Estoy realizando una aplicación que envia plantillas por correo atraves de outlook.
Esto funciona, sin embargo desde hace un tiempo intento que funcione con imagenes. Las imagenes vienen en las propias plantillas en html.
Cuando las envio con el siguiente codigo, el cliente de correo no ve las imagenes.
Dichas he intentado con html filtrado, he copiado el codigo incrustando la imagen como embed dentro del html pero continuo con el mismo problema, sólo me ha funcionado apuntando las imagenes hacia internet con un servidor de imagenes tipo photobuquet, el problema es que el proxy no deja acceso a photobucket.
Muchas gracias, 'References for templates. Dim myStreamReaderL1 As System.IO.StreamReader Dim myStr As String Dim path As String Dim item As Outlook.MailItem Dim SigString As String Dim Signature As String Dim Body As String = Nothing Dim subject As String 'READ TEMPLATES TO BE SEND Private Sub readertemplate() Try myStreamReaderL1 = System.IO.File.OpenText(path) myStr = myStreamReaderL1.ReadToEnd() myStreamReaderL1.Close() Dim comment As String = CommentTMPTxt.Text + vbNewLine & vbNewLine myStr = myStr.Replace("[NAME]", UserTMPTxt.Text) myStr = myStr.Replace("[NUMINC1]", IncTMPTxt.Text) myStr = myStr.Replace("[NUMINC2]", IncTMPTxt.Text) If Not CommentTMPTxt.Text = "" Then myStr = myStr.Replace("[COMMENT]", comment) ElseIf CommentTMPTxt.Text = "" Then myStr = myStr.Replace("[COMMENT]", "") End If myStr = myStr.Replace("[ISSUE]", IssueTMPTxt.Text) If EmailTMPTxt.Text = "" Or IncTMPTxt.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Email addresss and Incident number is empty", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) ElseIf Not EmailTMPTxt.Text = "" Or IncTMPTxt.Text = "" Then item = olApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem) item.To = EmailTMPTxt.Text item.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML item.HTMLBody = myStr 'USING HAS A TEST 'item.SentOnBehalfOfName = "[email protected]" item.SentOnBehalfOfName = CC1Emailadd If LanguageCB.Text = "Spanish" Then item.Subject = "CC1 - Numero de Incidencia " + IncTMPTxt.Text ElseIf LanguageCB.Text = "French" Then item.Subject = "CC1 - numéro de l'incident " + IncTMPTxt.Text ElseIf LanguageCB.Text = "English" Then item.Subject = "CC1 - Incident number " + IncTMPTxt.Text ElseIf LanguageCB.Text = "German" Then item.Subject = "CC1 - Incident-Nummer " + IncTMPTxt.Text End If item.Send() MsgBox("Mail has been sent") End If Catch MsgBox("Template can't be found. Please contact a L2 Analyst", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, vbOKOnly) Threading.Thread.Sleep(60000) End Try End Sub 'SEND TEMPLATES. Private Sub SendTMPBT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SendTMPBT.Click Dim olAccounts As Outlook.Accounts olApp = New Outlook.Application() olSession = olApp.Session olAccounts = olSession.Accounts If LanguageCB.Text = "Language" Then MsgBox("Please choose the language and press sent", MsgBoxStyle.Information, vbOKOnly) ElseIf Not LanguageCB.Text = "Language" Then 'CC1 SPANISH If tempCB.Text = "CC1 email" And LanguageCB.Text = "Spanish" Then 'Holidays conditional. If WeendoffCK.Checked Then 'if it is holiday or weekend. path = "\\sfs.corp\Projects\ICT\SERVICEDESK_SHARE\SD_Only\Tools\JLTool\Template\CC1\CC1SPANISHholidays.html" ElseIf Not WeendoffCK.Checked Then 'if it is not holiday or weekend. path = "\\sfs.corp\Projects\ICT\SERVICEDESK_SHARE\SD_Only\Tools\JLTool\Template\CC1\CC1SPANISH.html" End If readertemplate() ElseIf tempCB.Text = "CC1 email" And LanguageCB.Text = "English" Then 'Holidays conditional. If WeendoffCK.Checked Then 'if it is holiday or weekend. path = "\\sfs.corp\Projects\ICT\SERVICEDESK_SHARE\SD_Only\Tools\JLTool\Template\CC1\CC1ENGLISHholidays.html" ElseIf Not WeendoffCK.Checked Then 'if it is not holiday or weekend. path = "C:\Users\joserodriguezan\Desktop\CC1\CC1ENGLISH.html" End If readertemplate() End If