Header Files:
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#ifndef PERSONA_H #define PERSONA_H using namespace std; struct persona{ int id; string nom; string ape; }; #endif /* PERSONA_H */
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#include "Persona.h" #ifndef CONTRPERSONAS_H #define CONTRPERSONAS_H using namespace std; struct persona lista[20]; int maxIdP = 0; int lastP = 0; int ind = 0; int getMaxIdP(){ return maxIdP+1; } void upMaxIdP(){ maxIdP++; } bool check(persona p){ for (int i=0; i< lastP; i++){ if(lista[i].nom == p.nom){ ind = i; return true; } } return false; } persona getRow(string xnom){ persona p; for (int i=0; i< lastP; i++){ if(lista[i].nom == xnom){ p = lista[i]; break; } } return p; } persona getRow(int id){ persona p; for (int i=0; i< lastP; i++){ if(lista[i].id == id){ p = lista[i]; break; } } return p; } bool create(persona p){ if(check(p)){ return false; } else{ lista[lastP] = p; lastP++; upMaxIdP(); return true; } } bool update(persona p){ persona p1 = getRow(p.id); if(p1.nom != p.nom){ if(check(p)){ return false; } } lista[ind] = p; ind = 0; return true; } if(check(p)){ for(int i=ind; i<lastP-1; i++){ lista[i] = lista[i+1]; } lastP--; ind = 0; } } persona * read(){ return lista; } #endif /* CONTRPERSONAS_H */
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#include <iostream> #include "Util.h" #include "ManPersonas.h" #ifndef CRUD_PER_H #define CRUD_PER_H using namespace std; void created(){ int op; cout << "\n ¿Desea crear una nueva persona? Aceptar=1/Cancelar=2 : "; cin >> op; if(op == 1) { persona p; p.id = getMaxIdP(); p.nom = addString("Nombre"); p.ape = addString("Apelido"); if(create(p)){ cout << "\n persona creada :)" << endl; } else { cout << "\n la persona ya existe :(" << endl; } } else if(op == 2) { pause(2); } else { cout << "\n error :(" << endl; } } void updated(){ int op; string xnom; persona p; cout << "\n Ingrese nombre: "; cin >> xnom; p = getRow(xnom); cout << "\n Persona: " << p.id << " Nombre: " << p.nom << " Apellido: " << p.ape; cout << "\n ¿Desea algún dato? Aceptar=1/Cancelar=2 :"; cin >> op; if(op == 1){ cout << "\n ¿Desea editar el nombre ("<< p.nom <<") actual? Aceptar=1/Cancelar=2 :"; cin >> op; if(op == 1){ p.nom = addString("Nombre"); } else { pause(2); } cout << "\n ¿Desea editar el apellido ("<< p.ape <<") actual? Aceptar=1/Cancelar=2 :"; cin >> op; if(op == 1){ p.ape = addString("Apellido"); } else { pause(2); } if(update(p)){ cout << "\n persona editada :)" << endl; } else { cout << "\n la persona ya existe :(" << endl; } } else if(op == 2) { pause(2); } else { cout << "\n error :(" << endl; } } void deleted(){ int op; string xnom; persona p; cout << "\n Ingrese nombre: "; cin >> xnom; p = getRow(xnom); cout << "\n Persona: " << p.id << " Nombre: " << p.nom << " Apellido: " << p.ape; cout << "\n ¿Desea eliminar la persona seleccionada? Aceptar=1/Cancelar=2 :"; cin >> op; if(op == 1){ cout << "\n persona eliminada :)" << endl; } else if(op == 2) { pause(2); } else { cout << "\n error :(" << endl; } } void list(){ cout << "\n ---Mostrar Personas--- \n"; cout << "Persona\t Nombre\t Apellido \n"; for (int i=0; i< lastP; i++){ cout << read()[i].id << "\t " << read()[i].nom << "\t " << read()[i].ape << "\n"; } } #endif /* CRUD_PER_H */
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#include "crud_per.h" #ifndef MENU_PER_H #define MENU_PER_H void menu(){ int op = 0; cout << "\n ---CRUD Personas---\n"; cout << "\n 1. Crear Persona"; cout << "\n 2. Editar Persona"; cout << "\n 3. Borrar Persona"; cout << "\n 4. Mostrar Personas"; cout << "\n 5. Salir \n"; cout << "\n Ingrese Opción: "; cin >> op; switch(op){ case 1: created(); break; case 2: updated(); break; case 3: deleted(); break; case 4: list(); break; case 5: cout << "\n Gracias por usarme ;) \n"; break; default: cout << "\n Error :( \n"; break; } menu(); } #endif /* MENU_PER_H */
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#ifndef UTIL_H #define UTIL_H using namespace std; bool checkInt(int s){ return s >= 48 and s <= 57; } bool checkStr(string s){ for(int i=0; i < s.size(); i++){ if((s[i] >= 65 and s[i]<= 90) or (s[i] >= 90 and s[i]<= 122)){ return true; } } return false; } void pause(int dur) { } string addString(string type){ int intento = 1; string nom = ""; while(!checkStr(nom)){ cout << "\n intento nro "<< intento << " Ingrese " << type <<": "; cin >> nom; intento++; } return nom; } #endif /* UTIL_H */
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#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include "menu_per.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { menu(); }
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