miren me baje el PHPDoc he hice todo lo que el tutorial decía y aún asi nada hace...... por que?
Solo me crea alguno .xml y .html vacíos sin nada dentro de la carpeta que especifico, pero nada más y dice esto.
es que acaso mi versión de php (4.3.3) no es suficiente? no entiendo por que no funcionaPHPDoc currently requires a late PHP4 version (4.0.3dev) to work. Some earlier version like to crash with memory trouble.
PHPDoc was programmed without using PHP4 features that means it will run with version prior to 4.0.3dev on fine day. But again: my PHP3.0.15 crashed when it started to render the HTML documents :(.
I'll try to provide a solution as soon as possible.
Parser starts...
... preparse to find modulegroups and classtrees.
... parsing classes.
... parsing modules.
... writing packagelist.
Parser finished.
Starting to render...
2 seconds needed
PHPDoc has finished his work. The generated XML and HTML files can be found in the directory specified with setTarget() in the above code. This is per default "installationdir/apidoc/". Within this directory is another directory named "keep/". It contains a stylesheet file and a frameset you can use to browse the HTML files.
Don't be disappointed if PHPDoc makes documentation mistakes. Always remember it's currently only grabbing not parsing. If PHPDoc will develop as a standard this will change as soon as possible. Please be patient and wait until "... later this year."
Have fun!
... and what about the warning? I use xml_parse_into_struct() as documented, but PHP4 likes to throw a warning, ignore it
PHPDoc was programmed without using PHP4 features that means it will run with version prior to 4.0.3dev on fine day. But again: my PHP3.0.15 crashed when it started to render the HTML documents :(.
I'll try to provide a solution as soon as possible.
Parser starts...
... preparse to find modulegroups and classtrees.
... parsing classes.
... parsing modules.
... writing packagelist.
Parser finished.
Starting to render...
2 seconds needed
PHPDoc has finished his work. The generated XML and HTML files can be found in the directory specified with setTarget() in the above code. This is per default "installationdir/apidoc/". Within this directory is another directory named "keep/". It contains a stylesheet file and a frameset you can use to browse the HTML files.
Don't be disappointed if PHPDoc makes documentation mistakes. Always remember it's currently only grabbing not parsing. If PHPDoc will develop as a standard this will change as soon as possible. Please be patient and wait until "... later this year."

Have fun!
... and what about the warning? I use xml_parse_into_struct() as documented, but PHP4 likes to throw a warning, ignore it
Lo estoy haciendo trabajar en local (apache 1.3) en Windows 98 con php 4.3.3.
Gracias de antemano.