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estas webs estoy tratando de averiguar q tipo de programacion web esta en estas paginas...y el servidor en cual esta alojada (o sea, el sistema operativo), es q no veo algo k espeficique la extencion de las paginas o algo mas facil para identificar.... http://soccernet.espn.go.com/index?cc=3888 http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer estos son los enlaces...
__________________ Tengo una duda... |
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En la mayoría de servidores, puedes definir que asuma que las páginas sin extensión sean tratadas como si fueran páginas PHP, ASP, JSP, etc.
__________________ M a l d i t o F r i k i |
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dice que es html Esta es la info que me arrojo de la web http://soccernet.espn.go.com/origin?cameFrom=index%3F <style type=text/css> <!-- #main {visibility: visible; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: none; margin: 0px; position: relative; top: 135px; left: -4px; z-index: 2;} --> </style> <script language="javascript"> //WEB MONKEY******************************************** *********************************** /* WM_setCookie(), WM_readCookie(), WM_killCookie() A set of functions that eases the pain of using cookies. Source: Webmonkey Code Library (http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/ja.../code_library/) Author: Nadav Savio Author Email: [email protected] */ // This next little bit of code tests whether the user accepts cookies. var WM_acceptsCookies = false; if(document.cookie == '') { document.cookie = 'WM_acceptsCookies=yes'; // Try to set a cookie. if(document.cookie.indexOf('WM_acceptsCookies=yes' ) != -1) { WM_acceptsCookies = true; }// If it succeeds, set variable } else { // there was already a cookie WM_acceptsCookies = true; } function WM_setCookie (name, value, hours, path, domain, secure) { if (WM_acceptsCookies) { // Don't waste your time if the browser doesn't accept cookies. var not_NN2 = (navigator && navigator.appName && (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') && navigator.appVersion && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 2))?false:true; if(hours && not_NN2) { // NN2 cannot handle Dates, so skip this part if ( (typeof(hours) == 'string') && Date.parse(hours) ) { // already a Date string var numHours = hours; } else if (typeof(hours) == 'number') { // calculate Date from number of hours var numHours = (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + hours*3600000)).toGMTString(); } } document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + ((numHours)?(';expires=' + numHours):'') + ((path)?';path=' + path:'') + ((domain)?';domain=' + domain:'') + ((secure && (secure == true))?'; secure':''); // Set the cookie, adding any parameters that were specified. } } // WM_setCookie function WM_readCookie(name) { if(document.cookie == '') { // there's no cookie, so go no further return false; } else { // there is a cookie var firstChar, lastChar; var theBigCookie = document.cookie; firstChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(name); // find the start of 'name' var NN2Hack = firstChar + name.length; if((firstChar != -1) && (theBigCookie.charAt(NN2Hack) == '=')) { // if you found the cookie firstChar += name.length + 1; // skip 'name' and '=' lastChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(';', firstChar); // Find the end of the value string (i.e. the next ';'). if(lastChar == -1) lastChar = theBigCookie.length; return unescape(theBigCookie.substring(firstChar, lastChar)); } else { // If there was no cookie of that name, return false. return false; } } } // WM_readCookie function WM_killCookie(name, path, domain) { var theValue = WM_readCookie(name); // We need the value to kill the cookie if(theValue) { document.cookie = name + '=' + theValue + '; expires=Fri, 13-Apr-1970 00:00:00 GMT' + ((path)?';path=' + path:'') + ((domain)?';domain=' + domain:''); // set an already-expired cookie } } // WM_killCookie //END WEBMONKEY***************************************** ****************************************** // --> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var wasSet = false; var cc = "NOTVALID"; //send back to original page function sendBack(){ if (wasSet != false) {//cookie setting was tried var returnYurl = "/index?cc=" + cc; top.location=returnYurl; } else { alert("Please select your country or region"); //give them a popup requesting they make a selection } } //calling Web Monkey's code function setCountry (value) { wasSet = true; WM_setCookie("COREG", value, 60000020, "/", null) cc = value; }//--> popUp = true; if (document.getElementById){ popUp = false; } if (popUp){ window.open('http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/oldbrowser/old.html','oldbrowser','width=300,height=300,scrol lbars=yes,resizable=yes'); } </script> </head> <body background="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/i/splash/bg_splash.gif"> <!--WEBSIDESTORY CODE HBX1.0 (Universal)--> <!--COPYRIGHT 1997-2005 WEBSIDESTORY,INC. 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AUTOMATED hbx.hc4="";//CUSTOM 4 hbx.hrf="";//CUSTOM REFERRER hbx.pec="";//ERROR CODES //INSERT CUSTOM EVENTS var ev1 = new _hbEvent("search"); // required definition to create custom event ev1.keywords=""; // required value ev1.results=""; // optional value, any integer number of result ev1.attr1=""; // Category ev1.attr2=""; // Sub Category if one exists ev1.attr3=""; // optional, can be any string search attribute ev1.attr4=""; // optional, can be any string search attribute //END EDITABLE SECTION //REQUIRED SECTION. CHANGE "YOURSERVER" TO VALID LOCATION ON YOUR WEB SERVER (HTTPS IF FROM SECURE SERVER) </script><script type="text/javascript" defer="defer" src="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/insertfiles/javascript/hbx.js"></script> <!--END WEBSIDESTORY CODE--> <!--begin revenueScience--> <!--end revenueScience--> <center> <script language="JavaScript"> if (showDiv){ document.write('<div id="main">'); } </script> <table width="447" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="447" height="39"><img src="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/i/splash/top.gif" width="447" height="39" border="0" usemap="#soccernet"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="32" width="32" height="258"><img src="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/i/splash/left.gif" width="32" height="258" border="0"></td> <td width="378" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <table width="378" height="258" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"><span class="header"><BR> <BR>So that we know a little more about our worldwide audience, please select which region you are viewing this web site from:</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10"><spacer type=block height="10"></spacer></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"> <table> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <!-- options go here --> <FORM NAME="originform" class="wreport"> <br> <input type="radio" name="origin" value="5739" onClick='setCountry(this.value)'>Europe/UK<br> <input type="radio" name="origin" value="5901" onClick='setCountry(this.value)'>USA/Canada<br> <input type="radio" name="origin" value="3436" onClick='setCountry(this.value)'>Australia/New Zealand<br> <input type="radio" name="origin" value="4716" onClick='setCountry(this.value)'>Asia<br> <input type="radio" name="origin" value="3888" onClick='setCountry(this.value)'>Other<br> <input type="button" value="Set Region" onClick='sendBack()'> <input type=button value="Help" onClick="window.open('http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/oldbrowser/problems.html','oldbrowser','width=300,height=350, scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')"> </form> <!--END OPTIONS--> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="37" width="37" height="258"><img src="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/i/splash/right.gif" width="37" height="258" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="447" height="51"><img src="http://soccernet-att.espn.go.com/design05/i/splash/bottom.gif" width="447" height="51" border="0" usemap="#espn"></td> </tr> </table> <script language="JavaScript"> if (showDiv){ document.write('</div>'); } </script> </center> |
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Si le das a ver código con el Opera o con el Fire Fox te muestra todo el código, no te pongo el de la página http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer porque son 54000 y piko lineas y no cabe en el mensaje xD. Espero que mirándolo con alguno de estos te sirva. Yo lo mira con Opera.
__________________ ¡¡¡ Hoy el son de la batalla llegará hasta mi lucharemos hasta vencer o morir, hoy avanzaremos entre toda oscuridad llevando en nuestra sangre el himno de Rohan !!!!! |