Estoy trabajando con un proyecto para sacar estadísticas a jugadores de pelota. La situación es que quisiera integrarle a lo que ya esta hecho, Clases y Listas para ir entendiendo mejor el lenguaje, pero cada vez que trato de integrar una clase o una lista en este código me da errores. Si alguien pudiera orientarme el camino o darme un ejemplo donde o como pudiera integrar Clases y Listas, seria grandioso y por supuesto explicarme porque, aquí esta el código:
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int MAXLASTNAME = 20; const int MAXFIRSTNAME = 10; const int MAXPLAYERS = 20; struct Baseball { char FirstName[MAXFIRSTNAME+1]; char LastName[MAXLASTNAME+1]; float AB; float singles; float doubles; float triples; float HR; float walks; }; void checkPlayers(int &players); int getData(Baseball[]); void showData(Baseball[], int); int main() { Baseball stats[MAXPLAYERS]; int players = getData(stats); showData(stats, players); } int getData(Baseball stats[]) { int i, players; cout << "How many players would you like to enter data for(1-20): "; cin >> players; cout << endl; checkPlayers(players); for(i=0;i<players;i++) { cout << "Please enter player #" << i+1 << "'s first name: "; cin >> stats[i].FirstName; cout << "Please enter player #" << i+1 << "'s last name: "; cin >> stats[i].LastName; cout << "Please enter the number of at bats for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].AB; cout << "Please enter the number of singles for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].singles; cout << "Please enter the number of doubles for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].doubles; cout << "Please enter the number of triples for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].triples; cout << "Please enter the number of home runs for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].HR; cout << "Please enter the number of walks for player #" << i+1 << ": "; cin >> stats[i].walks; } double calcBA, calcSA, calcOBA; double sum = 0; for(i=0; i<players; i++) sum += (stats[i].singles + stats[i].doubles + stats[i].triples + stats[i].HR); cout.precision(3); cout.setf(ios::fixed); calcBA = sum / (stats[i].AB); calcSA = (stats[i].singles + (2*stats[i].doubles) + (3*stats[i].triples) + (4*stats[i].HR)) / (stats[i].AB); calcOBA = (sum + stats[i].walks) / (stats[i].AB + stats[i].walks); return players; } void showData(Baseball stats[], int players) { int i; cout << endl << endl; cout << "Here is the data that you entered, in a nice chart format!\n\n"; cout << "First Name" << setw(14) << "Last Name" << setw(6) << "AB" << setw(6) << "1B" << setw(6) << "2B"; cout << setw(6) << "3B" << setw(6) << "HR" << setw(6) << "BB" << setw(6) << "BA" << setw(6) << "SA"; cout << setw(6) << "OBA" << "\n"; cout << "----------" << setw(14) << "---------" << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--"; cout << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--" << setw(6) << "--"; cout << setw(6) << "---" << "\n"; for(i=0; i<players; i++) { cout << stats[i].FirstName << setw(14) << stats[i].LastName << setw(6) << stats[i].AB << setw(6) << stats[i].singles << setw(6) << stats[i].doubles << setw(6) << stats[i].triples << setw(6) << stats[i].HR << setw(6) << stats[i].walks << endl; } } void checkPlayers(int &players) { while((players < 0) || (players > 20)) { cout << "Invalid value entered!!!\n"; cout << "A valid value is between 0 and 20 inclusive!"; cout << "Please reenter your answer: "; cin >> players; } }