Se trata de una pag. ASP que estoy migrando a ASP.NetException Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
El código es el siguiente:
Agradezco de antemano su ayuda. <%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" aspcompat=true%> <html> <head> <title>Documento sin título</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <% Dim oPOP3,oMsg,messageID,Sender,Subject,strSize,attachs,attachSize Dim attachName,attachCID,strDate,BodyText,BodyHTML,tempFolder,virtualPath,HTML Dim extName,contentid,count,i,name oPOP3 = Server.CreateObject("FathMail.POP3") oPOP3.ServerAddr = "RENDON" oPOP3.Username = "[email protected]" oPOP3.Password = "password" oPOP3.Connect if oPOP3.GetMessageCount Then oMsg=oPOP3.Retrieve(17)'17 messageID=oPOP3.GetMessageID(17)'17 Sender = oMsg.Sender Subject= trim(oMsg.Subject) strSize=oMsg.GetSize attachs=oMsg.GetAttachmentCount attachSize=oMsg.GetAttachmentSize(0) attachName=oMsg.GetAttachmentName(0) attachCID=Replace(oMsg.GetAttachmentContentID(0),"<","") attachCID=Replace(attachCID,">","") strDate=oMsg.Date BodyText = oMsg.Text BodyHTML = oMsg.TextHTML oMsg.SaveToFile("K:\www\Intranet\Temp\message.msg") '============================== count = oMsg.GetAttachmentCount tempFolder="K:\www\Intranet\Temp" virtualPath="/Intranet/Temp/" If count > 0 Then html = "<font face=""Courier New,Arial"" size=2>" html = html & "<b>Attachments:</b> " For i = 0 to count 'oMsg.SaveAttachment i,tempFolder If oMsg.SaveAttachment( i,tempFolder & "\" & oMsg.GetAttachmentName(i).toString ) <> 0 Then Response.Write( "Save attachment to " & tempFolder & " failed" ) Response.End() End If name = oMsg.GetAttachmentName(i) extName = Right(name,3) If LCase(extName) = ".gif" Or LCase(extName) = ".jpg" Then contentid = oMsg.GetAttachmentContentID(i) If contentid <> "" Then bodyText = Replace( bodyText, "cid:" & contentid, virtualPath & name ) Else bodyText = bodyText & "<hr><img src=""" & virtualPath & name & """>" End If End If html = html & "<a href=""" & virtualPath & name & """ target=""_blank"">" & name & "</a> " Next html = html & "</font><br>" End If '============================== oMsg = Nothing End If oPOP3.Disconnect oPOP3=Nothing %> </body> </html>