Ejemplo como quedaria:
1. Instalar MOD Manual:
Remplazas por:// If the board is new, show a strong indicator. if ($board['new']) echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/on.gif" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" />'; // This board doesn't have new posts, but its children do. elseif ($board['children_new']) echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/on2.gif" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" />'; // No new posts at all! The agony!! else echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/off.gif" alt="', $txt[334], '" title="', $txt[334], '" />';
if ($board['new']) { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on.gif')) $board_new_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on.gif'; else $board_new_img=$settings['images_url']. '/on.gif'; echo '<img src="', $board_new_img,'" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" border="0" />'; } elseif ($board['children_new']) { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on2.gif')) $childboard_new_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on2.gif'; else $childboard_new_img=$settings['images_url']. '/on2.gif'; echo '<img src="', $childboard_new_img,'" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" border="0" />'; } else { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/off.gif')) $board_nonew_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/off.gif'; else $board_nonew_img=$settings['images_url']. '/off.gif'; echo '<img src="', $board_nonew_img,'" alt="', $txt[334], '" title="', $txt[334], '" border="0" />';
Buscas por:
// If the board is new, show a strong indicator. if ($board['new']) echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/on.gif" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" />'; // This board doesn't have new posts, but its children do. elseif ($board['children_new']) echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/on2.gif" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" />'; // No new posts at all! The agony!! else echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/off.gif" alt="', $txt[334], '" title="', $txt[334], '" />';
Remplazas por:
if ($board['new']) { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on.gif')) $board_new_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on.gif'; else $board_new_img=$settings['images_url']. '/on.gif'; echo '<img src="', $board_new_img,'" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" border="0" />'; } elseif ($board['children_new']) { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on2.gif')) $childboard_new_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/on2.gif'; else $childboard_new_img=$settings['images_url']. '/on2.gif'; echo '<img src="', $childboard_new_img,'" alt="', $txt[333], '" title="', $txt[333], '" border="0" />'; } else { if (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/off.gif')) $board_nonew_img=$settings['theme_url']. '/icons/' . $board['id'] . '/off.gif'; else $board_nonew_img=$settings['images_url']. '/off.gif'; echo '<img src="', $board_nonew_img,'" alt="', $txt[334], '" title="', $txt[334], '" border="0" />'; }
Todo esos archivos los encontramos en Themes/tu themes/
2. Agregando las imágenes.
A continuación enseñare a poner las imágenes.
- Para poner la imagen debes crear una ruta en Themes/tu-themes/ creas una carpeta/ruta llamada icons, osea quedaría así Themes/tu themes/icons.
- Para poner una imagen por foro, luego de crear la carpeta te metes dentro un ejemplo de foro es el español que su url es:
[url=http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?board=]Simple Machines Community Forum - Index[/url] 16.0
Nos fijamos en los ultimos números que es 16.0, entonces vamos a Themes/tu themes/icons y creamos una carpeta llamada 16, dentro ponemos el on.gif,off.gif y on2.gif
¿Por qué es 16?.
Porque claro, el .0 no cuenta, entonces verás casos así:
[url=http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?board=]Simple Machines Community Forum - Index[/url] 40.0
Fácil, haces una carpeta llamada 40 y listo ;D!.
ok lo de la carpeta ya lo hice solo que he intentado de 10 formas programar mis codigos con esos y nada, este es mi codigo:
// If the board or children is new, show an indicator. if ($board['new'] || $board['children_new']) echo ' <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/' .$context['theme_variant_url'], 'on', $board['new'] ? '' : '2', '.png" alt="', $txt['new_posts'], '" title="', $txt['new_posts'], '" />'; // Is it a redirection board? elseif ($board['is_redirect']) echo ' <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/' .$context['theme_variant_url'], 'redirect.png" alt="*" title="*" />'; // No new posts at all! The agony!! else echo ' <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/' .$context['theme_variant_url'], 'off.png" alt="', $txt['old_posts'], '" title="', $txt['old_posts'], '" />'; echo '</a></td> <td class="info"> <a class="subject" href="', $board['href'], '" name="b', $board['id'], '">', $board['name'], '</a>'; // Fin If the board or children is new, show an indicator.