I have a problem that I would like to tell you because is about some days that I don’t have new ideas. Thanks in advanced
I have an image pointed with a double* pointer, and I want to translate it into itk::smartpointer for updating the user graphic interface, for this purpose I made this method :
And then is called here:void prueba_r01::double2itk( double *im_proc, ImageType::Pointer *salida, int alto, int ancho) // This method translate the double* image into itk:smartpointer image ImageType::IndexType pixelIndex; // pixelIndex[0]= index x-axis; pixelIndex[1] = index y-axisy ImageType::PixelType pixelValue; ImageType::PixelType aux; //auxiliar variable for checking the behaviour of the programm // Doing a sweep of all the image (is in double *im_proc) translating the values into itk pointer format for (int x=0; x<ancho; x++){ // ancho: widht of the image pixelIndex[0]=x;//x position for (int y=0; y<alto; y++){ // alto: height of the image pixelIndex[1]=y;//y position pixelValue= *(im_proc+x+ancho*y); (*salida)->SetPixel(pixelIndex,pixelValue); aux = (*salida)->GetPixel(pixelIndex); // checking that the image has been correctly transtaled from im_proc to salida-- > CHECKED } } }
And after that, the user interface is updated://Translation of the double* image into itk:smartpointer image double2itk(out_inv, &(ui.imageframe->imagereader), alto, ancho);
The problem is that it seems that everything is working correctly, but the image in the interface is not updated.// Update of the image shonw in the user interface ui.imageframe->update();
Another option also valid for my project could be to stored the image in a ‘.bmp’ or ‘.jpeg’ file.
Could someone help me? Any ideas of what is not working properly? Is there any function for creating this image files?
Thanks so much!!