y este es el de las categorias
Código PHP:
$tt_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'cat_table_top'");
$breadcrumb = ":: <a href='index.php'>{*HOME*}</a> ::";
$table_top = str_replace("{php=breadcrumb}", $breadcrumb, $table_top);
$table_top = lang_convert($table_top);
$cat_pass = sha1(md5($_POST['cat_pass']));
$cID = $_POST['cid'];
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT cPwd FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories WHERE cID = '".$cID."'");
if($cat_pass === $cPwd)
$_SESSION['cat_'.$cID] = $cPwd;
$cat_page = "{*LOCKED_GRANT*}<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2;url=index.php?action=category&id=".$cID."'>";
} else {
$cat_page = "{*LOCKED_DENIED*}<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2;url=index.php'>";
} else {
if($_GET['id'] != '')
$cID = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['id']));
} else {
$cID = '0';
$check_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories WHERE cID = '".$cID."'");
if($cID > '0')
if(mysql_num_rows($check_sql) == '0')
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;url=index.php?action=failed&fail=cInvalid'>";
} else {
if($cPwd != '')
if($_SESSION['cat_'.$cID] != $cPwd)
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;url=index.php?action=failed&locked=".$cID."'>";
$breadcrumb = breadcrumb($cID, '1', '');
$table_top = str_replace("{php=breadcrumb}", $breadcrumb, $table_top);
$table_top = lang_convert($table_top);
$tr_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'cat_list'");
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories WHERE cParent = '".$cID."' ORDER BY cOrder ASC");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == '0')
$cat_page = "{*NO_CATS*}";
} else {
if($scCount != '0')
$sc_sql = mysql_query("SELECT cID, scCount, dCount FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories WHERE cParent = '".$cat_ID."'");
$dCount += $dc;
if($scC != '0')
$dCount += downCount($scID);
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=cat_id}", $cat_ID, $tableRow);
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=cat_name}", $cName, $cat_row);
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=cat_desc}", $cDesc, $cat_row);
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=sub_cats}", $scCount, $cat_row);
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=total_files}", $dCount, $cat_row);
if($cPwd != '')
$locked = "<b>{*LOCKED*}:</b> ";
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=cat_pwd}", $locked, $cat_row);
} else {
$cat_row = str_replace("{php=cat_pwd}", "", $cat_row);
$cat_page .= $cat_row;
if($cID == '0')
if($allFiles == '1')
$tr_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'cat_all_files'");
$all_scCount = '0';
$all_dCount = '0';
$a_sql = mysql_query("SELECT scCount, dCount FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories ORDER BY cID ASC");
$all_dCount += $ar["dCount"];
$all_row = str_replace("{php=sub_cats}", $all_scCount, $all_row);
$all_row = str_replace("{php=total_files}", $all_dCount, $all_row);
$cat_page .= $all_row;
$cat_page = lang_convert($cat_page);
$tb_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'cat_table_bottom'");
if($_GET['id'] != '')
$scribeID = $_GET['id'];
} else {
$scribeID = '0';
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=time_zone}", $timeZone, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=scribe_id}", $scribeID, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=quick_jump_menu}", $quickjump, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = lang_convert($table_bottom);
// Display the category table
echo $table_top;
echo $cat_page;
echo $table_bottom;
// Start to display downloads if it isn't the main category!
if($cID > '0')
echo "<br />";
$tt_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'down_table_top'");
$breadcrumb = breadcrumb($cID, '0', '');
$table_top = str_replace("{php=breadcrumb}", $breadcrumb, $table_top);
$table_top = lang_convert($table_top);
$tr_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'down_list'");
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT noFiles FROM ".DB_PREFIX."categories WHERE cID = '".$cID."'");
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT dID, dName, dDesc, author, dateAdd, count FROM ".DB_PREFIX."downloads WHERE cID = '".$cID."' && sticky = '1' && approved = '1' ORDER BY dID DESC");
$noSticky = '0';
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > '0')
$noSticky = mysql_num_rows($sql);
$limit -= $noSticky;
$dDesc=substr(stripslashes($r["dDesc"]), 0, 35);
$rating=rating($dID, 1);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_id}", $dID, $tableRow);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_name}", $dName, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=sticky}", "{*PINNED*}", $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_desc}", $dDesc, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=author}", $author, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=date_added}", $dateAdd, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_count}", $count, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=rating}", $rating, $down_row);
$down_page .= $down_row;
$query_count = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."downloads WHERE cID = '".$cID."' && sticky = '0' && approved = '1'";
$result_count = mysql_query($query_count);
$totalrows = mysql_num_rows($result_count);
$page = $_GET['page'];
} else {
$page = '1';
$numofpages = $totalrows / $limit;
$limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);
$sort = htmlentities($_POST['sort'], ENT_QUOTES);
$order = htmlentities($_POST['order'], ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$sort = "dID";
$order = "DESC";
$query = "SELECT dID, dName, dDesc, author, dateAdd, count FROM ".DB_PREFIX."downloads WHERE cID = '".$cID."' && sticky = '0' && approved = '1' ORDER BY ".$sort." ".$order." LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if($noSticky == '0' && $totalrows == '0')
$down_page = "{*NO_DOWNS*}";
} else {
$dDesc=substr(stripslashes($r["dDesc"]), 0, 35);
$rating=rating($dID, 1);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_id}", $dID, $tableRow);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_name}", $dName, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=sticky}", "", $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_desc}", $dDesc, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=author}", $author, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=date_added}", $dateAdd, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=down_count}", $count, $down_row);
$down_row = str_replace("{php=rating}", $rating, $down_row);
$down_page .= $down_row;
$page_nav = page_nav("action=category&id=".$cID);
$pagination = "<table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
$down_page = lang_convert($down_page);
$tb_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."templates WHERE tID = '".$theme."' && tmName = 'down_table_bottom'");
$address = "index.php?action=category&id=".$cID;
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=cat_id}", $cID, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=pagination}", $pagination, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = str_replace("{php=address}", $address, $table_bottom);
$table_bottom = lang_convert($table_bottom);
// Display the downloads table
echo $table_top;
echo $down_page;
echo $table_bottom;
que parte del codigo tengo que editar para que las categorias se queden fijas y en cambio se mueva el contenido del centro de la pag?