktcomp::TServerClientThread 
      // if true, FreeOnTerminate is set to false before the thread terminates, 
      // and the thread is left in the thread cache. When KeepInCache is false, 
      // the thread is freed when execution terminates. 
      __fastcall TMyServerThread(bool CreateSuspended, TServerClientWinSocket* ASocket) 
         : Scktcomp::TServerClientThread(CreateSuspended, ASocket) 
         { CreateSuspended = false; KeepInCache=true; FreeOnTerminate=false; };

      // To implement this thread, you override the ClientExecute method instead of the Execute method. 
      void __fastcall ClientExecute(void); 
// ******************************************************* 
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 09/08/2010, 10:40
Fecha de Ingreso: febrero-2007
Mensajes: 163
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Problema Multi Thread y Server Socket Borland C++ 6

Tu programa en C se queda escuchando en el puerto?, probaste hacerle un telnet al puerto en donde escucha tu proceso y se pudo conectar?, yo comenzaria a descartar por ahi y luego pasaria al proceso cliente.
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 21/07/2011, 15:13
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2011
Mensajes: 1
Antigüedad: 13 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Problema Multi Thread y Server Socket Borland C++ 6

Hice un programa en borland 5 de manejo del port paralelo y anda de 10(ya cargue el inpout32.dll), el problema es que no puedo hacerlo correr con el borland 6 visual. hay alguna condicion?

Etiquetas: borland, multi, server, socket, threads
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