Debe ser un problema de PHP4 en mi servidor remoto ya que en mi servidor local que tiene PHP 5.2.6 todo funciona bien. Yo traté de adaptar la clase lo mejor que pude para usarla en PHP4 pero parece que no pude debido a mi limitado conocimiento en POO. Esta es la clase:Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/donq/public_html/store/include/shoppingbasket.class.php4.php on line 65
Código PHP:
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<?php /* SHOPPING BASKET CLASS USAGE: ------ $cart = new ShoppingBasket; Initialize class $cart->SaveCookie(TRUE); Set option to save items ina cookie or not. Cookie valid for 1 day. $cart->AddToBasket('ITEM_ID', QTY); Add an item to the basket $cart->RemoveFromBasket('ITEM_ID', QTY); Remove item form basket $cart->DeleteFromBasket('ITEM_ID'); Removes all of item selected $cart->EmptyBasket('ITEM_ID' QTY); Clear the basket $cart->GetBasketQty(); Get qty of items in the basket $cart->GetBasket(); Returns basket items as an array ITEM_ID => QTY */ /** * ShoppingBasket * * A simple shopping basket class used to add and delete items from a session based shopping cart * @package ShoppingBasket * @author Dave Nicholson <[email protected]> * @link [url][/url] * @copyright 2008 * @version 0.1 * @access public */ class ShoppingBasket { var $cookieName = 'ckBasket'; var $cookieExpire = 86400; // One day var $saveCookie = TRUE; /** * ShoppingBasket::__construct() * * Construct function. Parses cookie if set. * @return */ function ShoppingBasket() { } } /** * ShoppingBasket::AddToBasket() * * Adds item to basket. If $id already exists in array then qty updated * @param mixed $id - ID of item * @param integer $qty - Qty of items to be added to cart * @return bool */ function AddToBasket($id, $qty = 1) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id] = $_SESSION['cart'][$id] + $qty; } else { $_SESSION['cart'][$id] = $qty; } return true; } /** * ShoppingBasket::RemoveFromBasket() * * Removes item from basket. If final qty less than 1 then item deleted. * @param mixed $id - Id of item * @param integer $qty - Qty of items to be removed to cart * @see DeleteFromBasket() * @return bool */ function RemoveFromBasket($id, $qty = 1) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id] = $_SESSION['cart'][$id] - $qty; } if ($_SESSION['cart'][$id] <= 0) { $this->DeleteFromBasket($id); } return true; } /** * ShoppingBasket::DeleteFromBasket() * * Completely removes item from basket * @param mixed $id * @return bool */ function DeleteFromBasket($id) { return true; } /** * ShoppingBasket::GetBasket() * * Returns the basket session as an array of item => qty * @return array $itemArray */ function GetBasket() { foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $k => $v) { $itemArray[$k] = $v; } return $itemArray; } else { return false; } } /** * ShoppingBasket::UpdateBasket() * * Updates a basket item with a specific qty * @param mixed $id - ID of item * @param mixed $qty - Qty of items in basket * @return bool */ function UpdateBasket($id, $qty) { $qty = ($qty == '') ? 0 : $qty; $_SESSION['cart'][$id] = $qty; if ($_SESSION['cart'][$id] <= 0) { $this->DeleteItem($id); return true; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * ShoppingBasket::GetBasketQty() * * Returns the total amount of items in the basket * @return int quantity of items in basket */ function GetBasketQty() { $qty = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $item) { $qty = $qty + $item; } return $qty; } else { return 0; } } /** * ShoppingBasket::EmptyBasket() * * Completely removes the basket session * @return */ function EmptyBasket() { return true; } /** * ShoppingBasket::SetCookie() * * Creates cookie of basket items * @return bool */ if ($this->saveCookie) { return true; } return false; } /** * ShoppingBasket::SaveCookie() * * Sets save cookie option * @param bool $bool * @return bool */ function SaveCookie($bool = TRUE) { $this->saveCookie = $bool; return true; } } ?>
esta es la parte del error:
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Gracias y saludos.