Código PHP:
SELECT sum(t.task_log_hours) AS horas_real,'' AS realizo,
task_percent_complete, tasks.task_id, task_start_date AS fecha,
tasks.task_duration, tasks.task_type, tasks.task_name,task_description,
projects.project_name AS proyecto, CONCAT_WS(' ',rb.contact_first_name,rb.contact_last_name) AS responsable
FROM tasks
LEFT JOIN projects ON project_id = task_project
LEFT OUTER JOIN task_log AS t ON task_id = t.task_log_task
LEFT JOIN contacts AS rb ON rb.contact_id = task_owner
WHERE task_status = 0
mixing of GROUP columns(MINI(), MAX(), COUNT...) with no GROUPcolumns is ilegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
por fa si alguien me puede colaborar muchas gracias