Al intentar conectarme via mysql front a la BD del host me salia esto :

Y el sistema estaba muerto, al intentar mostrar la informaciòn en las paginas se quedaba cargando eternamente.
Pedì la asistencia del hosting y lo solucionaron y me contestaron esto, no lo transcribo para no alterar su significado quizàs y que me den sus opiniones.
Código PHP:
I took a look at this issue, and it appears that there were 35
concurrent connections to the MySQL database. We limit the number
of concurrent connections to 35. This means that when you tried to
connect with MySQL Front, the server was unable to establish an
additional connection. This is a fairly common error, and usually indicates
that database connections in your website code are not being correctly closed
when the script is done with them. I have cleared these extra connections,
and you should be able to login now.
If you have any questions please let me know.
La conexion a my BD es algo como :
Código PHP:
$hostname_sistema = "77.22.XX.XX";
$database_sistema = "db_sistema";
$username_sistema = "user_sistema";
$password_sistema = "XXXXXXXXX";
$sistema = mysql_pconnect($hostname_sistema, $username_sistema,
$password_sistema) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
Muchas Gracias por sus valiosos comentarios.