13/08/2007, 17:09
 | $this->role('moderador'); | | Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2006 Ubicación: /home/ams/
Mensajes: 38.567
Antigüedad: 18 años, 9 meses Puntos: 2135 | |
Re: Pregunta de principiante... Mira para que te des una idea te dejo una clase que usaba anteriormente (ahora cambie por PDO) Código PHP: <?php /** * Class GeckoDB * * @package com.geckowd.utils; * @author Christopher Valderrama <[email protected]> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005 * @version $Id$v1.0$26 Oct 2005 * @access public **/ class GeckoDB { var $_server; // @var string Private variable that holds the MySQL Server var $_user; // @var string Private variable that holds the MySQL User var $_pass; // @var string Private variable that holds the MySQL Password var $_db; // @var string Private variable that hodls the MySQL Database var $_dbLink; // @var resource Private variable that holds the MySQL Resource of the connection var $_totalQuerys; // @var integer Private variable that holds the Total number of Querys sent var $_error; // @var array Private variable that hodls all of the debug/error information /** * GeckoDB::GeckoDB() * * This is the class constructor, it needs a complete array or it will fail upon * connecting, the array must have the following info: * + servidor a string with the database server * + usuario a string with the database user * + password a string with the database password * + db a string with the database to select (if auto) * * @param array $dsn_arr A complete array holding the DSN info * @return GeckoDB a new instance of the GeckoDB Class * @access public **/ function GeckoDB($server, $user, $pass, $db) { $this->_server = $server; $this->_user = $user; $this->_pass = $pass; $this->_db = $db; $this->_totalQuerys = 0; $this->_error = array(); } /** * GeckoDB::Create() * * Returns a static instance of this class * * @return GeckoDB a new instance of the GeckoDB Class * @access public **/ function Create() { static $GeckoDBInstance; global $GeckoDBSettings; if( !isset( $GeckoDBSettings ) ) { trigger_error( "GeckoDBSettigns not set!, check your config!", E_USER_ERROR ); } if( !isset( $GeckoDBInstance ) && !is_object( $GeckoDBInstance ) ) { $GeckoDBInstance = new GeckoDB($GeckoDBSettings['server'], $GeckoDBSettings['user'], $GeckoDBSettings['password'], $GeckoDBSettings['database'] ); if( $GeckoDBSettings['auto_connect'] ) $GeckoDBInstance->Connect(); } return $GeckoDBInstance; } /** * GeckoDB::Connect() * * This function attemps to connect to a MySQL Server must be called after the constructor * @see GeckoDB::GeckoDB() * @access public * @param string $db (optional) the database to connect if not specified in the $dsn_arr variable * @return boolean if true, means the connection was succesfull (will fail upon failure) **/ function Connect( $db = '' ) { $this->_dbLink = @mysql_connect( "$this->_server", "$this->_user", "$this->_pass" ); if( is_resource( $this->_dbLink ) ) { $this->_debug( "Succesfully Connected, Host: " . mysql_get_host_info( $this->_dbLink ) . ", MySQL Version: " . mysql_get_server_info( $this->_dbLink ) ); $db = ( empty( $db ) ? $this->_db : $db ); if( !mysql_select_db( "$db", $this->_dbLink ) ) { $this->_fatalError( "Can't select that Database" ); return false; } $this->_debug( "Actual DB: $db" ); return true; } else { $this->_fatalError( "Error can't connect: {$this->_server}" ); return false; } } function changeDB( $db ) { if( !$this->Connected() ) { $this->_fatalError( "Can't Change Database, no Connection" ); return false; } if( !mysql_select_db( $db, $this->_dbLink ) ) { $this->_fatalError( "Can't select that Database" ); return false; } $this->_debug( "Actual DB: $db" ); return true; } /** * GeckoDB::Connected() * * This function will test if the MySQL connection is still alive (and will try to reconnect) * if it fails it will show a error and will stop script. * * @return boolean will return true if is connected or will fail if it can't connect * @access public **/ function Connected( $autoRenew = false ) { if( !is_resource( $this->_dbLink) ) { if( $autoRenew && !@mysql_ping( $this->_dbLink ) ) { $this->_fatalError( "Couldn't reconnect" ); } return false; } return true; } /** * GeckoDB::_debug() * * This function saves a message with the correct TimeStamp in the $_error array. * * @param string $msg the message to save * @access private * @return **/ function _debug( $msg ) { $this->_error[] = $msg; } /** * GeckoDB::_fatalError() * * This function will display a error message and the mysql error number if a fatal * error is encountered. * * It will also mail the error message and the class log, to the specified adress * (you need to define $GeckoDBErrorMail at some point before initializing the class) * * @param string $msg the message to show upon failure * @access private * @return **/ function _fatalError( $msg ) { global $GeckoDBErrorMail; if( is_resource( $this->_dbLink ) ) { $errNo = mysql_errno( $this->_dbLink ); $errMsg = mysql_error( $this->_dbLink ); } else { $errNo = mysql_errno(); $errMsg = mysql_error(); } $this->_debug( $msg . " (errNo: $errNo) MySQL Message: $errMsg" ); if( !empty( $GeckoDBErrorMail ) ) { ini_set( 'sendmail_from', "geckodberror@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ); $headers = "From: geckodberror@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}\r\n" . "Reply-To: webmaster@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}\r\n" . "X-Mailer: GeckoDB Engine"; $subject = "Database Error"; $toMail = "There is a database error($errNo): $errMsg\n\n"; $toMail .= "additonal data:\n\n"; $toMail .= implode( "\n", $this->_error ); @mail( $GeckoDBErrorMail, $subject, $toMail, $headers ); } $fatalMsg = "There appears to be a Database Error, please click <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">back</a> and try again<br><br>"; $fatalMsg.= "<hr>MySQL Info:<br><textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\">$msg ($errNo): $errMsg</textarea>"; die( $fatalMsg ); } /** * GeckoDB::getLog() * * This function will return the log of all the functions called in the * class, and will join them by the glue parameter "\n" is the default, * you can use for example "<br />". * * @param string $glue the parameter to join * @access public * @return string the log in a string form **/ function getLog( $glue = "\n" ) { return implode( $glue, $this->_error ); } /** * GeckoDB::ListDBs() * * This function will list the Databases in the current connection, can be called after Connect * @see GeckoDB::Connect() * * @access public * @return array a array fulled of the databases in the connection **/ function ListDBs() { if( !$this->Connected() ) { return false; } $dblist = @mysql_list_dbs( $this->_dbLink ); $dbs = array(); while( $d = mysql_fetch_row( $dblist ) ) { $dbs[] = $d[0]; } $this->_debug( "dbs listed" ); $this->_totalQuerys++; return $dbs; } /** * GeckoDB::ListTables() * * This function will return a array with all of the current tables * in the active Databases must be called after Connect * @see GeckoDB::Connect() * @access public * @return array the list of the tables in the current db **/ function ListTables() { if( !$this->Connected() ) { return false; } $query = "SHOW TABLES FROM {$this->_db}"; $result = @mysql_query( $query ); if( !$result ) $this->_fatalError( "Error listing tables" ); $tables = array(); while( $table = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ) { $tables[] = $table[0]; } $this->_debug( "tables in {$this->_db} listed" ); $this->_totalQuerys++; return $tables; }
/** * GeckoDB::Query() * * This function is the core of the class, it can send a MySQL Query * and if it fails it will display the error and possible mail it. * * This function can return a new GeckoDBResult object or a boolean * true if the query was sent. * * @see GeckoDBResult::GeckoDBResult() * @see GeckoDB::_fatalError() * @access public * @param string $query the query to send to MySQL * @return mixed this function can return a new Object or a boolean **/ function Query( $query ) { if( !$this->Connected() ) { return false; } if( !class_exists( "GeckoDBResult" ) ) { $this->_fatalError( "GeckoDBResult class not defined" ); return false; } $this->_totalQuerys++; $result = @mysql_query( $query, $this->_dbLink ); if( !$result ) $this->_fatalError( "Error in query $query" ); $this->_debug("Sent a query: $query"); if( is_resource( $result ) ) { $rObj = new GeckoDBResult( $query, $result ); } else { $rObj = $result; } return $rObj; } function parseQuery( $query, $data ) { for( $i = 0; $i < count( $data ); $i++ ) { $data[$i] = $this->_escapeString( $data[$i] ); } $newarray = array_merge( array( $query ), $data ); return call_user_func_array( "sprintf", $newarray ); }
function AffectedRows() { if( !$this->Connected() ) { return false; } return mysql_affected_rows( $this->_dbLink ); } function getTotalQuerys() { return $this->_totalQuerys; }
function LastInsertID() { return mysql_insert_id( $this->_dbLink ); } function _escapeString( $value ) { if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $value = stripslashes( $value ); } if( !is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value, $this->_dbLink ); } $this->_debug( "escaped: $value" ); return $value; } function Disconnect() { $this->_debug( "connection closed" ); @mysql_close( $this->_dbLink ); } } ?> |