72 C:\Documents and Settings\MaryGaby\Escritorio\Ray tracing (Jacco Bikker)\Ray tracing 1\raytracer1\common.h
72 C:\Documents and Settings\MaryGaby\Escritorio\Ray tracing (Jacco Bikker)\Ray tracing 1\raytracer1\common.h
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Aqui les coloco el código del archivo:
El error de la linea "72" que mencione antes es en esta seccion:// ----------------------------------------------------------- // common.h // 2004 - Jacco Bikker - [email protected] - www.bik5.com - <>< // ----------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef I_COMMON_H #define I_COMMON_H #include "math.h" #include "stdlib.h" typedef unsigned int Pixel; inline float Rand( float a_Range ) { return ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) * a_Range; } namespace Raytracer { #define DOT(A,B) (A.x*B.x+A.y*B.y+A.z*B.z) #define NORMALIZE(A) {float l=1/sqrtf(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y+A.z*A.z);A.x*=l;A.y*=l;A.z*=l;} #define LENGTH(A) (sqrtf(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y+A.z*A.z)) #define SQRLENGTH(A) (A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y+A.z*A.z) #define SQRDISTANCE(A,B) ((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y)+(A.z-B.z)*(A.z-B.z)) #define EPSILON 0.0001f #define TRACEDEPTH 6 #define PI 3.141592653589793238462f class vector3 { public: vector3() : x( 0.0f ), y( 0.0f ), z( 0.0f ) {}; vector3( float a_X, float a_Y, float a_Z ) : x( a_X ), y( a_Y ), z( a_Z ) {}; void Set( float a_X, float a_Y, float a_Z ) { x = a_X; y = a_Y; z = a_Z; } void Normalize() { float l = 1.0f / Length(); x *= l; y *= l; z *= l; } float Length() { return (float)sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z ); } float SqrLength() { return x * x + y * y + z * z; } float Dot( vector3 a_V ) { return x * a_V.x + y * a_V.y + z * a_V.z; } vector3 Cross( vector3 b ) { return vector3( y * b.z - z * b.y, z * b.x - x * b.z, x * b.y - y * b.x ); } void operator += ( vector3& a_V ) { x += a_V.x; y += a_V.y; z += a_V.z; } void operator += ( vector3* a_V ) { x += a_V->x; y += a_V->y; z += a_V->z; } void operator -= ( vector3& a_V ) { x -= a_V.x; y -= a_V.y; z -= a_V.z; } void operator -= ( vector3* a_V ) { x -= a_V->x; y -= a_V->y; z -= a_V->z; } void operator *= ( float f ) { x *= f; y *= f; z *= f; } void operator *= ( vector3& a_V ) { x *= a_V.x; y *= a_V.y; z *= a_V.z; } void operator *= ( vector3* a_V ) { x *= a_V->x; y *= a_V->y; z *= a_V->z; } vector3 operator- () const { return vector3( -x, -y, -z ); } friend vector3 operator + ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 ) { return vector3( v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y, v1.z + v2.z ); } friend vector3 operator - ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 ) { return vector3( v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y, v1.z - v2.z ); } friend vector3 operator + ( const vector3& v1, vector3* v2 ) { return vector3( v1.x + v2->x, v1.y + v2->y, v1.z + v2->z ); } friend vector3 operator - ( const vector3& v1, vector3* v2 ) { return vector3( v1.x - v2->x, v1.y - v2->y, v1.z - v2->z ); } friend vector3 operator * ( const vector3& v, float f ) { return vector3( v.x * f, v.y * f, v.z * f ); } friend vector3 operator * ( const vector3& v1, vector3& v2 ) { return vector3( v1.x * v2.x, v1.y * v2.y, v1.z * v2.z ); } friend vector3 operator * ( float f, const vector3& v ) { return vector3( v.x * f, v.y * f, v.z * f ); } union { struct { float x, y, z; }; struct { float r, g, b; }; struct { float cell[3]; }; }; }; class plane { public: plane() : N( 0, 0, 0 ), D( 0 ) {}; plane( vector3 a_Normal, float a_D ) : N( a_Normal ), D( a_D ) {}; union { struct { vector3 N; float D; }; float cell[4]; }; }; typedef vector3 Color; }; // namespace Raytracer #endif
Cuando se declara: union { struct { vector3 N; float D; }; float cell[4]; };
Se que es medio complicado pero de verdad ya no sabia a quien recurrir! Gracias de antemano por cualquier idea! vector3 N;