Haciendo un pequeño foro, escribí unos procedimientos para administrar los registros de un sistema de arbol anidado (nested set tree). Los dejo abajo como aporte.
Ahora bien, mi idea es modificar esos procedimientos para que sirvan en distintas tablas, pasándoles como variable el nombre de las mismas. El único modo que encontré es el que describen en http://www.forosdelweb.com/f86/ayuda-con-procedimiento-almacenado-parametrizado-753431/
¿Les parece que es una buena idea utilizar un mismo procedimiento para varias tablas?
¿Es posible hacerlo? y si es posible, ¿Cómo es la forma más adecuada de hacerlo?
Desde ya muchas gracias!!!!!
Código SQL:
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DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insertForum; DELIMITER GO CREATE PROCEDURE insertForum( IN parent SMALLINT, IN fmType TINYINT(1), IN fmName VARCHAR(128), IN fmComments VARCHAR(255), IN fmStatus TINYINT(1)) BEGIN DECLARE parentleft, parentright, s SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; SELECT left_id, right_id INTO parentleft, parentright FROM forums WHERE id = parent; IF FOUND_ROWS() = 1 THEN BEGIN UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id + 2 WHERE right_id > parentleft; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id + 2 WHERE left_id > parentleft; INSERT INTO forums (pf_id, left_id, right_id, forum_type, forum_name, comments, STATUS) VALUES (parent, parentleft + 1, parentleft + 2, fmType, fmName, fmComments, fmStatus); END; ELSE BEGIN SELECT IF(MAX(right_id),MAX(right_id),0) INTO s FROM forums; INSERT INTO forums (pf_id, left_id, right_id, forum_type, forum_name, comments, STATUS) VALUES (parent, s+1, s+2, fmType, fmName, fmComments, fmStatus); END; END IF; BEGIN SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM forums; END; END; GO DELIMITER ;
Código SQL:
Ver original
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS deleteForums; DELIMITER GO CREATE PROCEDURE deleteForums( IN node SMALLINT ) BEGIN DECLARE thisleft, thisright, thiswidth SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; SELECT left_id, right_id, ( right_id - left_id + 1 ) INTO thisleft, thisright, thiswidth FROM forums WHERE id = node; DELETE FROM forums WHERE left_id BETWEEN thisleft AND thisright; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id - thiswidth WHERE left_id > thisleft; UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id - thiswidth WHERE right_id > thisright; END; GO DELIMITER ;
Código SQL:
Ver original
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS upDownForum; DELIMITER GO CREATE PROCEDURE upDownForum( IN node SMALLINT, IN op VARCHAR(4) ) BEGIN DECLARE leftnode, thisleft, thisright, thiswidth, thisjump, behind_left, behind_right SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; SELECT left_id, right_id, ( right_id - left_id + 1 ) INTO thisleft, thisright, thiswidth FROM forums WHERE id = node; SELECT left_id, right_id, IF( op = 'UP', (left_id - thisleft), ( right_id + 1 - thisleft ) ) INTO behind_left, behind_right, thisjump FROM forums WHERE IF( op = 'UP', (right_id = thisleft - 1), (left_id = thisright + 1)); IF FOUND_ROWS() = 1 THEN IF thisjump > 0 THEN BEGIN UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id + thiswidth WHERE left_id > behind_right; UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id + thiswidth WHERE right_id > behind_right; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id + thisjump, right_id = right_id + thisjump WHERE left_id BETWEEN thisleft AND thisright; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id - thiswidth WHERE left_id > thisright; UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id - thiswidth WHERE right_id > thisright; END; ELSE BEGIN UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id + thiswidth WHERE left_id >= behind_left; UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id + thiswidth WHERE right_id >= behind_left; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id + thisjump - thiswidth, right_id = right_id + thisjump - thiswidth WHERE left_id BETWEEN thisleft + thiswidth AND thisright + thiswidth; UPDATE forums SET left_id = left_id - thiswidth WHERE left_id > thisright; UPDATE forums SET right_id = right_id - thiswidth WHERE right_id > thisright; END; END IF; END IF; END; GO DELIMITER ;
Nota: el de insertar registro habría que mejorarlo, ya que inserta sólo al comienzo