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Crear un SiteMap de Google

Estas en el tema de Crear un SiteMap de Google en el foro de SEO en Foros del Web. Éste es un archivo de guiación de cómo hacer un SiteMap (sitemap.xml)... Pero donde tienes que cambiar el texto (lo que tienes que poner tu) ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/05/2006, 06:07
Avatar de samu93  
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2006
Mensajes: 84
Antigüedad: 18 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 0
Exclamación Crear un SiteMap de Google

Éste es un archivo de guiación de cómo hacer un SiteMap (sitemap.xml)... Pero donde tienes que cambiar el texto (lo que tienes que poner tu) te lo indica en ingles... Y yo, al menos, no me entero. Si alguien lo traduce, mejor...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <!-- example configuration script

This file specifies a set of sample input parameters for the client.

You should copy this file into "config.xml" and modify it for
your server.

************************************************** *******

- <!--
** MODIFY **
The "site" node describes your basic web site.

Required attributes:
base_url - the top-level URL of the site being mapped
store_into - the webserver path to the desired output file.
This should end in '.xml' or '.xml.gz'
(the script will create this file)

Optional attributes:
verbose - an integer from 0 (quiet) to 3 (noisy) for
how much diagnostic output the script gives
- disables notifying search engines about the new map
(same as the "testing" command-line argument.)
- names a character encoding to use for URLs and
file paths. (Example: "UTF-8")

- <site base_url="" store_into="/var/www/docroot/sitemap.xml.gz" verbose="1">
- <!--
************************************************** ******

All the various nodes in this section control where the script
looks to find URLs.

MODIFY or DELETE these entries as appropriate for your server.
************************************************** *******

- <!--
"url" nodes specify individual URLs to include in the map.

Required attributes:
href - the URL

Optional attributes:
lastmod - timestamp of last modification (ISO8601 format)
changefreq - how often content at this URL is usually updated
priority - value 0.0 to 1.0 of relative importance in your site

<url href="" />
<url href="" lastmod="2004-11-14T01:00:00-07:00" changefreq="yearly" priority="0.3" />
- <!--
"urllist" nodes name text files with lists of URLs.
An example file "example_urllist.txt" is provided.

Required attributes:
path - path to the file

Optional attributes:
encoding - encoding of the file if not US-ASCII

<urllist path="example_urllist.txt" encoding="UTF-8" />
- <!--
"directory" nodes tell the script to walk the file system
and include all files and directories in the Sitemap.

Required attributes:
path - path to begin walking from
url - URL equivalent of that path

Optional attributes:
default_file - name of the index or default file for directory URLs

<directory path="/var/www/icons" url="" />
<directory path="/var/www/docroot" url="" default_file="index.html" />
- <!--
"accesslog" nodes tell the script to scan webserver log files to
extract URLs on your site. Both Common Logfile Format (Apache's default
logfile) and Extended Logfile Format (IIS's default logfile) can be read.

Required attributes:
path - path to the file

Optional attributes:
encoding - encoding of the file if not US-ASCII

<accesslog path="/etc/httpd/logs/access.log" encoding="UTF-8" />
<accesslog path="/etc/httpd/logs/access.log.0" encoding="UTF-8" />
<accesslog path="/etc/httpd/logs/access.log.1.gz" encoding="UTF-8" />
- <!--
"sitemap" nodes tell the script to scan other Sitemap files. This can
be useful to aggregate the results of multiple runs of this script into
a single Sitemap.

Required attributes:
path - path to the file

<sitemap path="/var/www/docroot/subpath/sitemap.xml" />
- <!--
************************************************** ******

Filters specify wild-card patterns that the script compares
against all URLs it finds. Filters can be used to exclude
certain URLs from your Sitemap, for instance if you have
hidden content that you hope the search engines don't find.

Filters can be either type="wildcard", which means standard
path wildcards (* and ?) are used to compare against URLs,
or type="regexp", which means regular expressions are used
to compare.

Filters are applied in the order specified in this file.

An action="drop" filter causes exclusion of matching URLs.
An action="pass" filter causes inclusion of matching URLs,
shortcutting any other later filters that might also match.
If no filter at all matches a URL, the URL will be included.
Together you can build up fairly complex rules.

The default action is "drop".
The default type is "wildcard".

You can MODIFY or DELETE these entries as appropriate for
your site. However, unlike above, the example entries in
this section are not contrived and may be useful to you as
they are.
************************************************** *******

- <!-- Exclude URLs that end with a '~' (IE: emacs backup files)
<filter action="drop" type="wildcard" pattern="*~" />
- <!-- Exclude URLs within UNIX-style hidden files or directories
<filter action="drop" type="regexp" pattern="/\.[^/]*" />
---> ((-samu93-)) <---

((((( B.E.P. Club -- La web de los Black Eyed Peas)))))
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 23/05/2006, 19:15
Avatar de lbenz  
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2003
Ubicación: Haedo
Mensajes: 445
Antigüedad: 22 años
Puntos: 4
yo estoy en la misma que vos, ese tema lo reolvi, no hay muchoque cambiar en ese archivo, mas loque te explica aca
esta esta en españoly te explica paso a paso:

fijate si te sirve

el tema es que despues te pide que tu servidor hosntign
teng a isntalado python

cosa que me parece que el mio no tiene, ya que no me deja ejecutar el archivo para generar el sitemap

igualmeten habira uqe encontrar otras maneras de generar sitemaps de manera mas sencilla

si la encontraas

por favor avisame

[email protected]

espeor que te ayude esto
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

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