Alguien me puede ayudar quiero mi apache con lo ultimo de php!!!!!
Hola, tengo un apache 2.2.21 y quiero instalarle el php.
He descargado desde la página oficial: la versión VC6 x86 Non Thread Safe
He leído varios manuales y todos explican algo parecido pero no he podido hacer que arranque.
En el instal.txt del php me pone que deve de traer unos archivos y en el zip que he descargado no trae todos los dll que me dice que copia a la carpeta de windows. Pone lo siguiente:
| |
| |-php5ts.lib
+--ext -- extension DLLs for PHP
| |
| |-php_bz2.dll
| |
| |-php_cpdf.dll
| |
| |-..
| |
| +--mibs -- support files for SNMP
| |
| +--openssl -- support files for Openssl
| |
| +--pdf-related -- support files for PDF
| |
| |-mime.magic
+--pear -- initial copy of PEAR
|-go-pear.bat -- PEAR setup script
|-php-cgi.exe -- CGI executable
|-php-win.exe -- executes scripts without an opened command prompt
|-php.exe -- CLI executable - ONLY for command line scripting
|-php.ini-dist -- default php.ini settings
|-php.ini-recommended -- recommended php.ini settings
|-php5ts.dll -- core PHP DLL
Notice the differences and similarities. Both PHP 4 and PHP 5 have a
CGI executable, a CLI executable, and server modules, but they are
located in different folders and/or have different names. While PHP 4
packages have the server modules in the sapi folder, PHP 5
distributions have no such directory and instead they're in the PHP
folder root. The supporting DLLs for the PHP 5 extensions are also not
in a seperate directory.
Note: In PHP 4, you should move all files located in the dll and
sapi folders to the main folder (e.g. C:\php).
Here is a list of server modules shipped with PHP 4 and PHP 5:
* sapi/php4activescript.dll (php5activescript.dll) - ActiveScript
engine, allowing you to embed PHP in your Windows applications.
* sapi/php4apache.dll (php5apache.dll) - Apache 1.3.x module.
* sapi/php4apache2.dll (php5apache2.dll) - Apache 2.0.x module.
* sapi/php5apache2_2.dll - Apache 2.2.x module.
* sapi/php4isapi.dll (php5isapi.dll) - ISAPI Module for ISAPI
compliant web servers like IIS 4.0/PWS 4.0 or newer.
* sapi/php4nsapi.dll (php5nsapi.dll) - Sun/iPlanet/Netscape server
* sapi/php4pi3web.dll (no equivalent in PHP 5) - Pi3Web server
Y tambien he encontrado este comentario en la red pero no lo he probado:
Con la version nueva de php, la extension no era compatible, asi que han puesto ésta php5apache2_2.dll que si lo es.
"Apache 2.2.x Support: Users of Apache 2.2.x may use the
documentation below except the appropriate DLL file is named
php5apache2_2.dll and it only exists as of PHP 5.2.0. See also"
Gracias, atentamente Eñaut.