Tengo un pequeño problema con el Conector Manager del Magento, al querer ingresar me sale:
Logicamente, he cambiado los permisos a 777, pero aun asi el problema persiste, ¿ha alguno le ha pasado lo mismo?Error: Please check for sufficient write file permissions
Your Magento folder does not have sufficient write permissions, which this web based downloader requires.
If you wish to proceed downloading Magento packages online, please set all Magento folders to have writable permission for the web server user (example: apache) and press the "Refresh" button to try again.
Your Magento folder does not have sufficient write permissions, which this web based downloader requires.
If you wish to proceed downloading Magento packages online, please set all Magento folders to have writable permission for the web server user (example: apache) and press the "Refresh" button to try again.
Por otra parte, que aplicacion es mejor para una tienda online, ¿Magento u Oscommerce?.
A la espera de sus comentarios.
Un saludo