El problema he podido comprobar que es por la cosa de la sesion pero no llego a enteder el porque.
Para la sesion utilizo una clase en donde en el constructor incluyo la sentencia session_sart(). Dentro de mi clase sesion hay varias funciones donde pudes obtener variables de sesion, eliminar sesiones y otras funciones.
La conexion de la base de datos funciona bien y no es por ello.
Aqui os mando el codigo:
Código PHP:
require_once ("class.session.php");
require_once ("Connections/inc.connect_dets.php");
require_once ("class.dbConnect.php");
require_once ("class.Page.php");
// create the session object
$session_ID = new Session_db();
// connect to database server and open database
$link_id = new dbConnect($host_name, $user_name, $user_password, $database);
// link the sesion object to the database<a href="indexPersonal.php"></a>
$userSession = $session_ID->get_session_var("logged_user_ID");
$body_title = "Looking for conexion to your account";
$page_title = "Selecting a user from the database";
$LogPass_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE idUser='$userSession'";
$resultLogPass = $link_id->query($LogPass_query);
if ($link_id->count_rows($resultLogPass)!=0)
$page_content = <<< PAGEOUT
You are logged on<a href="indexPersonal.php?userSession=$userSession">here</a>
to go your personal account / Connect with other user press<a href="listuser_destroysession.php">here</a>
$body_title = "CONNECT TO YOUR ACOUNT";
$page_title = "Selecting a user";
$page_content = <<< PAGEOUT
<table class="tabla" align="center"><form method="post" action="getuserdetails.php">
<tr><td align="left"><strong>Login: </strong></td><td><input type="text" name="login"></td>
<tr><td align="left"><strong>Password: </strong></td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Go to your account" class="boton"></td>
<br />
<div id="remindpassword">
<a href="remindPassword.php">Remind password</a> /
<a href="insertuserform.php">Create a new user</a>
$output_page_obj = new Page($page_title, $page_content, $body_title);
$output_page = $output_page_obj->get_page();
echo $output_page;
Código PHP:
class Session_db
private $c_local_db_link;
private $c_local_session_ID;
private $c_session_time_out = 600; // time figures are in seconds
private $c_session_life_time = 7200;
function __construct()
// reset the session name
// start the session and store the session ID in a cookie on the
// user's machine, or retrieve the cookie if it already exists
// return the session ID and store it locally
$this->c_local_session_ID = session_id();
function set_db_link($p_db_link)
$this->c_local_db_link = $p_db_link;
// take the opportunity to delete expired session data
// assign the given value to the session variable
function set_session_var($p_session_var_name, $p_session_var_value)
$m_session_var_value = addslashes($p_session_var_value);
$m_query_string = "UPDATE Session ";
$m_query_string .= "SET Session_Value = '$m_session_var_value' ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID' ";
$m_query_string .= "AND Session_Var_name = '$p_session_var_name'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
return $m_query_result;
// create a session variable
function create_session_var($p_session_var_name, $p_session_var_value)
$m_session_var_value = addslashes($p_session_var_value);
// check to see if session variable already exists in the session table
if (!$this->check_session_var($p_session_var_name))
$m_query_string = "INSERT INTO Session ";
$m_query_string .= "SET Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID', ";
$m_query_string .= "Session_Var_name = '$p_session_var_name', ";
$m_query_string .= "Session_Value = '$m_session_var_value' ";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
$m_query_result = $this->set_session_var($p_session_var_name, $m_session_var_value);
return $m_query_result;
// check if session var exists
function check_session_var($p_session_var_name)
$m_query_string = "SELECT Session_Var_name ";
$m_query_string .= "FROM Session ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID' ";
$m_query_string .= "AND Session_Var_name = '$p_session_var_name'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
$m_num_rows = $this->c_local_db_link->count_rows($m_query_result);
if ($m_num_rows > 0)
$m_result = TRUE;
$m_result = FALSE;
return $m_result;
// return the value from the session variable if it exists
function get_session_var($p_session_var_name)
$m_query_string = "SELECT Session_Value ";
$m_query_string .= "FROM Session ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID' ";
$m_query_string .= "AND Session_Var_name = '$p_session_var_name'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
if ((!$m_query_result) or ($m_query_result=NULL))
$m_result = $m_query_result;
$m_row = $this->c_local_db_link->fetch_array($m_query_result);
$m_result = $m_row['Session_Value'];
$m_result = stripslashes($m_result);
return $m_result;
// delete the given session variable
function delete_session_var($p_session_var_name)
$m_query_string = "DELETE FROM Session ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID' ";
$m_query_string .= "AND Session_Var_name = '$p_session_var_name'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
return $m_query_result;
// terminate the session
function destroy_session()
$m_query_string = "DELETE FROM Session ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Key = '$this->c_local_session_ID'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
$_SESSION = array();
return $m_query_result;
// delete expired session data
function delete_expired_session_data()
// remove any session var that has exceeded session life time
$m_expiration_time = time() - $this->c_session_life_time;
$m_date_time_to_check = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $m_expiration_time);
$m_query_string = "DELETE FROM Session ";
$m_query_string .= "WHERE Session_Created < '$m_date_time_to_check'";
$m_query_result = $this->c_local_db_link->query($m_query_string);
return $m_query_result;
// end of class Session_db
Código PHP:
class dbConnect
// access is private for all class variables
private $c_host_name;
private $c_user_name;
private $c_user_password;
private $c_user_database;
private $c_db_link;
// class constructor
function __construct($p_host_name, $p_user_name, $p_user_password, $p_user_database)
$this->c_host_name = $p_host_name;
$this->c_user_name = $p_user_name;
$this->c_user_password = $p_user_password;
$this->c_user_database = $p_user_database;
function connect_to_database()
// validate passed in values
if (empty($this->c_host_name) || empty($this->c_user_name)
|| empty($this->c_user_password) || empty($this->c_user_database))
trigger_error("<p>Invalid database connection values: </p>");
// attempt to connect to MySQL server & database
$this->c_db_link = new mysqli($this->c_host_name, $this->c_user_name,
$this->c_user_password, $this->c_user_database);
if (mysqli_connect_error())
throw new Exception("<p>Could not connect to MySQL server</p>");
catch (Exception $err)
// perform safe query
function query($p_query_to_perform)
if (empty($p_query_to_perform))
trigger_error("<p>No SQL query</p>");
if(!$m_result = $this->c_db_link->query($p_query_to_perform))
throw new Exception("<p>Error in SQL query</p>");
catch (Exception $err)
return $m_result;
// count number of returned rows in the record set
function count_rows($p_query_result)
$m_num_rows = $p_query_result->num_rows;
return $m_num_rows;
// count number of returned fields in the record set
function count_fields($p_query_result)
$m_num_fields = $p_query_result->num_fields;
return $m_num_fields;
// return the record set with field names
function fetch_array($p_query_result)
$m_row = $p_query_result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return $m_row;
// return the record set with field indices
function fetch_row($p_query_result)
$m_row = $p_query_result->fetch_row();
return $m_row;
// close the database link
function close_db_link()
} // end of class
Alguien sabria o le ha pasado algo parecido????
Gracias de antemano...