Esta es la configuracion del Localsettings.php de la MediaWiki
Código PHP:
# SMF Authentication
# To get started you only need to configure wgSMFPath and wgSMFVersion.
# The rest of the settings are optional for advanced features.
# Relative path to the forum directory from the wiki
# Do not put a trailing /
# Example: /public_html/forum and /public_html/wiki -> ../forum
$wgSMFPath = "../";
# Set to the version of SMF you are using.
$wgSMFVersion = "1.1";
# Use SMF's login system to automatically log you in/out of the wiki
# This will only work if you are using SMF database sessions (default).
# Make sure "Use database driven sessions" is checked in the
# SMF Admin -> Server Settings -> Feature Configuration section
# NOTE: Make sure to configure the wgCookeDomain below
$wgSMFLogin = true;
# Make "Enable local storage of cookies" is unchecked in the
# SMF Admin -> Server Settings -> Feature Configuration section
# and ->
# and ->
$wgCookieDomain = '';
$wgCookiePath = '/'; // Optional, defaults to '/'
$wgCookieSecure = false; // Optional, only change on scheme mismatch
# Require members to be a part of this SMF group(s) to login
# NOTE: Members of the SMF Administrator group are always able to login
$wgSMFGroupName = 'Administrador';
#$wgSMFGroupName = array('Wiki Editor', 'Global Moderator');
# Grant members of this SMF group(s) wiki sysop privileges
# NOTE: These members must be able to login to the wiki
$wgSMFAdminGroupName = 'Administrador';
# Load up the extension
require_once "$IP/extensions/Auth_SMF.php";
$wgAuth = new Auth_SMF();
Y este es el bridge en cuestion:
Haber si alguien ve algun problema, se puede tratar de un problema de cookies?