estoy transferiendo un dominio de un registrador a namecheap.
ahora me han enviado un mail pidiendome el EPP code, pero nose que es?
que eS?
muchas gracias a todos de avanzadas
os adjunto el mail:
Namecheap.com - EPP Code Required For Domain Transfer
Your action is required for transfer of: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.com
Date: 7/19/2007
Dear Xavier,
Thank you very much for requesting that your domain be transferred
to Namecheap. In order to successfully transfer the domain, we need
the EPP code. If you don't have an EPP code, please request it from your
current registrar.
Domain Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Transferred for : 1 year(s)
Once you have the EPP code, Enter it here:
(un link)
We will be able to initiate the transfer only after receiving the
EPP Code. To avoid delay, please update the information as
soon as possible.
Thank you,
Namecheap.com Support.