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Fusion news

Estas en el tema de Fusion news en el foro de Sistemas de gestión de contenidos en Foros del Web. Pues tengo un pequeño problema, y es que cuando publico alguna noticia, los acentos y las ñ entre otras, no las pone., me sale una ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/02/2004, 18:34
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Ubicación: En un lugar donde abunda la MaGiA
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Fusion news

Pues tengo un pequeño problema, y es que cuando publico alguna noticia, los acentos y las ñ entre otras, no las pone., me sale una especie de cuadrito, y no solo a mi, si no a todos.., y eso que uso la fuente verdana, de tamaño la mas pequeña.., si alguien sabe algo que responda.
Un buen foro_Para aprender PHP
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/02/2004, 18:49
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Ubicación: En un lugar donde abunda la MaGiA
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0

fusion news 3.6.1

English language pack

This is the default pack

language pack version: 3.6.1

Some strings have variables (ex. $var) or html in them, make sure they don't
lose there function

$months = array("01" => "January", "02" => "February", "03" => "March", "04" => "April",
"05" => "May", "06" => "June", "07" => "July", "08" => "August",
"09" => "September", "10" => "October", "11" => "November", "12" => "December");

//$ Errormessages $
$error0 = "Can't open comments.db.php for reading/writing!";
$error1 = "You may not access this file.";
$error2 = "Can't open archive.txt for reading/writing!";
$error3 = "Can't open fnarchive.php for reading/writing!";
$error4 = "Can't open news.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure news.php is CHMODded to 777";
$error5 = "Can't open news.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure news.php is CHMODded to 777";
$error6 = "Can't open headlines.txt for reading/writing!<br>Make sure headlines.php CHMODded to 777";
$error7 = "Can't open news.*.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure the folder $furl/news is CHMODded to 777 and all files in this folder to 666.";
$error8 = "Can't open config.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure config.php is CHMODded to 666";
$error9 = "Can't open flood.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure flood.php is CHMODded to 666";
$error10 = "Error - no editable template chosen";
$error11 = "Can't open users.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure users.php is CHMODded to 666";
$error12 = "You can't delete yourself";
$error13 = "Can't open users.php for reading!<br>Make sure users.php is CHMODded to 666";
$error14 = "You are not allowed to edit this post";
$error15 = "LEAVE";
$error16 = "Can't open news database files for reading!<br>Make sure the folder $furl/news is CHMODded to 777 and all files in this folder to 666.";
$error17 = "Can't open badwords.txt for reading!<br>Make sure badwords.txt is CHMODded to 666";
$error18 = "Can't open badwords.txt for reading/writing!<br>Make sure badwords.txt is CHMODded to 666";
$error19 = "Can't open banned.php for reading/writing!<br>Make sure banned.php is CHMODded to 666";
$error20 = "You are not permitted to post news!";
$error21 = "Could not open the emoticons directory for reading, check paths and permissions";
$error22 = "Can't open fusionnews.xml for reading/writing!<br>Make sure news.php is CHMODded to 666";

//$ Index.php $
$ind0 = "Welcome to fusion. Please log in.<br><br>";
$ind1 = "<br /><br /><br /><div align=\"center\">Thanks for downloading Fusion News 3.6.1.<br />This looks like your first time here. Please <a href=\"./installer.php\">install fusion news 3.6.1</a>.</div><br /><br /><br /><br />";
$ind2 = "First time here";
$ind3 = "login";
$ind4a = "new";
$ind4b = "old";
$ind4 = "password";
$ind5 = "poster";
$ind6 = "email";
$ind7 = "icon URL";
$ind8 = "user level";
$ind9 = "Logged in";
$ind10 = "Log in";
$ind11 = <<<html
<td><a href="index.php?id=admin">admin</a></td>
<td> - manage all admin settings</td>
$ind12 = <<<html
<td><a href="index.php?id=commentmanag">manage comments</a></td>
<td> - edit, remove comments and ban post IPs</td>
<td><a href="$furl/index.php?id=smillies">manage smillies</a></td
<td> - manage smillies here</td>
$ind13 = <<<html
<div align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse">
<td><a href="index.php?id=postnews">post news</a></td>
<td>- post a new newsitem.</td>
<td><a href="index.php?id=editposts&pos=0">edit posts</a></td>
<td> - edit exsisting newsitems</td>
<td><a href="index.php?id=editprofile">edit profile</a></td>
<td> - edit your profile</td>
$ind14 = <<<html
<td><a href="index.php?id=view">View news</a></td>
<td> - View the current news items</td>
<td><a href="$hurl">Webpage</a></td>
<td> - Go back to your webpage</td>
<td><a href="index.php?id=plugins">plugins</a></td>
<td> - show all installed plugins</td>
<td><a href="index.php?id=help">help/update</a></td>
<td> - general help, checking for updates</td>
<td><a href="$furl/index.php?id=logout">logout</a></td>
<td> - destroy session/cookie</td>
</table><br />
$ind15 = "Post";
$ind16 = "Reset";
$ind17 = "error";
$ind18 = "Bad username and/or password";

//// admin page ////
$ind19 = "Not allowed to view this feature";
$ind20 = "Not admin.";
$ind21 = "Settings saved";
$ind21a = "Settings not saved";
$ind22 = "Your settings were saved. News.php has been updated";
$ind22a = "Your settings were not saved.";
$ind23 = "Edit templates/headers/footers";

// do not edit the {news}, {subject}, etc tags
$ind24 = "Edit the templates for your news. you can use<br/><br/>
&raquo; {news}<br/>
&raquo; {icon}</br>
&raquo; {subject}<br/>
&raquo; {user}<br/>
&raquo; {date}<br/>
&raquo; {fullstory}<br/>
&raquo; {send} (send to a friend)<br/>
&raquo; {comments}<br/>
&raquo; {nrc} (number of comments)<br/><br/>
You may rearrange them in any order you wish You can also use HTML/CSS to customize the news posts.";
$ind25 = "Edit the templates for your news archive. you can use<br/><br/>
&raquo; {news}<br/>
&raquo; {icon}</br>
&raquo; {subject}<br/>
&raquo; {user}<br/>
&raquo; {date}<br/>
&raquo; {fullstory}<br/>
&raquo; {send} (send to a friend)<br/>
&raquo; {comments}<br/>
&raquo; {nrc} (number of comments)<br/><br/>
You may arrange them in any order. You can use HTML/CSS";
$ind26 = "Edit the template for your comments. you can use {comment}, {date}, {poster}, {posterip} to rearrange their placement and insert html tags.";
$ind27 = "Edit header/footer and insert html tags";
$ind28 = "Edit the header/footer for your full news and insert html tags.";
$ind29 = "Edit the header/footer for your comments and insert html tags.";
$ind30 = "Edit the template for your headlines. you can use<br/><br/>
&raquo; {linkstart}<br/>
&raquo; {subject}<br/>
&raquo; {user}<br/>
&raquo; {date}<br/>
&raquo; {icon}<br/>
&raquo; {linkend}<br/><br/>
{linkstart} and {linkend} surround the text which will function as the link.";
$ind30a = "Edit the template for your post per day. you can use {date} and {news_a_day}. {date} inserts the date of the posts and {news_a_day} inserts the news formated with the news template.";

$ind31 = "Add user";
$ind32 = "That login or nickname is already in use.";
$ind33 = "Added user";
$ind34 = "Edit users";
$ind34a = "The user was eddited succesfully.";
$ind34b = "Post news";
$ind35 = "subject";
$ind36 = "save";
$ind37 = <<<html
layout of the whole commentpage. This one is kinda complicated because you can edit all fields seperatly. These are all allowed fields:
<table width="590" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="15%"><strong>{subject}</strong></td>
<td width="4%">:</td>
<td width="81%">subject of the newsitem who the comments belong
<td valign="top"><strong>{user}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>poster of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{date}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>date of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{icon}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>icon of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{news}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>news of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{com}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> commentslink of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{nrc}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>commentscounter of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
Un buen foro_Para aprender PHP
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/02/2004, 18:50
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Ubicación: En un lugar donde abunda la MaGiA
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
<td valign="top"><strong>{fullstory}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> fullstory of the newsitem who the comments belong too.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{comments}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>shows allready exsisting comments that belong to the newsitem using the
template above.</td>
<td colspan="3"><em>Below are the addpostfields.</em></td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[form] and [/form]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>these fields surround all lower mentioned fields, just like in html and
they are <strong>required</strong>.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[namefld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> namefield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[mailfld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>mailfield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[pwfld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>passwordfield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[comfld,width,height]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>commentfield, the second part sets the width and the third
the height of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[comlen]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>this field holds the allowed length of comments</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[buttons]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>these are the post and reset buttons which saves or resets the comment.</td>
$ind38 = <<<html
layout of the whole send to friendpage. This one is kinda complicated because
you can edit all fields seperatly. <br><b>Note:</b> This template does not have a header/footer, so all the html goes into this template.<br>These are all allowed fields:
<table width="590" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="15%"><strong>{subject}</strong></td>
<td width="4%">:</td>
<td width="81%">subject of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{user}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>poster of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{date}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>date of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{icon}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>icon of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{news}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>news of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{fullstory}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>fullstory of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{com}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> commentslink of the newsitem.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>{nrc}</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>commentscounter of the newsitem.</td>
<td colspan="3"><em>Below are the addpostfields.</em></td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[form] and [/form]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>these fields surround all lower mentioned fields, just like in html and
they are <strong>required</strong>.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[sendnamefld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> sender namefield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
</tr> <tr>
<td valign="top"><strong>[recnamefld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td> receiver namefield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[sendmailfld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>sender mailfield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[recmailfld,width]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>receiver mailfield, the second part sets the width of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[mesfld,width,height]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>messagefield, the second part sets the width and the third the height
of the field.</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>[buttons]</strong></td>
<td valign="top">:</td>
<td>these are the post and reset buttons which saves or resets the comment.</td>
//START - admin section
$ind45 = "Dir/URL settings";
$ind46 = "These settings are the most important ones to get Fusion news 3.6 Basic to work properly.";
$ind47 = "Full url to your site:";
$ind48 = "The full url to your site, for example:";
$ind49 = "Full url to fusion news Directory:";
$ind50 = "For example:";
$ind51 = "Full path to fusion news Directory:";
$ind52 = "Linux systems: web/Apache/httd/user Win32 users: c:/apache/htdocs/news";
$ind53 = "Full url to page with news:";
$ind54 = "This is the url to the page where u include the news.php file into, for example:";
$ind55 = "Layout Post Options";
$ind56 = "Date format";
$ind57 = "help";
$ind58 = "Number of posts seen";
$ind59 = "If your number of posts exceeds this number, the oldest posts will be moved to the archive.";
$ind60 = "Number of headlines seen";
$ind61 = "News Posts";
$ind62 = "Allow bbcode";
$ind63 = "Allow html";
$ind64 = "Allow smilies";
$ind65 = "Addon Options";
$ind66 = "Full story link:";
$ind67 = "Full story options";
$ind68 = "Allow Full Story popup";
$ind69 = "width:";
$ind70 = "height:";
$ind71 = "(in pixels; \"100\" is minimum)";
$ind72 = "Scrollbars (only shown when needed)";
$ind73 = "Resizeable";
$ind74 = "Send to friend link:";
$ind75 = "Send to friend (STF) options:";
$ind75a = "Comment popup options:";
$ind76 = "Allow STF form popup:";
$ind76a = "Allow Comment form popup:";
$ind77 = "Comments link:";
$ind78 = "Comments Options:";
$ind79 = "Allow newlines(&lt;br&gt;,\\n) in comments";
$ind80 = "Wordfilter active in?";
$ind81 = "Comments";
$ind82 = "Posts";
$ind83 = "Please check your options before submitting them:";
$ind84 = "<b>Note:</b> all fields required to work";
$ind85 = "Adding search capabilities to your news posts:";
$ind86 = "Just add a link on the page where u want it to be present:<br>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Search for news&lt;/a&gt;<br>The script is located in your fusion news directory and is called &quot;search.php&quot;";
$ind87 = "Wordwrap:";
$ind88 = "Enable wordwrap";
$ind89 = "max. length of a word (min. is \"5\")";
$ind90 = "Fullstory link:";
$ind91 = "Enable anti-flood";
$ind91a = "Set allowed comment length (if set to 0, no limitation added):";
$ind92 = "seconds between posts from same IP (min. is \"1\")";
//END - admin section
$ind93 = "short news";
$ind94 = "full story";
$ind95 = "Edit posts";
$ind96 = "date";
$ind97 = "delete?";
$ind98 = "Your subject and news must be filled in";
$ind99 = "News posted";
$ind100 = "The news was posted. You can go to your <a href=\"$hurl\">main page</a>, or <a href=\"$furl/index.php?id=view\">view news</a>.";
$ind101 = "Posts edited";
$ind102 = "The news was edited. You can go to your <a href=\"$hurl\">main page</a>, or <a href=\"$furl/index.php?id=view\">view news</a>.";
$ind103 = "You can only edit your own posts unless you're an admin or editor.";
$ind104 = "News page";
$ind105 = "The news and archive was built. You can go to your <a href=\"$hurl\">main page</a>, <a href=\"$furl/index.php?id=view\">view news</a> or <a href=\"$furl/archive.txt\">view archive</a>.";
$ind106 = "login";
$ind107 = "logout";
$ind108 = "post news";
$ind109 = "edit posts";
$ind110 = "Add";
$ind111 = "Time Offset:";
$ind112 = "Current Server Time:";
$ind113 = "Edit/Remove user";
$ind114 = "field left blank";
$ind115 = "login, email or passwordfield left blank";
$ind116 = "Invalid email";
$ind117 = "The email you entered isn't valid";
$ind118 = "was added.";
$ind119 = "Nickname:";
$ind120 = "You changed your own profile, Fusion news logged you out so changes can take effect when u login again.";
$ind121 = "Message options:";
$ind122 = "is turned";
$ind123 = "Selected posts deleted";
$ind124 = "Selected posts are deleted [a total of";
$ind124a = "post(s)]";
$ind125 = "Click on the subject to edit the post";
$ind126 = "Delete selected";
$ind127 = "Deletes selected posts and their comments.";
$ind128 = "News:";
$ind129 = "Fullnews:";
$ind130 = "Your subject and news must be filled in.";
$ind131 = "Wordfilter(one expression per line, spaces allowed, case insensitive):";
Un buen foro_Para aprender PHP
  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/02/2004, 18:51
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Ubicación: En un lugar donde abunda la MaGiA
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
$ind132 = "Banned IP list:";
$ind133 = "If you want to disallow people from posting comments, put <br>their IP's here (one IP number per line):";
$ind134 = "Edit comments:";
$ind135 = "Click on the subject to edit the posts comments";
$ind136 = "count";
$ind137 = "banned IP's updated";
$ind138 = "Click on the subject to edit the comment";
$ind139 = "name";
$ind140 = "date";
$ind141 = "no e-mail address specified";
$ind142 = "edit comment";
$ind143 = "ON";
$ind144 = "OFF";
$ind145 = "The comment must be filled in.";
$ind146 = "Comment updated";
$ind147 = "The edited comment was saved";
$ind148 = "tresspassing";
$ind149 = "You are not allowed to edit this comment";
$ind150 = "Selected comments deleted";
$ind151 = "Selected comments are deleted [a total of";
$ind151a= "comment(s)]";
$ind152 = "General help";
$ind153 = "Updatecheck, please rate our script:";
$ind154 = "Updatecheck:";
$ind155 = "Your version";
$ind156 = "Last version";
$ind157 = "Rate Fusion News 3.6";
$ind158 = "Excellent!";
$ind159 = "Very Good";
$ind160 = "Good";
$ind161 = "Fair";
$ind162 = "Poor";
$ind163 = "main";
$ind164 = "build news";
$ind165 = "help/update";
$ind166 = "manage comments";
$ind167 = "manage user";
$ind168 = "edit templates/headers/footers";
$ind169 = "admin";
$ind169a = "plugins";
$ind170 = "Logged in as:";
$ind171 = "not logged in";
$ind172 = "Cast My Vote!";
$ind173 = "wordfilter";
$ind174 = "Update";
$ind175 = "Login";
$ind175a = "Edit the:";
$ind176 = "header/footer";
$ind177 = "header/footer comments";
$ind178 = "news templates (short/full news)";
$ind179 = "archive templates (short/full news)";
$ind180 = "comment template";
$ind181 = "headline/send to friend template";
$ind181a = "Post per day template";
$ind182 = "Add user";
$ind183 = "Hide email?";
$ind184 = "user:";
$ind185 = "Fusion Preview";
$ind186 = "Skin";
$ind187 = "header";
$ind188 = "footer";
$ind189 = "news template";
$ind190 = "full news template ({news} is replaced by {fullnews} and {shortnews})";
$ind191 = "comment template";
$ind192 = "headlines template";
$ind192a = "post per day template";
$ind193 = "normal";
$ind194 = "editor";
$ind195 = "admin";
$ind196 = "wrong password";
$ind197 = "the password you entered is wrong. <a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">go back</a>";
$ind198 = "OFF";
$ind199 = "ON";
$ind200 = "Preview";
$ind201 = "Add words to filter";
$ind202 = "Wordfilter updated";
$ind203 = "manage comments";
$ind204 = "Manage/configure Uploads";
$ind205 = "Upload Options";
$ind206 = "Comment Options";
$ind207 = "Manage Comments";
$ind208 = "User Options";
$ind209 = "Manage Users";
$ind210 = "Smillie Options";
$ind211 = "Manage Smillies";
$ind212 = "Template/Header Options";
$ind213 = "Manage Header/Templates";
$ind214 = "Wordfilter Options";
$ind215 = "Manage Wordfilter";
$ind216 = "Files are being uploaded to";
$ind217 = "These uploadfields apply to both short news and full news and are not mandatory";
$ind218 = "Allowed file-extensions:";
$ind219 = "Allowed filesize:";
$ind220 = "Allow file uploads when posting news?";
$ind221 = "Allowed extensions:";
$ind222 = "(seperate each extension with a &quot;|&quot;. For example &quot;gif|jpg|jpeg|png&quot;)";
$ind223 = "Maximum size(in Bytes):";
$ind224 = "(1MB = 1024 kByte; 1 kByte = 1024 Bytes)";
$ind225 = "De/Select all files for deletion.";
$ind226 = "Filename";
$ind227 = "Size";
$ind228 = "Last modified";
$ind229 = "Deleting";
$ind230 = "failed";
$ind231 = "was deleted succesfully";
$ind232 = "Updates from FusionPHP:";
$ind233 = "Your browser doesn't support &lt;iframe&gt;.";
$ind234 = "Click here to see the document.";
$ind235 = "Communication:";
$ind236 = "Whenever you encounter a problem, visit our <a href=\"\">FAQ</a> page as a first resolve";
$ind237 = "If you can't find the answer you need, visit our <a href=\"\">forums</a> for detailed help";
$ind238 = "Use <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">email</a> communication as a last resort, since we are just making this script for fun and have a busy non-internet life.";
$ind239 = "The <a href=\"\">FusionPHP Team</a> would like to thank you for using Fusion News 3.6 Basic.";
$ind240 = "Here will the available plugins be shown for you to administrate.";
$ind241 = "Plugins Administration";
$ind242 = "Change";
$ind243 = "Add smillies";
$ind244 = "add smillie";
$ind245 = "smillie";
$ind246 = "Upload smillies";
$ind247 = "File to upload:";
$ind248 = "Edit smillies";
$ind248 = "Smillie added";
$ind249 = "Your selected smillie was added";
$ind250 = "Smillie Changed";
$ind251 = "The changes to ur smillieconfiguration have been changed";
$ind252 = "The file you tried to upload is too big!";
$ind253 = "Folder not found";
$ind254 = "No file to upload!";
///$extensions will be replaced by the script with the allowed extensions
$ind255 = "These type of files is not allowed for uploading!\r({";
$ind255a = "} are allowed)";
$ind256 = "The upload failed";
//in the sence of: "Love.jpg succesfully uploaded"
$ind257 = "succesfully uploaded.";
$ind258 = "Your comment has reached the length allowed ($comlength). Characters that are beyond the allowed length will be ignored.";
$ind259 = "A name aswell as a comment must be entered.";
$ind260 = "Posts per day";
$ind261 = "Cumulate posts posted on the same day.";
$ind262 = "File uploads:";
$ind263 = "Delete";
$ind264 = "Total size of folder:";
$ind265 = "Enable RSS";
$ind266 = "Build an RSS(simple XML) file. (located in your main fusion news folder named 'fusionnews.xml')";
$ind267 = "Link headlines to fullstory. (happens automaticly the headline refers to an item not shown on the mainpage.)";
$ind268 = "Flip news";
$ind269 = "Put latest news at the bottom";
// this is the main menu, no need to edit enything here
$lang_admin_skinl = <<<html
&nbsp;[<a href="index.php?id=admin">$ind169</a>]
$lang_admin_skinl2 = <<<html
&nbsp;[<a href="index.php?id=admin">$ind169</a>Manage all admin settings]
$lang_editor_skinl = <<<html
&nbsp;[<a href="index.php?id=commentmanag">$ind166</a>]
$lang_editor_skinl2 = <<<html
&nbsp;[<a href="index.php?id=commentmanag">$ind166</a>];

//$ Search.php $
$srch0 = "<b>Note:</b>Leave unwanted fields blank";
$srch1 = "By user:";
$srch2 = "By Subject:";
$srch3 = "By Date, Between(<A onclick=\"flip('datehelp'); return false;\" href=\"#\"><B>Help</B></A>):";
$srch4 = "and:";
$srch5 = "To search by date, there are some codeconventions u need to know.";
$srch6 = "Explenation";
$srch7 = "Search from 10 sept 2000 to the current time(<A onclick=\"InsertHelp('10 September 2000','now'); return false;\" href=\"#\"><B>Example</B></A>)";
$srch8 = "Search from 1 month 1 week... before the 10th sept 2001(<A onclick=\"InsertHelp('-1 month 1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds','10 September 2001'); return false;\" href=\"#\"><B>Example</B></A>)";
$srch9 = "From 3 days ago to last monday(<A onclick=\"InsertHelp('-3 days','last Monday'); return false;\" href=\"#\"><B>Example</B></A>)";
$srch10 = "As you can see, searching by date is quite extensive.<br><b>BUT REMEMBER:</b><br>Always put the date, the furthest in the past, in the first field!!!<br><br>";
$srch11 = "By News:";
$srch12 = "By Full News:";
$srch13 = "Case sensitive:";
$srch14 = "Search in archives:";
$srch15 = "<font color=red>You may not use \"/\" symbols in your search strings.<br>You may press the backbutton to change your search strings.</font>";
$srch16 = "<font color=red>The timestamp you used is invalid. Please click the backbutton and change to a valid one.<br>Press help for more info.</font>";
$srch17 = "<font color=red>The timestamp you used is invalid. Please click the backbutton and change to a valid one.<br>Press help for more info.</font>";
$srch18 = "<font color=red>The range of time results in a negative number! The first field should hold the time the furthest in the past.</font>";
$srch19 = "No post where found matching your search criteria";

//$ Send.php $
$snd0 = "hi";
$snd1 = "check out this news post";
$snd2 = "from";
$snd3 = "From:";
$snd4 = "the article has been sent to";
$snd5 = "Go back";

//$ Comment.php $
$com0 = "Off limits for direct use!";
$com1 = "You didnt fill in a name or comment, pls hit the backbutton and fillout both fields";
$com2 = "You entered an invalid email address, leave the email field blank or enter a valid email-address";
$com3 = "You are banned.";
//$com4 and $com5 are one sentence they become ex. ...last 60 seconds...
$com4 = "You have posted in the last";
$com5 = "seconds. You'll have to wait until this time has past to post again.";
$com6 = "Thank you for posting a comment, you are being redirected to the commentspage.<br>If it takes to long press";
$com7 = "here";
$com8 = "You tried using a restricted name, if you are a registered editor, please check if you filled in the right password?";

Este es el archivo Language.db o algo asi.., bueno que es el archivo del idioma, y claro es en ingles.., donde no existe el acento ni la ñ.., pero weno.., a ver si viendo esto me podeis ayudar mejor.
Un buen foro_Para aprender PHP
  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 17/03/2004, 15:17
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2004
Ubicación: Catalunya
Mensajes: 8
Antigüedad: 21 años
Puntos: 0
yo tb uso fusion news pero no tengo ningún problema con ç, (ñ no porque en catalán no se usan), y todos los acentos (à á è é etc.).
Me funciona perfectamente.
El archivo language.db no te va a servir para esto porque es el de traducción interna del programa.
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 16:03.