[lcategoria1 colorfondo1]
[lcategoria2 colorfondo2]
[lcategoria3 colorfondo1]
[lcategoria4 colorfondo2]
(no puedo aun...

lo tengo hecho en css
pero no se como colocarlo su respectivo tpl.
el css
el tplul.left_menu li.odd a{ width:166px; height:25px; display:block; background-position:5px 5px; border-bottom:1px #FFFFFF solid; text-decoration:none; color:#660000; padding:0 0 0 30px; line-height:25px; background-color: #FFCACA; background-image: url(imagenes/checked.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; } ul.left_menu li.even a{ width:166px;height:25px;display:block;background:url(imagenes/checked.png) no-repeat left #eee6e6;background-position:5px 5px;border-bottom:1px #FFFFFF solid; text-decoration:none;color:#504b4b;padding:0 0 0 30px; line-height:25px;
case ($box_categories_array[$i]['top'] == 'true'): $new_style = 'producto'; break; case ($box_categories_array[$i]['has_sub_cat']): $new_style = 'category-subs'; break; default: $new_style = 'category-products'; } if (zen_get_product_types_to_category($box_categories_array[$i]['path']) == 3 or ($box_categories_array[$i]['top'] != 'true' and SHOW_CATEGORIES_SUBCATEGORIES_ALWAYS != 1)) { // skip if this is for the document box (==3) } else { $content .= '<a class="' . $new_style . '" href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $box_categories_array[$i]['path']) . '">'; if ($box_categories_array[$i]['current']) { if ($box_categories_array[$i]['has_sub_cat']) { $content .= '<span class="category-subs-parent">' . $box_categories_array[$i]['name'] . '</span>'; } else { $content .= '<span class="category-subs-selected">' . $box_categories_array[$i]['name'] . '</span>'; } } else { $content .= $box_categories_array[$i]['name']; } if ($box_categories_array[$i]['has_sub_cat']) { $content .= CATEGORIES_SEPARATOR; } if (SHOW_COUNTS == 'true') { if ((CATEGORIES_COUNT_ZERO == '1' and $box_categories_array[$i]['count'] == 0) or $box_categories_array[$i]['count'] >= 1) { $content .= CATEGORIES_COUNT_PREFIX . $box_categories_array[$i]['count'] . CATEGORIES_COUNT_SUFFIX; $content .= '</a>'; }