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Problema con un componente barra de progreso

Estas en el tema de Problema con un componente barra de progreso en el foro de ASPX (.net) en Foros del Web. Hola a todos, tengo un problema con un componente barra de progreso que encontré en internet y que he traducido al c#. El problema es ...
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Antiguo 23/06/2010, 02:13
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2006
Ubicación: Madrid
Mensajes: 23
Antigüedad: 18 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Problema con un componente barra de progreso

Hola a todos,

tengo un problema con un componente barra de progreso que encontré en internet y que he traducido al c#. El problema es que las propiedades públicas que he puesto en el componente no son visibles en la parte servidora. Pongo el código a contunuación:

<%@ Control Language="C#" ClassName="progreso" %>
<script runat="server">
private Single percentComplete = 0; // 0.00% to 100.00%
private String style = "ieesque"; // {html|IEESQUE|bluegrey|ie|classic}
private Int32 width = 150; // in pixels

public Single PorcentajeCompletado
return percentComplete;
percentComplete = value;

public String Estilo
return style;
style = value;
public Int32 Width
return width;
width = value;

public void Page_Load(Object Source , EventArgs e){
String strProgressBarHtml;

switch (style.ToLower()){
case "html":
strProgressBarHtml = BuildProgressBarHtmlTable(percentComplete, width);
case "ie" :
strProgressBarHtml = BuildProgressBarChunked(percentComplete, style, width);
case "classic": // chunked styles
strProgressBarHtml = BuildProgressBarChunked(percentComplete, style, width);
default : //' smooth styles ("bluegrey", "ieesque")
strProgressBarHtml = BuildProgressBarSmooth(percentComplete, style, width);

litProgressBar.Text = strProgressBarHtml;

public String BuildProgressBarHtmlTable(Single sglPercentComplete ,Int32 intWidth){
Int32 intBarLength;
StringBuilder sbDisplayHtml = new StringBuilder();

if (0 <= sglPercentComplete && sglPercentComplete <= 100)
// Compensate for the width of the table border
intBarLength = intWidth - 4;

sbDisplayHtml.Append("<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td>");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<table width=\"" + intBarLength + "\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<tr><td width=\"" + System.Math.Round(sglPercentComplete * intBarLength / 100) + "\" style=\"background-color:#0000FF\">&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>");

return sbDisplayHtml.ToString();

public String BuildProgressBarChunked(Single sglPercentComplete ,String strStyleName ,Int32 intWidth )
String strImageBaseName;

Int32 intImageHeight;
Int32 intImageLeftWidth;
Int32 intImageRightWidth;
Int32 intImageChunkWidth;

Int32 intChunksTotal;
Int32 intChunksFilled;

StringBuilder sbDisplayHtml = new StringBuilder();

case "classic" :
strImageBaseName = "../barraProgreso/images/progress_classic_";
intImageHeight = 16;
intImageLeftWidth = 2;
intImageRightWidth = 2;
intImageChunkWidth = 10;
default : // "ie"
strImageBaseName = "../barraProgreso/images/progress_ie_";
intImageHeight = 17;
intImageLeftWidth = 4;
intImageRightWidth = 4;
intImageChunkWidth = 8;

// Since we no longer have the luxury of changing the parameters based
// on the type of bar requested, we need to calculate the number of chunks
// to display based on the style info and the amount of space (pixels) we
// have to display the bar. Using this method we should always get as
// many chunks as we can fit without going over the allotted space.
intChunksTotal = Convert.ToInt32((intWidth - (intImageLeftWidth + intImageRightWidth)) / intImageChunkWidth);

if ( (0 <= sglPercentComplete) && (sglPercentComplete <= 100) )
intChunksFilled = Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Round(sglPercentComple te * intChunksTotal / 100));

sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "left.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageLeftWidth + "\">");
for(int i = 1 ; i < intChunksTotal ; i++)
if ( i <= intChunksFilled )
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "full.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageChunkWidth + "\" alt=\"" + sglPercentComplete + "%\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "empty.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageChunkWidth + "\" alt=\"" + (100 - sglPercentComplete) + "%\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "right.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageRightWidth + "\">");
return sbDisplayHtml.ToString();

public String BuildProgressBarSmooth(Single sglPercentComplete ,String strStyleName ,Int32 intWidth )
String strImageBaseName;
Int32 intImageHeight;
Int32 intImageLeftWidth;
Int32 intImageRightWidth;
Int32 intBarLength;
StringBuilder sbDisplayHtml = new StringBuilder();

switch (strStyleName.ToLower()){
case "bluegrey" :
strImageBaseName = "../barraProgreso/images/progress_bluegrey_";
intImageHeight = 16;
intImageLeftWidth = 3;
intImageRightWidth = 3;
default : // "ieesque"
strImageBaseName = "../barraProgreso/images/progress_ie7_";
intImageHeight = 17;
intImageLeftWidth = 4;
intImageRightWidth = 4;

if( (0 <= sglPercentComplete) && (sglPercentComplete <= 100) )
// Compensate for the width of the two end images
intBarLength = intWidth - (intImageLeftWidth + intImageRightWidth);

sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "left.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageLeftWidth + "\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "full.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + System.Math.Round(sglPercentComplete * intBarLength / 100) + "\" alt=\"" + sglPercentComplete + "%\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "empty.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + (intBarLength - System.Math.Round(sglPercentComplete * intBarLength / 100)) + "\" alt=\"" + (100 - sglPercentComplete) + "%\">");
sbDisplayHtml.Append("<img src=\"" + strImageBaseName + "right.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"" + intImageHeight + "\" width=\"" + intImageRightWidth + "\">");

return sbDisplayHtml.ToString();

<asp:Literal id="litProgressBar" runat="server" />

El problema está al acutalizar el valor de la barra en el lado servidor de la forma:

barraProgreso.PorcentajeCompletado = intPorcentaje;

me dice que PorcetajeCompletado no existe en el componente barraProgreso.

Alguna idea?

Etiquetas: barra, componente, progreso, aspx
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 17:39.