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Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews

Estas en el tema de Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews en el foro de Sistemas de gestión de contenidos en Foros del Web. En realidad mi problema consiste en lograr que los link de full news (noticia completa) y comments (comentarios), habran un popup como hace sendtof y ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2008, 02:31
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2006
Mensajes: 34
Antigüedad: 18 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews

En realidad mi problema consiste en lograr que los link de full news (noticia completa) y comments (comentarios), habran un popup como hace sendtof y me permitan mostrarlos en una venana distinta, ya que en este momento lo muestran en la misma ventana. Adjunto el codigo de news.php original. En los anteriores intentos copie el javascript de sendtof, cambiandolo por supuesto, para q e sirviera para los dos y despues cambiandolo tambien en la parte que dice: "/* Display link to show comments & news if enabled */" pero aun asi no muestra cambio alguno en la forma de mostrar las noticias. Gracias adelantadas.

<!-- (c) 2003 PHPNews - -->
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
* ------------                               *
* | News.php |                               *
* ------------                               *
* PHPNews - Beta 1.2.0                       *
* Open Source Project started by Pierce Ward *
*                                            *
* Software Distributed at:                   *
*             *
* ========================================== *
* (c) 2003 Pierce Ward (Big P)               *
* All rights reserved.                       *
* ========================================== *
* This program has been written under the    *
* terms of the GNU General Public Licence as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation. *
*                                            *
* The GNU GPL can be found in gpl.txt        *

/* Get the absolute path for including files */
$path = __FILE__;
$path = str_replace('news.php', '', $path);

include_once($path . 'settings.php');

/* Don't edit - Connects to DB */
$dbcon = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);

/* Grabs Settings and puts it in an Array */
$result = mysql_query('SELECT variable,value FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'settings');

$Settings = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $Settings[$row['0']] = $row['1'];

$lang = $Settings['language'];

/* Opens language file */
if(!file_exists($path . 'languages/' . $lang . '.news.lng'))
    include_once($path . 'languages/');
    include_once($path . 'languages/' . $lang . '.news.lng');
$language = $lng;

else if($_GET['action'] == 'fullnews')
else if($_GET['action'] == 'post')
else if($_GET['action'] == 'showcat' && isset($_GET['catid']))

function news()
  global $Settings, $language, $_SERVER, $path, $db_prefix;

/* Prints JavaScript for Send to Friend Link */
if ($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
<script type="text/javascript">
        function sendtof(desktopURL)
          desktop =, "SendToFriend", "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=275,resizable=no");
// -->
  /* Set up Previous/Next links if enabled */
  if ($Settings['enableprevnext'] == 1)
    /* If we're on the first page set defaults */
    if (!isset($_GET['prevnext']) || $_GET['prevnext'] == 0)
      $_GET['prevnext'] = 0;
      $nextpage = $_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshow'];
      $previouspage = $_GET['prevnext'];
      /* Find total number of News Posts */
      $numPosts = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news');
      $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($numPosts);

      if ($var['total'] > $Settings['numtoshow'])
        $include = 1;
    /* Otherwise calculate prev/next links */
    else if (isset($_GET['prevnext']) && is_Numeric($_GET['prevnext']))
      $previouspage = $_GET['prevnext'] - $Settings['numtoshow'];

      /* Find total number of News Posts */
      $numPosts = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news');
      $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($numPosts);

      /* If the number of posts is greater, there's enough room for another page */
      if ($var['total'] > ($_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshow']))
        $nextpage = $_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshow'];
        $nextpage = 0;
      /* Include Previous/Next Template */
      $include = 1;
    $_GET['prevnext'] = 0;
  /* Get information about the News Post */
  $SQL_query = mysql_query('SELECT,n.posterid,n.postername,n.time,n.subject,n.titletext,n.maintext,n.catid,p.username,,p.avatar,c.catname,c.caticon'
                           . ' FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news AS n'
                           . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'posters AS p ON('
                           . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'categories AS c ON('
                           . ' WHERE n.trusted = 1'
                           . ' ORDER by DESC'
                           . ' LIMIT ' . $_GET['prevnext'] . ', ' . $Settings['numtoshow'] . '');

  while($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($SQL_query))
    /* Set Variables */
    $time = strftime($Settings['timeformat'], $news['time']);
    $subject = stripslashes($news['subject']);
    $titletext = stripslashes($news['titletext']);
    $maintext = stripslashes($news['maintext']);

    /* Print Comments if enabled */
    if ($Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)
      $query2 = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'comments WHERE mid = ' . $news['id'] . '');
      $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2);
      $comments = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;showcomments=1&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSCOMMENTS'] . ' (' . $var['total'] . ')</a>';

    /* If Categories are enabled... */
    if ($Settings['enablecats'] == 1)
      if ($news['catid'] != 0)
        if ($news['catname'] != '')
          $category = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=showcat&amp;catid=' . $news['catid'] . '">' . $news['catname'] . '</a>';
        if ($news['caticon'] != '')
          $caticon = '<img src="' . $news['caticon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $news['catname'] . '" />';
    /* Set the News Posters Username */
    $username = $news['username'];

    if (!$username)
      $username = $news['postername'];

    /* Get the Posters Avatar */
    if ($Settings['enableavatars'] == 1)
      if($news['avatar'] != '')
        $avatar = '<img src="' . $news['avatar'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $username . '\'s avatar" />';
        $avatar = '';

    /* Set an email address? Apply it to the Username */
    if ($news['email'] != '')
      $username = '<a href="mailto:' . $news['email'] . '">' . $username . '</a>';
      $username = $username;

    /* Display link to show comments & news if enabled */
    if ($maintext != '' && $Settings['showcominnews'] == 1 && $Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)
      $maintext = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;showcomments=1&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSFULLSTORY'] . '</a>';
    else if ($maintext != '')
      $maintext = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSFULLSTORY'] . '</a>';
      $maintext = '';

    if ($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
      $sendtofriend = '<a href="javascript:sendtof(\'' . $Settings['phpnewsurl'] . 'sendtofriend.php?mid=' . $news['id'] . '\')">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSSTFLINK'] . '</a>';
    /* Parse the code / smilies */
    $maintext = parseCode($maintext);
    $titletext = parseCode($titletext);

    include($path . 'templates/news_temp.php');
    echo "\n";
    /* Clear Variables */
    $category = '';
    $caticon = '';

  /* If previous/next links are enabled */
  if ($Settings['enableprevnext'] == 1 && $include == 1)
    echo '<br />' , "\n";
    /* Show Previous Page link? */
    if($_GET['prevnext'] != NULL && $_GET['prevnext'] != 0)
      echo '<span style="margin-right:5px;"><a href="' , $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , '?prevnext=' , $previouspage , '">' , $language['CONTENT_PREVIOUS'] , '</a></span>';
      echo "\n";
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2008, 02:34
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2006
Mensajes: 34
Antigüedad: 18 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews

Continuación codigo:
    /* Show Next Page Link? */
    if($nextpage != 0)
      echo '<span style="margin-left:5px;"><a href="' , $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , '?prevnext=' , $nextpage , '">' , $language['CONTENT_NEXT'] , '</a></span>';
      echo "\n";

function fullNews()
  global $Settings, $language, $_SERVER, $path, $showcomments, $db_prefix;

  /* Get information about the News Post */
  $SQL_query = mysql_query('SELECT,n.posterid,n.postername,n.time,n.subject,n.titletext,n.maintext,n.catid,p.username,,p.avatar,c.catname,c.caticon'
                           . ' FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news AS n'
                           . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'posters AS p ON('
                           . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'categories AS c ON('
                           . ' WHERE = ' . $_GET['id'] . ''
                           . ' AND n.trusted = 1');

  if (!$_GET['id'])
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_GENERALERROR'];
  else if (!mysql_numrows($SQL_query))
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_NOTEXISTS'];
    /* Prints JavaScript for Send to Friend Link */
    if ($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
<script type="text/javascript">
        function sendtof(desktopURL)
          desktop =, "SendToFriend", "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=275,resizable=no");
// -->

    /* Put News Post Info into an Array */
    $news = mysql_fetch_assoc($SQL_query);

    /* Set the Variables */
    $time = strftime($Settings['shorttimeformat'], $news['time']);
    $subject = stripslashes($news['subject']);
    $titletext = stripslashes($news['titletext']);
    $maintext = stripslashes($news['maintext']);

    /* Find out who made the post */
    $username = $news['username'];
    $email = $news['email'];

    /* Print Comments if enabled */
    if($Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)
      $query2 = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'comments WHERE mid = ' . $_GET['id'] . '');
      $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2);
      $comments = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;showcomments=1&amp;id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSCOMMENTS'] . ' (' . $var['total'] . ')</a>';

    /* If Categories are enabled... */
    if ($Settings['enablecats'] == 1)
      if ($news['catid'] != 0)
        $category = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=showcat&amp;catid=' . $news['catid'] . '">' . $news['catname'] . '</a>';

        if ($cat['caticon'] != '' && is_array($cat))
          $caticon = '<img src="' . $news['caticon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $news['catname'] . '" />';
          $caticon = '';
    if($Settings['enableavatars'] == '1' && $row['avatar'] != '')
      $avatar = '<img src="' . $row['avatar'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $username . '\'s avatar" />';

      $username = $news['postername'];

    if($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
      $sendtofriend = '<a href="javascript:sendtof(\'' . $Settings['phpnewsurl'] . 'sendtofriend.php?mid=' . $_GET['id'] . '\')">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSSTFLINK'] . '</a>';
    /* Parse the code */
    $maintext = parseCode($maintext);
    $titletext = parseCode($titletext);

    /* Include the Template */
    include($path . 'templates/fullnews_temp.php');
    /* Include the Comments */
    if($_GET['showcomments'] == 1 && $Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)

function comments()
  global $_SERVER, $Settings, $language, $path, $db_prefix;

  /* Order comments */
  if ($Settings['showoldcomfirst'] != 1)
    $order = ' DESC';

  /* Get the data for all the Comments */
  $com_Query = mysql_query('SELECT time,name,message,email,website FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'comments WHERE mid = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' ORDER by id' . $order . '');

  while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($com_Query))
    $time = strftime($Settings['shorttimeformat'], $comment['time']);
    $message = $comment['message'];

    if ($comment['website'] != '')
      $link = '[<a href="' . $comment['website'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSWEBSITE'] . '</a>]';
      $link = '';

    /* Censor comment if it is enabled */
    if ($Settings['enablecensor'] == 1)
      $comment['name'] = censor($comment['name']);
      $message = censor($message);

    if ($comment['email'] != '')
      $name = '<a href="mailto:' . $comment['email'] . '">' . $comment['name'] . '</a>';
      $name = $comment['name'];

    /* Include Template for Added Comments */
    include($path . 'templates/comments_temp.php');

  /* Check if User is banned from making Comments */
  $isBanned = checkUserIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

  /* If the person is banned, print warning message */
  if ($isBanned == 1)
    echo '<br /><b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_BANNED'];
    /* Otherwise, print the form and include the template for adding comments */
    echo '
<form action="' , $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , '?action=post" method="post">
<p style="margin:0px;">
<input type="hidden" name="mid" value="' , $_GET['id'] , '" />
</p>' , "\n";

    include($path . 'templates/comment_temp.php');

    echo '
</form>' , "\n";

function showCat()
  global $Settings, $language, $_SERVER, $path, $db_prefix;

  /* Display Category News if it's enabled */
  if ($Settings['enablecats'] != 1)
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_DISABLED'];
    /* Prints JavaScript for Send to Friend Link */
    if ($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
<script type="text/javascript">
        function sendtof(desktopURL)
          desktop =, "SendToFriend", "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=275,resizable=no");
// -->
    /* Set up Previous/Next links if enabled */
    if ($Settings['enableprevnext'] == 1)
      /* If we're on the first page set defaults */
      if (!isset($_GET['prevnext']) || $_GET['prevnext'] == 0)
        $_GET['prevnext'] = 0;
        $nextpage = $_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshowcat'];
        $previouspage = $_GET['prevnext'];
        /* Find total number of News Posts */
        $numPosts = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news WHERE catid=' . $_GET['catid'] . '');
        $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($numPosts);
        /* Only Include Previous/Next links if there is another page! */
        if ($var['total'] > $Settings['numtoshowcat'])
          $include = 1;
      /* Otherwise calculate prev/next links */
      else if (isset($_GET['prevnext']) && is_Numeric($_GET['prevnext']))
        $previouspage = $_GET['prevnext'] - $Settings['numtoshowcat'];

        /* Find total number of News Posts */
        $numPosts = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news WHERE catid=' . $_GET['catid'] . '');
        $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($numPosts);

        /* If the number of posts is greater, there's enough room for another page */
        if ($var['total'] > ($_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshowcat']))
          $nextpage = $_GET['prevnext'] + $Settings['numtoshowcat'];
          $nextpage = 0;
        /* Include Previous/Next Template */
        $include = 1;
      $_GET['prevnext'] = 0;

    $SQL_query = mysql_query('SELECT,n.posterid,n.postername,n.time,n.subject,n.titletext,n.maintext,n.catid,p.username,,p.avatar,c.catname,c.caticon'
                             . ' FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'news AS n'
                             . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'posters AS p ON('
                             . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db_prefix . 'categories AS c ON('
                             . ' WHERE n.catid = ' . $_GET['catid'] . ''
                             . ' AND n.trusted = 1'
                             . ' ORDER by DESC'
                             . ' LIMIT ' . $_GET['prevnext'] . ', ' . $Settings['numtoshowcat'] . '');

    while($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($SQL_query))
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2008, 02:36
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2006
Mensajes: 34
Antigüedad: 18 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews

3ª parte del codigo:

      /* Set Variables */
      $time = strftime($Settings['timeformat'], $news['time']);
      $subject = stripslashes($news['subject']);
      $titletext = stripslashes($news['titletext']);
      $maintext = stripslashes($news['maintext']);

      /* Find out who made the post (keeps track of usernames) */
      $username = $news['username'];

      /* Print Comments if enabled */
      if ($Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)
        $query = mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'comments WHERE mid = ' . $news['id'] . '');
        $var = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
        $comments = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;showcomments=1&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSCOMMENTS'] . ' (' . $var['total'] . ')</a>';

      $category = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=showcat&amp;catid=' . $news['catid'] . '">' . $news['catname'] . '</a>';

      if ($news['caticon'] != '')
        $caticon = '<img src="' . $news['caticon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $news['catname'] . '" />';
        $caticon = '';
      if (!$username)
        $username = $news['postername'];

      if ($Settings['enableavatars'] == 1)
        if($news['avatar'] != '')
          $avatar = '<img src="' . $news['avatar'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $username . '\'s avatar" />';
          $avatar = '';

      if ($row['email'] != '')
        $username = '<a href="mailto:' . $news['email'] . '">' . $username . '</a>';
        $username = $username;

      /* Display link to show comments & news if enabled */
      if ($maintext != '' && $Settings['showcominnews'] == 1 && $Settings['enablecomments'] == 1)
        $maintext = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;showcomments=1&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSFULLSTORY'] . '</a>';
      else if ($maintext != '')
        $maintext = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=fullnews&amp;id=' . $news['id'] . '">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSFULLSTORY'] . '</a>';
        $maintext = '';

      if ($Settings['enablestf'] == 1)
        $sendtofriend = '<a href="javascript:sendtof(\'' . $Settings['phpnewsurl'] . 'sendtofriend.php?mid=' . $news['id'] . '\')">' . $language['CONTENT_NEWSSTFLINK'] . '</a>';

      /* Parse the code */
      $maintext = parseCode($maintext);
      $titletext = parseCode($titletext);

      include($path . 'templates/news_temp.php');
      echo "\n";

    /* If previous/next links are enabled */
    if ($Settings['enableprevnext'] == 1 && $include == 1)
      echo '<br />' , "\n";
      $catid = $_GET['catid'];

      /* Show Previous Page link? */
      if($_GET['prevnext'] != NULL && $_GET['prevnext'] != 0)
        echo '<span style="margin-right:5px;"><a href="' , $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , '?prevnext=' , $previouspage , '">' , $language['CONTENT_PREVIOUS'] , '</a></span>';
        echo "\n";

      /* Show Next Page Link? */
      if($nextpage != 0)
        echo '<span style="margin-left:5px;"><a href="' , $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , '?prevnext=' , $nextpage , '">' , $language['CONTENT_NEXT'] , '</a></span>';
        echo "\n";

function post()
  global $_SERVER, $language, $Settings, $db_prefix;

  /* Clean up */
  $_POST['name'] = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>', '|'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '|'), trim($_POST['name']));
  $_POST['message'] = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>', '|'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '|'), trim($_POST['message']));

  $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']);
  $_POST['email'] = strip_tags($_POST['email']);

  $_POST['website'] = trim($_POST['website']);
  $_POST['website'] = strip_tags($_POST['website']);

  $_POST['message'] = replace($_POST['message'], 1);

  /* Make sure set amount of time has passed since last post by this person */
  $query = mysql_query('SELECT time FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'comments WHERE ip = \'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\' ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1');
  $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

  /* Make sure there are no problems with the Post */
  if ($Settings['enablecomments'] != 1)
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_DISABLED'];
  else if (!$_POST['mid'])
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_GENERALERROR'];
  else if (time()-$result['time'] < $Settings['floodprotection'])
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_ERRORWAIT'];
  /* Check if it's a valid email */
  else if ($_POST['email'] != '' && !eregi('^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$', $_POST['email']))
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_ERROREMAIL'];
  else if (!$_POST['message'])
    echo '<b>' , $language['CONTENT_ERROR'] , '</b>: ' , $language['CONTENT_SENDTOFRIENDMSG'];
  /* Everything is okay! */
    /* Set final defaults */
    if($_POST['website'] == 'http://')
      $_POST['website'] = '';
    if (!$_POST['name'])
      $_POST['name'] = 'Guest';
    $time = time();
    mysql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'comments (ip,mid,time,name,message,email,website) VALUES (\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', \'' . $_POST['mid'] . '\', \'' . $time . '\', \'' . $_POST['name'] . '\', \'' . $_POST['message'] . '\', \'' . $_POST['email'] . '\', \'' . $_POST['website'] . '\')');

    /* Display the comments */
    $_GET['showcomments'] = 1;
    $_GET['id'] = $_POST['mid'];
  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/09/2008, 02:38
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2006
Mensajes: 34
Antigüedad: 18 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Ayuda con modificación para PHPnews

Final codigo:

/* Common actions used when posting/modifying a News Post */
function replace($what, $replace)
  global $Settings;

  /* Trim whitespace at Beginning and End of post */
  $what = trim($what);

  if($Settings['enablebbcode'] == 1)
    /* Convert HTML Special Chars */
//    $what = htmlentities($what, ENT_NOQUOTES);
    /* Remove Disallowed Code */
//    $what = preg_replace('/<script.+?<\\/script>/i', '', $what);

  $what = shy($what, 50);

  if($replace == 1)
    $what = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $what);

  if ($replace == 2) {
    $what = str_replace('&lt;br /&gt;', "\r\n", $what);

  return $what;

/* Inserts the * thingie into certain posts */
function shy($text, $max, $char = "*")
    if($max > 0)
        $words = explode(' ', $text);

        foreach($words as $key => $word)
    	    $length = strlen($word);

    	    if($length > $max)
        	$word = chunk_split($word, floor($length/ceil($length/$max)), $char);

    	    $words[$key] = $word;

	return implode(' ', $words);
	return $text;

/* Parses Code */
function parseCode($news)
  global $Settings;

  /* Parse the BBCode */
  if($Settings['enablebbcode'] == 1)
    // Search for this...
    $replacewhat = array(



                         '/\[img width=([0-9]+) height=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
                         '/\[img width=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
                         '/\[img height=([0-9]+) width=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
                         '/\[img height=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',


    // ...and replace it with this
    $replacewith = array(
                         '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>',
                         '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',
                         '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>',
                         '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',


                         '<img src="\\1" alt="" border="0" />',
                         '<img src="\\3" alt="" border="0" width="\\1" height="\\2" />',
                         '<img src="\\2" alt="" border="0" width="\\1" />',
                         '<img src="\\3" alt="" border="0" width="\\2" height="\\1" />',
                         '<img src="\\2" alt="" border="0" height="\\1" />',

                         '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>',
                         '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\2</a>',
                         "('\\4' == '' && '\\1' == '' ? '<a href=\"mailto:\\2\">\\2</a>' : stripslashes('\\1\\2\\4'))",

    $news = preg_replace($replacewhat, $replacewith, $news);

  /* Parse the Smilies */
  if($Settings['enablesmilies'] == 1)
    static $smileyfromcache, $smileytocache;

    /* If the smiley array hasn't been set, do it now */
    if (!is_array($smileyfromcache))
      $smiliesfrom = array(':rolleyes:', ':angry:', ':smiley:', ':wink:', ':cheesy:', ':grin:', ':sad:', ':shocked:', ':cool:', ':tongue:', ':huh:', ':embarassed:', ':lipsrsealed:', ':kiss:', ':cry:', ':undecided:', ':laugh:');
      $smiliesto = array('rolleyes', 'angry', 'smiley', 'wink', 'cheesy', 'grin', 'sad', 'shocked', 'cool', 'tongue', 'huh', 'embarassed', 'lipsrsealed', 'kiss', 'cry', 'undecided', 'laugh');

      for ($i = 0; $i < count($smiliesfrom); $i++)
        $smileyfromcache[] = $smiliesfrom[$i];
        $smileytocache[] = '<img src="' . $Settings['phpnewsurl'] . 'images/smilies/' . $smiliesto[$i] . '.gif" alt="' . $smiliesto[$i] . '" border="0" />';

      /* Now unneeded */

    /* Replace away! */
    $news = str_replace($smileyfromcache, $smileytocache, $news);

  return $news;

/* Censors Comments */
function censor($text)
  global $Settings;
  static $goodword, $badword;

  /* Checks if good/bad words list has already been done (stored in static variable to increase speed) */
  if (!is_array($goodword))
    $badword = array();
    $goodword = array();

    /* Format the censor list */
    $array = explode('|', $Settings['censorlist']);

    /* Put the list of words in Arrays */
    foreach ($array as $i)
      list($badword[], $goodword[]) = explode('=', $i);

  /* Replace bad words with clean words */
  for($i = 0; $i < count($goodword); $i++)
    $text = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($badword[$i], '/') . '/i', $goodword[$i], $text);

  /* Return the censored text */
  return $text;

/* Checks Banned IPs */
function checkUserIP($ip)
  global $db_prefix;
  /* Search the 'banned' table for occurences of this IP */
  $query = mysql_query('SELECT isbanned FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'banned WHERE ip = \'' . $ip . '\'');
  $request = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
  /* If the User is banned, return a 1 */
  if ($request['isbanned'] == 1)
    return 1;
    return 0;
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