aqui esta el text que viene con la carpeta:
iPei GuestBook v2.0
by Paley Wu -
Smilies/emoticons used in this guestbook are created by Yahoo!.
Secure Number Image creator (Captcha1) function written by Armin Borumand.
Script Auditor v.1.0 (Captcha2) function written by php.webmaster-kit.com.
MySQL Database
Installation Instructions
1) Unzip all files.
2) Configure "config.php" to your server settings and your own preferences.
Be sure to change the guestbook password in guestbook settings.
3) Create a folder on your website for the guestbook.
4) Upload all the files in folder "guestbook" into the folder just created.
5) Run "setup.php" from your internet browser.
6) Delete "setup.php" after you're finished.
- This version does not come with a complete control panel, but owners can view
IPs, delete posts and reply/comment on entries by clicking the "e" next to the
date on each entry.
- To mass prune a range of entries, open tools.php in your internet browser.
v2.0 updates (6/9/06):
revamped menu layout and graphics for easier navigation
changed page numbering of navigation, larger number are later entries
dual-captcha image-number confirmation (have option to use either one)
slight change to captcha1 image algorithm
added an time-related spam-detection feature
certain spam keywords can be banned in slist.dat
better looking smilies listing
fixed null email and homepage icons' background color
more efficient traverse ip banlist
added spamfilter options in config.php (use 2 for more aggressive IP ban)
added code to record number of blocked spam (debug use, need iPei_spam_block.sql)
v1.92 updates (5/26/06):
added IP Ban list
(owners may edit it or download updated spammer ban list from iPei website)
fixed 'NO index' feature and made it optional in config
v1.9 updates (5/24/06):
added catpcha feature (random number-image confirmation) to combat spam
now using rel="nofollow" for server-side redirects on Homepage url
added 'NO index tbd' in header
v1.8 updates (2/25/06):
updated HTML tag restriction
guestbook owner can now select allowed HTML tags
more secure posting to combat spam
auto-redirect to VIEW after posting
added an return link in tools.php
v1.71 updates (11/13/04):
fixed a variable bug in tools.php
v1.7 updates (10/26/04):
fixed :O smilie
tougher restriction on length of single word to constrain entry box within limit
changed some codes to display guestbook entries in more desirable format
took out smilie initialization/helper when $sss is off
minor modification to comment display
minor layout change to edit page
v1.61 update (9/7/04):
fixed ;;) smilie
v1.6 updates (8/24/04):
comment feature fully usable
added 71 unique yahoo emoticons
added smilies helper page
new variable to config.php to change smilie setting
strip <pre> html tag
word chunking to prevent text extending beyond border
fixed a global register error in setup.php
v1.21 update (8/1/04):
fixed a function argument error on edit page
v1.2 updates (7/27/04):
displays comments (reserved for later use)
entry box layout tuning
added tools.php w/mass deletion ability
moved images files to ipei_imgs folder
strip html tags <iframe> and <script>
v1.02 update (7/27/04):
fixed a link error in page navigation
v1.01 update (7/23/04):
fixed a bug in password double-checking for entry deletion
v1.0 orignal release (7/21/04):
basic posting-only guestbook (name, email, homepage, msg)
12-field mysql table (some fields reserved for later use)
mac OS X-ish gfx interface
name truncation
dates/entry# display
password-protected view ip and entry deletion
adjustable password/homepage/title/entry per page/box size/fonts/targets
support PHP4/MySQL