Código PHP:
$domain = 'dominio de la pagina'; //ojo, el cangrego mail lo tengo en un subdominio, pero es obio qe no deberia influir o si?
* Time offset inversion
* If you are running on a machine that doesn't have the tm_gmtoff
* value in your time structure and if you are in a time zone that
* has a negative offset, you need to set this value to 1. This is
* typically people in the US that are running Solaris 7.
* @global bool $invert_time
$invert_time = false;
* Default send transport
* What should be used when sending email.
* If it is set to false, SquirrelMail will use SMTP server settings.
* If it is set to true, SquirrelMail will use program defined in
* $sendmail_path
* @global bool $useSendmail
$useSendmail = false; //tambenb lo he probado con true,
* Your SMTP server (usually the same as the IMAP server).
* @global string $smtpServerAddress
$smtpServerAddress = 'direccion que me dio el server';
* Your SMTP port number (usually 25).
* @global integer $smtpPort
$smtpPort = 25;
* SquirrelMail header encryption
* Encryption key allows to hide SquirrelMail Received: headers
* in outbound messages. Interface uses encryption key to encode
* username, remote address and proxied address, then stores encoded
* information in X-Squirrel-* headers.
* Warning: used encryption function is not bulletproof. When used
* with static encryption keys, it provides only minimal security
* measures and information can be decoded quickly.
* Encoded information can be decoded with decrypt_headers.php script
* from SquirrelMail contrib/ directory.
* @global string $encode_header_key
* @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.5
$encode_header_key = '';
* Path to Sendmail
* Program that should be used when sending email. SquirrelMail expects that
* this program will follow options used by original sendmail
* (http://www.sendmail.org).
* @global string $sendmail_path
$sendmail_path = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
* Extra sendmail command arguments.
* Sets additional sendmail command arguments. Make sure that arguments are
* supported by your sendmail program. -f argument is added automatically by
* SquirrelMail scripts. Variable defaults to standard /usr/sbin/sendmail
* arguments. If you use qmail-inject, nbsmtp or any other sendmail wrapper,
* which does not support -t and -i arguments, set variable to empty string
* or use arguments suitable for your mailer.
* @global string $sendmail_args
* @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.8
//$sendmail_args = '-i -t';
* IMAP server address
* The dns name (or IP address) for your imap server.
* @global string $imapServerAddress
$imapServerAddress = 'direccion qe me dio el server';
* IMAP server port
* Port used by your imap server. (Usually 143)
* @global integer $imapPort
$imapPort = 143;
* IMAP server type
* The type of IMAP server you are running.
* Valid type are the following (case is important):
* courier
* cyrus
* exchange
* uw
* macosx
* hmailserver
* other
* Please note that this changes only some of server settings.
* In order to set everything correctly, you need to adjust several
* squirrelmail options. These options are listed in doc/presets.txt
* @global string $imap_server_type
$imap_server_type = 'other';
* Advanced IMAP authentication options control
* CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, Plain, and TLS
* Set reasonable defaults - you'd never know this was there unless you ask for it
* @global bool $use_imap_tls
$use_imap_tls = false;
* Advanced SMTP authentication options control
* CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, Plain, and TLS
* Set reasonable defaults - you'd never know this was there unless you ask for it
* @global bool $use_smtp_tls
$use_smtp_tls = false;
* SMTP authentication mechanism
* auth_mech can be either 'none', 'login','plain', 'cram-md5', or 'digest-md5'
* @global string $smtp_auth_mech
$smtp_auth_mech = 'login';
* IMAP authentication mechanism
* auth_mech can be either 'login','plain', 'cram-md5', or 'digest-md5'
* @global string $imap_auth_mech
$imap_auth_mech = 'login';
* IMAP folder delimiter
* This is the delimiter that your IMAP server uses to distinguish between
* folders. For example, Cyrus uses '.' as the delimiter and a complete
* folder would look like 'INBOX.Friends.Bob', while UW uses '/' and would
* look like 'INBOX/Friends/Bob'. Normally this should be left at 'detect'
* but if you are sure you know what delimiter your server uses, you can
* specify it here.
* To have it autodetect the delimiter, set it to 'detect'.
* @global string $optional_delimiter
$optional_delimiter = 'detect';
* POP before SMTP setting
* Do you wish to use POP3 before SMTP? Your server must
* support this in order for SquirrelMail to work with it.
* @global bool $pop_before_smtp
$pop_before_smtp = true;