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Error al Instalar SQL 2000

Estas en el tema de Error al Instalar SQL 2000 en el foro de SQL Server en Foros del Web. Hola gente tengo un problema al instalar el sql 2000 nose que le pasa lo intente como 3 veces miren les muestro una imagen y ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 11/04/2010, 00:56
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2009
Mensajes: 84
Antigüedad: 15 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Error al Instalar SQL 2000

Hola gente tengo un problema al instalar el sql 2000 nose que le pasa lo intente como 3 veces miren les muestro una imagen y lo que me sale en el archivo de C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log (muestra los errores que ni entiendo jaja)


03:46:09 Begin Setup
03:46:09 8.00.194
03:46:09 Mode = Normal
03:46:09 ModeType = NORMAL
03:46:09 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x0
03:46:09 ValueFTS returned: 1
03:46:09 ValuePID returned: 0
03:46:09 ValueLic returned: 0
03:46:09 System: Windows NT WorkStation
03:46:09 SQL Server ProductType: Enterprise Evaluation Edition [0x3]
03:46:09 Begin Action: SetupInitialize 
03:46:10 End Action SetupInitialize
03:46:10 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
03:46:10 Reading Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ...
03:46:10 CommonFilesDir=C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes
03:46:10 Windows Directory=C:\WINDOWS\
03:46:10 Program Files=C:\Archivos de programa\
03:46:10 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
03:46:10 Begin Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
03:46:10 Platform ID: 0xf000000
03:46:10 Version: 5.1.2600
03:46:10 File Version - C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll: 6.0.2900.3268
03:46:10 End Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
03:46:10 Begin Action:  ShowDialogs
03:46:10 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x8300037, Disable Back=0x1
03:46:10 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
03:46:10 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdWelcome
03:46:11 End Action  DialogShowSdWelcome
03:46:11 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
03:46:11 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:11 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
03:46:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
03:46:11 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdMachineName
03:46:12 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
03:46:12 Name = EQUIPOPC, Type = 0x1
03:46:12 Begin Action:  CheckRequirements
03:46:12 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
03:46:12 Service Pack:  512
03:46:12 ComputerName: equipopc
03:46:12 User Name: usuario pc
03:46:12 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
03:46:12 OS Language: 0x80a
03:46:12 End Action CheckRequirements
03:46:12 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
03:46:12 CreateSetupTopology(EQUIPOPC), Handle : 0x16042d0, returned : 0
03:46:12 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x16042d0
03:46:12 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
03:46:12 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1604320
03:46:12 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
03:46:12 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0
03:46:12 PN_StartScan [0x1604320] returned : 0
03:46:12 PN_GetNext [0x1604320] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
03:46:12 No more items in enumeration.
03:46:12 ReleaseSetupTopology
03:46:12 Named instance limit: 100, quota: 0
03:46:12 End Action  DialogShowSdMachineName
03:46:12 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:12 nFullMask = 0x8300037, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
03:46:12 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:12 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
03:46:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
03:46:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
03:46:12 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstallMode
03:46:14 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1
03:46:14 InstallMode : 0x1
03:46:14 End Action  DialogShowSdInstallMode
03:46:14 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:14 nFullMask = 0xbf00037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
03:46:14 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf40037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:14 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
03:46:14 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:14 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10,index=4
03:46:14 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10
03:46:14 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
03:46:19 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
03:46:19 Dialog 0x10 returned: 1
03:46:19 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:19 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
03:46:19 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
03:46:19 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdLicense
03:46:20 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
03:46:20 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
03:46:20 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:20 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x40000,index=18
03:46:20 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x40000
03:46:20 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdCliSvr
03:46:20 DisplaySystemPreReq
03:46:22 ShowDlgClientServerSelect returned: 1
03:46:22 Type : 0x2
03:46:22 End Action  DialogShowSdCliSvr
03:46:22 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:22 nFullMask = 0xbf40037, nCurrent = 0x40000, nDirection = 1
03:46:22 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:22 Dialog 0x40000 returned: 1
03:46:22 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:22 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x80000,index=19
03:46:22 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x80000
03:46:22 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstanceName
03:46:22 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
03:46:22 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
03:46:22 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 1
03:46:22 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER
03:46:22 CreateSetupTopology(EQUIPOPC), Handle : 0x1604898, returned : 0
03:46:22 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1604898
03:46:22 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
03:46:22 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1604320
03:46:22 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
03:46:22 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0
03:46:22 PN_StartScan [0x1604320] returned : 0
03:46:22 PN_GetNext [0x1604320] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
03:46:22 No more items in enumeration.
03:46:22 ReleaseSetupTopology
03:46:22 End Action  DialogShowSdInstanceName
03:46:22 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:22 nFullMask = 0xbfc0037, nCurrent = 0x80000, nDirection = 1
03:46:22 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:22 Dialog 0x80000 returned: 1
03:46:22 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:22 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x100000,index=20
03:46:22 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x100000
03:46:22 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdSetupType
03:46:22 Begin Action: Setup Type
03:46:25 SQL program folder: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 SQL data folder: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 Windows system folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
03:46:25 Prog req: 38086, Data req: 39040, Sys req: 169999
03:46:25 Prog avail: 17636564, Data avail: 17636564, Sys avail: 17636564
03:46:25 Prog req vs. avail, 247125, 17636564
03:46:25 Data req vs. avail, 39040, 17636564
03:46:25 Sys req vs. avail, 209039, 17636564
03:46:25 DisplaySystemPreReq
03:46:25 [SetupTypeSQL]
03:46:25 szDir = C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 szDir = %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 Result = 301
03:46:25 szDataDir = C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 szDataDir = %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft SQL Server
03:46:25 End Action: Setup Type
03:46:25 Setup Type: Typical (301)
03:46:25 End Action  DialogShowSdSetupType
03:46:25 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:25 nFullMask = 0xbfc0037, nCurrent = 0x100000, nDirection = 301
03:46:25 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:25 Dialog 0x100000 returned: 301
03:46:25 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:25 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400000,index=22
03:46:25 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400000
03:46:25 Begin Action:  DlgServices
03:46:37 ShowDlgServices returned: 1
03:46:37 [DlgServices]
03:46:37 Local-Domain	= 3855
03:46:37 AutoStart		= 15
03:46:37 Result	= 1
03:46:37 End Action DlgServices
03:46:37 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:37 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x400000, nDirection = 1
03:46:37 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:37 Dialog 0x400000 returned: 1
03:46:37 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:37 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x800000,index=23
03:46:37 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x800000
03:46:37 Begin Action:  DlgSQLSecurity
03:46:38 ShowDlgSQLSecurity returned: 1
03:46:38 LoginMode = 1,szPwd
03:46:38 End Action DlgSQLSecurity
03:46:38 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:38 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x800000, nDirection = 1
03:46:38 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:38 Dialog 0x800000 returned: 1
03:46:38 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:38 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=24
03:46:38 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000
03:46:38 Begin Action:  DlgCollation
03:46:38 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1
03:46:38 collation_name = Traditional_Spanish_CI_AS,locale_name = Traditional_Spanish,lcid = 0x80a,SortId = 0,dwCompFlags = 0x30001
03:46:38 End Action DlgCollation
03:46:38 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:38 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 1
03:46:38 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:38 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1
03:46:38 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:38 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=25
03:46:38 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000
03:46:38 Begin Action:  DlgNetwork
03:46:38 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1
03:46:38 [DlgServerNetwork]
03:46:38 NetworkLibs = 255
03:46:38 TCPPort = 1433
03:46:38 TCPPrxy = Default
03:46:38 NMPPipeName = \\.\pipe\sql\query
03:46:38 Result = 1
03:46:38 End Action DlgNetwork
03:46:38 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:38 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 1
03:46:38 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:38 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1
03:46:38 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:38 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=27
03:46:38 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000
03:46:38 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdStartCopy
03:46:39 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
03:46:39 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:46:39 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 1


  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 11/04/2010, 00:57
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2009
Mensajes: 84
Antigüedad: 15 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Error al Instalar SQL 2000

Sigue por aca

03:46:39 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:46:39 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1
03:46:39 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:46:39 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=0
03:46:39 End Action ShowDialogs
03:46:39 Begin Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:
03:46:39 DeinstallStart returned (C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL): 0
03:46:39 End Action   ProcessBeforeDataMove:
03:46:39 Begin Action SetToolsComponentSelection:
03:46:39 End Action SetToolsComponentSelection:
03:46:39 Begin Action ProcessComponentSelection:
03:46:39 End Action ProcessComponentSelection
03:46:39 Begin Action LogSelectedComponents:
03:46:39 SQLProg
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\Help
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMh
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMX86Lb
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMALb
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\Rs1033
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\RsIntl
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\ActiveX
03:46:39 SQLProg\SQLServr\System
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools\UpgSys
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools\ActiveX
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools\Res1033
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools\ResOther
03:46:39 SQLProg\UpgTools\Resld
03:46:39 SQLProg\ReplSupp
03:46:39 SQLProg\ReplSupp\ReplDat
03:46:39 SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepComm
03:46:39 SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepNoDk
03:46:39 SQLProg\ReplSupp\ActiveX
03:46:39 SQLProg\Install
03:46:39 SQLProg\System
03:46:39 SQLProg\SvrExt
03:46:39 SQLProg\SvrExt\Help
03:46:39 SQLProg\SvrExt\SvrExtRs
03:46:39 SQLProg\SvrExt\ResIntl
03:46:39 SQLProg\Dat
03:46:39 SQLProg\DatSmpl
03:46:39 SQLProg\BaseSys
03:46:39 SQLProg\BaseBinn
03:46:39 SQLProg\BaseInst
03:46:39 SQLProg\Symbols
03:46:39 SQLProg\Symbols\EXE
03:46:39 SQLProg\Symbols\DLL
03:46:39 SQLProg\Perfmon
03:46:39 SQLProg\Perfmon\System
03:46:39 SQLProg\Root
03:46:39 MgtTool
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\HTML
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98SYS
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Res
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Hlp
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\Help
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\Res1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\ResIntl
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98RsI
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\Res1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\Scripts
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\Res1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\ResIntl
03:46:39 MgtTool\Profiler
03:46:39 MgtTool\Profiler\Help
03:46:39 MgtTool\Profiler\Res1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\Profiler\ResIntl
03:46:39 MgtTool\Qryanlz
03:46:39 MgtTool\Qryanlz\Help
03:46:39 MgtTool\Qryanlz\Res1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\Qryanlz\ResIntl
03:46:39 MgtTool\DTCCLi
03:46:39 MgtTool\Wzcnflct
03:46:39 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnHlp
03:46:39 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\Wzcn1033
03:46:39 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnOthr
03:46:39 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnCmn
03:46:39 MgtTool\UtilSys
03:46:39 MgtTool\UtilBinn
03:46:39 Connect
03:46:39 Connect\ConnSys
03:46:39 Books
03:46:39 Books\Bookso
03:46:39 Books\Bookso\Utils
03:46:39 DevTools
03:46:39 DevTools\Dbg Int
03:46:39 DevTools\Dbg Int\Dbg Int Common
03:46:39 DevTools\Dbg Int\EXE
03:46:39 CoreRepl
03:46:39 CoreRepl\Res1033
03:46:39 CoreRepl\ResIntl
03:46:39 Core
03:46:39 Core\Res1033
03:46:39 Core\ResOther
03:46:39 Repostry
03:46:39 Repostry\RepstSys
03:46:39 Repostry\Res1033
03:46:39 Repostry\ResIntl
03:46:39 CoreMisc
03:46:39 CoreMisc\ActiveX
03:46:39 CoreMisc\ActiveX\Res1033
03:46:39 CoreMisc\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:46:39 CoreMisc\Res1033
03:46:39 Monarch
03:46:39 Monarch\Monr1033
03:46:39 Monarch\MonrIntl
03:46:39 Jet
03:46:39 CoreInst
03:46:39 CoreCOM
03:46:39 CoreCOM\Res1033
03:46:39 CoreCOM\ResIntl
03:46:39 CoreTool
03:46:39 CoreTool\Res1033
03:46:39 CoreTool\ResOther
03:46:39 DBLibCli
03:46:39 SFExt
03:46:39 SFExt\ActiveX
03:46:39 SFExt\ActiveX\Res1033
03:46:39 SFExt\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:46:39 SFExt\Res1033
03:46:39 SFExt\ResIntl
03:46:39 Trace
03:46:39 Trace\Res1033
03:46:39 Trace\ResOther
03:46:39 MiscCore
03:46:39 MC
03:46:39 MC\MC1033
03:46:39 MC\MCIntl
03:46:39 MC\Help
03:46:39 SQLMgr
03:46:39 SQLMgr\Res1033
03:46:39 SQLMgr\ResIntl
03:46:39 SvrTool
03:46:39 SvrTool\Res1033
03:46:39 SvrTool\ResIntl
03:46:39 DTSUI
03:46:39 DTSUI\Res1033
03:46:39 DTSUI\ResIntl
03:46:39 MSOlap
03:46:39 MSOlap\Res1033
03:46:39 MSOlap\ResIntl
03:46:39 ATL
03:46:39 ATL\winnt
03:46:39 ATL\win9x
03:46:40 MFC42U
03:46:40 VC
03:46:40 VB
03:46:40 OCX1
03:46:40 SQLAdHlp
03:46:40 SQLAdHlp\Res1033
03:46:40 SQLAdHlp\ResOther
03:46:40 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:46:40 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:46:40 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:46:40 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:46:40 End Action LogSelectedComponents
03:46:40 Begin Action InstallPkgs:
03:46:40 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
03:46:40 ConnectivityLocked returned: 0
03:46:40 La operación se ha completado correctamente.

03:46:40 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
03:46:40 El programa de instalación está instalando Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)...
03:46:40 C:\SQLEVAL\x86\Other\sqlredis.exe /q:a /C:"setupre.exe WARN=1 -s -SMS"
03:46:58 ExitCode: 0
03:46:58 Se está instalando el Coordinador de transacciones distribuidas de Microsoft (MSDTC)...
03:46:58  C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\cldtcstp.exe -SupportDir "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin" -DTCPkg "C:\SQLEVAL\x86\Other\dtcsetup.exe" -LogFile "C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log"
03:46:58 Process Exit Code: (0) 
03:46:58  /Q:A /T:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ixp001.tmp
03:46:58 El programa de instalación está instalando la Ayuda HTML...
03:46:58 HTML Help installer exit code: 0
03:47:20 End Action InstallPkgs
03:47:20 Begin Action MoveFileData:
03:49:16 Begin Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial
03:49:17 End Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial
03:49:17 End Action   MoveFileData
03:49:17 Begin Action ProcessAfterDataMove:
03:49:17 C:\SQLEVAL\x86\Binn\hhcol.exe C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Books
03:49:17 End Action   ProcessAfterDataMove
03:49:17 Begin Action BuildServer:
03:49:17 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 5 -ExePath "C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\binn\sqlservr.exe" -Service "MSSQLSERVER"
03:49:18 Process Exit Code: (0) 
03:49:18 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
03:49:18 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
03:49:18 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
03:49:18 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
03:49:18 Begin Action: CreateSer
03:49:18 End Action: CreateSer
03:49:18 Begin Action: SkuIt
03:49:18 End Action: SkuIt
03:49:18 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL returned: 0, 0
03:49:18 SetRegSecuritySQLAndAdmin for Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer returned: 0, 0
03:49:18 Begin Action: UpdateSystemPath
03:49:18 Path successfully updated.
03:49:18 c:\Perl\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Archivos de programa\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN
03:49:18 End Action: UpdateSystemPath
03:49:19 C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe  -F "C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log" -I MSSQLSERVER -V 1 -M 0 -Q "Traditional_Spanish_CI_AS" -H 590522 -U sa -P 

Iniciando servicio ...


-m -Q -T4022 -T3659

Conectando al servidor...

driver={sql server};server=equipopc;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Error general de red. Consulte la documentación de la red.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

driver={sql server};server=equipopc;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Error general de red. Consulte la documentación de la red.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

driver={sql server};server=equipopc;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Error general de red. Consulte la documentación de la red.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

Error de configuración del servidor SQL Server.


03:49:48 Process Exit Code: (-1) 
03:49:55 El programa de instalación no pudo configurar el servidor. Consulte los registros de errores y C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log para obtener más información.
03:49:55 Action CleanUpInstall:
03:49:55 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service SQLSERVERAGENT
03:49:55 Process Exit Code: (1060) El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado.

03:49:55 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service MSSQLSERVER
03:49:57 Process Exit Code: (0) 
03:49:57 StatsGenerate returned: 2
03:49:57 StatsGenerate (0x0,0x1,0xf000000,0x200,1034,303,0x0,0x1,0,0,0
03:49:57 StatsGenerate -1,usuario pc)
03:49:57 Installation Failed.
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 11/04/2010, 01:22
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2009
Mensajes: 84
Antigüedad: 15 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Error al Instalar SQL 2000

ya lo solucione para aquellos que no saben, tienen que cambiar el nombre del equipo por uno que este en mayuscula en mi casi le puse MARTIN


Etiquetas: sql
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 03:42.