el codigo funciona bien es para que los usuarios puedan subir archivos a la web.
pero los archivos se muestran asi.
y lo que yo quiero es que se muestren en un reproductor asi:
(cabe mensionar que la imagen esta editada
no es que lo haya logrado)
este es el codigo:
Código PHP:
Silentum Uploader v1.4.0
Modified March 6, 2008
uploader.php copyright 2005-2008 "HyperSilence"
// Begin options
$allow_file_deletion = true; // To allow visitors to delete files, leave this at true; otherwise, change it to false
$file_extensions = array(".doc", ".gif", ".flv", ".swf", ".avi", ".mpg", ".mp3", ".mp4", ".wmv", ".jpeg", ".htm", ".html", ".jpg", ".png", ".txt"); // Add or delete the file extensions you want to allow
$file_extensions_list = ".flv, .avi, .swf, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .wmv, .jpeg, .doc, .gif, .htm, .html, .jpg, .png, .txt"; // Type the same as above, without the quotes separating them
$max_length = 30; // The maximum character length for a file name
$maximum_file_size = "60000000000"; // In bytes
$upload_log_file = "upload_log.txt"; // Change this to the log file you want to use
// End options
// If you're using a different folder name for uploaded files other than "files", change both occurrences of "files" on lines 29 and 30 below
$folder_directory = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
$message = "";
$set_chmod = 0;
$site_uri = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$upload_directory = "files/";
$upload_uri = $folder_directory."/files/";
$folder_name_length = strlen($upload_directory);
if($allow_file_deletion == true) $status = "enabled";
else $status = "disabled";
if($_REQUEST["delete"] && $allow_file_deletion) {
$resource = fopen($upload_log_file,"a");
fwrite($resource,date("F d, Y / h:i:sa")." - ".$_REQUEST["delete"]." deleted by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."\n");
if(strpos($_REQUEST["delete"],"/.") > 0);
elseif(strpos($_REQUEST["delete"],$upload_directory) === false);
elseif(substr($_REQUEST["delete"],0,$folder_name_length) == $upload_directory) {
$message = "File has been deleted.";
header("Location: $site_uri?message=$message");
elseif($_FILES["userfile"]) {
$resource = fopen($upload_log_file,"a");
fwrite($resource,date("F d, Y / h:i:sa")." - ".$_FILES["userfile"]["name"]." "
.$_FILES["userfile"]["type"]." uploaded by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."\n");
$file_type = $_FILES["userfile"]["type"];
$file_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
$file_ext = strtolower(substr($file_name,strrpos($file_name,".")));
@chmod($upload_uri."".$file_name, 0755);
if($_FILES["userfile"]["size"] > $maximum_file_size) {
$message = "ERROR: File size cannot be over ".$maximum_file_size." bytes.";
elseif($file_name == "") $message = "ERROR: Please select a file to upload.";
elseif(strlen($file_name) > $max_length) $message = "ERROR: The maximum length for a file name is ".$max_length." characters.";
elseif(!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9_.\- ]+$/i",$file_name)) $message = "ERROR: Your file name contains invalid characters.";
elseif(!in_array($file_ext, $file_extensions)) $message = "ERROR: <ins>$file_ext</ins> is not an allowed file extension.";
else $message = upload_file($upload_directory, $upload_uri);
header("Location: $site_uri?message=$message");
else $message = "ERROR: Invalid file specified.";
$open = opendir($upload_directory);
$uploaded_files = "";
while($file = readdir($open)) {
if(!is_dir($file) && !is_link($file)) {
$uploaded_files .= " <tr>
<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: left; width: 70%\"><a href=\"$upload_directory$file\" title=\"$file (".filesize($upload_directory.$file)." bytes)\">".$file."</a> (".filesize($upload_directory.$file)." bytes)</td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: right; width: 30%\"><a href=\"?delete=$upload_directory".urlencode($file)."\" title=\"Delete File\">Delete File</a></td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: right; width: 30%\"><del><strong>Delete File</strong></del></td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background: #eee; color: #000; text-align: left; text-indent: 20px\">Uploaded <strong>".date("F d, Y / h:ia", filemtime($upload_directory.$file))."</strong></td>";
$uploaded_files .="
function upload_file($upload_directory, $upload_uri) {
$file_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
$file_name = str_replace(" ","_",$file_name);
$file_path = $upload_directory.$file_name;
$temporary = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"];
$result = move_uploaded_file($temporary, $file_path);
$message = "ERROR: A folder to place the files was not found, or the files need to be CHMODed to 777.";
else $message = ($result)?"File has been uploaded." : "An error has occurred.";
return $message;
<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: left; width: 70%\"><a href=\"$upload_directory$file\" title=\"$file (".filesize($upload_directory.$file)." bytes)\">".$file."</a> (".filesize($upload_directory.$file)." bytes)</td>";
espero puedan ayudarme!!