este no se si es php, pero ahi queda
Con este código forzamos a que salga el diálogo de descarga de archivos en el navegador.
' Jason Withrow - For ASP101 July 2001
' This page forces the save as dialogue to prevent
' files from being opened in the browser.
[email protected]
Response.Buffer = True
Dim strFilePath, strFileSize, strFileName
Const adTypeBinary = 1
strFilePath = Request.QueryString("File")
strFileSize = Request.QueryString("Size")
strFileName = Request.QueryString("Name")
' Requires MDAC 2.5 to be stable
' I recommend MDAC 2.6 or 2.7
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
objStream.LoadFromFile strFilePath
strFileType = lcase(Right(strFileName, 4))
' Feel Free to Add Your Own Content-Types Here
Select Case strFileType
Case ".asf"
ContentType = "video/x-ms-asf"
Case ".avi"
ContentType = "video/avi"
Case ".doc"
ContentType = "application/msword"
Case ".zip"
ContentType = "application/zip"
Case ".xls"
ContentType = "application/"
Case ".gif"
ContentType = "image/gif"
Case ".jpg", "jpeg"
ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Case ".wav"
ContentType = "audio/wav"
Case ".mp3"
ContentType = "audio/mpeg3"
Case ".mpg", "mpeg"
ContentType = "video/mpeg"
Case ".rtf"
ContentType = "application/rtf"
Case ".htm", "html"
ContentType = "text/html"
Case ".asp"
ContentType = "text/asp"
Case Else
'Handle All Other Files
ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
End Select
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & strFileName
Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", strFileSize
' In a Perfect World, Your Client would also have UTF-8 as the default
' In Their Browser
Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
Response.ContentType = ContentType
Response.BinaryWrite objStream.Read
Set objStream = Nothing