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Necesito ayuda con un codigo!!!

Estas en el tema de Necesito ayuda con un codigo!!! en el foro de Diseño web en Foros del Web. Hola! vereis estaba haciendo unos arreglos en la web hasta que sin darme cuenta salto el traductor de google y me cambio todo el codigo ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 16/10/2009, 06:04
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2006
Mensajes: 384
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 5
Necesito ayuda con un codigo!!!


vereis estaba haciendo unos arreglos en la web hasta que sin darme cuenta salto el traductor de google y me cambio todo el codigo y claro sin darme uenta actualice y se me guardo asi.... meda muchos errores y no me entero tanto como para poder arreglarlo

El codigo es del comment.php de un wordpress... alguien podria arreglarme el codigo... si es necesario pago por paypal

el codigo erroneo es este:

<? php / / No Delete these lines 
  if ( 'comments.php' == basename ($ _SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) 
  die ( 'Please do not load the page directly. Thanks!'); 

  if (empty ($ post-> post_password)) (/ / if a password 
  if ($ _COOKIE [ 'wp-postpass_. COOKIEHASH]! = $ post-> post_password) (/ / And that do not match the cookie 

  class = "nocomments"> <p Enter password to view comments. <p> 

  <? php 

  / * This comment Fund Toggles variable * / 
  $ Oddcomment = 'alt'; 

  <! - You can start editing here. -> 

  <div id="commentblock"> 
  <? php if ( 'open' == $ post-> comment_status):? 

  <? php if ($ comments):? 
  <p id="comments"> NEWS <? php comments_number ( 'No comments', '1 comment ',' Comments %');?> for "<? php the_title (); ?>"</ b> </ p> 

  <ol class="commentlist"> 

  <? php foreach ($ comments as $ comment):? 

  <li class = "<? php echo $ oddcomment;?>" id = "comment-<? php comment_ID ()?>"> 
  <? php comment_author_link ()?> 
  <? php if ($ comment-> comment_approved == '0 '):? 
  <em> Your comment is awaiting approval. </ Em> 
  <? php endif;?> 
  <? php comment_date ( 'JS M,)? Y '> <? comment_time () in PHP?> <? edit_comment_link PHP ( 'Edit','','');?> 

  <div class="commenttext"> 
  <? comment_text () in PHP?> 
  </ Div> 

  </ Li> 

  <? php / * change every other comment to a different class * / 
  if ( 'alt' == $ oddcomment) $ oddcomment =''; 
  oddcomment else $ = 'alt'; 

  <? endforeach php / * end for each comment * /?> 

  </ Ol> 

  <? php else: / / this is displayed if no comments so far?> 

  <? php if ( 'open' == $ post-> comment_status):? 
  <! - If comments are open, but no comments. -> 

  <? php else: / / close the comments?> 
  <! - If comments are closed. -> 
  <p class="nocomments"> Comments are closed. </ P> 
  </ Div> 

  <? php endif;?> 
  <? php endif;?> 

  id = "answer"> <font face = "Tahoma" Bold ITC "COLOR =" # FF0000 "<p size="4"> Write a comment </ font> </ p> 

  <? php if (get_option ( 'comment_registration') & &! $ user_ID):? 
  You enter <p> to comment </ p> 
  <? php else:?> 

  <form action = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-comments-post.php" method = "post" id = "commentform"> 

  <? php if ($ user_ID):? 

  <p> logged in as <a href = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-admin/profile.php"> <? php echo $ user_identity;?> </ a>. <a href = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-login.php? action = logout" title = "Out of this account"> Logout »</ a> </ p> 

  <? php else:?> <p> <label for="author"> Name <? php if ($ req) echo "(Obligarotio )";?> </ label> <br /> 
  <input type = "text" name = "author" id = "" author "value =" <? php echo $ comment_author; size = "20"?> "size =" 40 "tabindex =" 1 "/> 
  <label <br> for = "email"> E-mail <? php if ($ req) echo "(Mandatory) will not run"?> </ label> <br /> 
  <input type = "text" name = "email" id = "email" value = "<? php echo $ comment_author_email;?>" size = "40" tabindex = "2" /> </ br> </ p> 
  <? php endif;?> 

  <!--< P> <small> <strong> XHTML: </ strong> You can use these tags: <? php echo allowed_tags ();?> </ small> </ p> -> 

  <p> <textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="50" rows="10" tabindex="4"> </ textarea> </ p> 
  <font face="Verdana" size="1"> Warning: Comments that are offensive, Xenophobe, pedophiles or related to bestiality, will be removed and if necessary will be reported to the authorities. Do not write in capital letters! </ Font> 
  <input type = "submit" name = "submit" <p> id = "submit" tabindex = "5" value = "Send Comment" /> 
  <input value type = "hidden" name = "comment_post_ID" = "<? php echo $ id ;?>"/></ p> 

  <? php do_action ( 'comment_form', $ post-> ID);?> 

  </ Form> 
  </ div> 

  <? php endif / / If registration required and not logged on?> 

  <? php endif / / If you delete this the sky will fall on your head?>
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