07/06/2011, 12:37
| | Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2005
Mensajes: 17
Antigüedad: 19 años, 8 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: groupon clone Hola de nuevo!!! Lo primero gracias por contestarme y estarme ayudando.
Al final contraté un hosting de pago, porque bien lo haga de una manera u otra lo voy a necesitar.
Te comento en el punto que me encuentro, he subido las carpetas y documentos al servidor. Ahora estoy en el paso de crear la base de datos.
Una vez que cree la base de datos....qué paso debo de hacer?? En el readme me habla de que debo instalar o algo así. Voy a intentar copiar y pegarte el readme.
A ver si me ayudar por favor, porque estoy perdidísima. Muchas gracias y quedo a la espera de que me contestes, ok?? Este es el readme, un saludo!!
Groupon clone documentation:
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1.Php and MySql version should be above 5.0(higher)
2.Install the script in root directory. You can install in sub domain also. Avoid installing in sub folders
3.Mod_redirect should be enabled
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1.Download the ndotdeals package from http://www.ndot.in/products/ndotdeals-opensource-groupon-clone/
2.Unzip the package and put it into your root directory
3.Create the database
4.Start installing package by running your domain in browser.
5.It will ask DB info,Admin Info and etc..,
6.Finally it will get redirect to home page
7.Start using the installed application. You can access admin panel by using this url format http://yourdomain.com/ndeals-login
8.Admin information which is given in installation time
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1.You can setup database information in /includes/dboperation.php file
2.You can set up the application information, currency format, theme, facebook api and google api in /includes/config.php file
3.APP_NAME is a your web site title. It will appended with dynamic url. Its very useful for seo.
4.APP_DESC is application description. Which is useful to define meta description
5.APP_KEY is major keywords about application. Which is useful to meta keywords
6.CURRENCY define your currency format. Ex: $
7.CURRENT_THEME define your theme name. You can develop you own theme and setup the name here. Its fully considering about future theme development.
8.FACEBOOK_API and SECRET is useful to facebook connect. You have to create the facebook application and configure the API and Secret key here. Please set up the correct call back url in your facebook application
9.SITE_EMAIL is application email id. Which is useful to receive contact us message and other emails from your site.
10.GMAP_API is google map key, which is useful to show the gmap in your deals page.
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Manual Installation:
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1.Create the database and upload all required queries in that database.
2.You have create dboperation.php and docroot.php file includes folder
3.Update the database information in dboperation.php file
4.Update your docroot in docroot.php file $docroot = http://domain.com/
5.Give the file permission to upload folder
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Facebook Configuration:
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1.Go to facebook and create the application
2.Call back url must be http://yourdomain.com/modules/facebook/facebook-connect.php/
3.Copy the API key and secret key
4.Configure it in config file
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1.To creating the new language option, go to language folder and create your language file
2.Update the array values with your language meaning
3.Go to header file, which is available in themes folder
4.Edit the language select option as per existing code
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1.All plug-in are available in /plugins/common.php file
2.To change the facebook fan page replace your code in fanpage() function
3.Social media comment is useful to posting the comments for deals. It has many features. Your comment will be publish under the deals information. In backend your comment will publish into all social media application with your page url. Suppose want to replace this commenting system, you can edit in social_media_comment() function. More details about social media commenting visit http://ndotsocial.com
4.You can edit the social media share icon in social_share() function which is under every deals list
5.You can edit the social media share icon in social_share_1() function which is under the google map of deals
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Admin Panel:
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1.Access your admin panel through this url format http://yourdomain.com/ndeals-login/
2.After logged in, you can do all backend functionality. You have the login information which is given in installation time.
3.You can generate the sitemap file by clicking “Generate sitemap” link from left menu. It will be created in http://yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml
4.You can generate RSS file by clicking “RSS” link from left menu. It will be created in http://yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml
5.You can handle all basic functionality by clicking left side menus
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1.At present we have paypal test account, you can change payment information in modules/payment/paypal.php file
2.After successful of payment, it will redirect to success.php file.
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1.Images will be stored in uploads\coupons\ folder with some deals random code name. The random code is available in database.
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Folder Permission:
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1.Uploading images are writeable in \uploads\coupons\ folder. Grant write permission to \uploads and \plugins\imagecache\ folders. |