Sucede que en el confg sale lo siguiente:
Código PHP:
$impexconfig['target']['databasetype'] = 'mysql';
$impexconfig['target']['server'] = 'localhost';
$impexconfig['target']['user'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['target']['password'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['target']['database'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['target']['tableprefix'] = ' ';
# If the system that is being imported from uses a database,
# enter the details for it here and set 'sourceexists' to true.
# If the source data is NOT stored in a database, set 'sourceexists' to false
$impexconfig['sourceexists'] = true;
# mysql / mssql
$impexconfig['source']['databasetype'] = 'mysql';
$impexconfig['source']['server'] = 'localhost';
$impexconfig['source']['user'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['source']['password'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['source']['database'] = ' ';
$impexconfig['source']['tableprefix'] = ' ';
Si alguien sabe a que se debe, le agradeceria mucho la ayuda...
de ante manos, muchas gracias.