Saludos, alguién sabe de alguna aplicación gratuita para administrar banners, la idea es poder subir muchos banners y que se vayan rotando mediante un administrador.
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![]() Saludos, alguién sabe de alguna aplicación gratuita para administrar banners, la idea es poder subir muchos banners y que se vayan rotando mediante un administrador. Gracias. |
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Respuesta: Aplicación para administrar banners Cita: Hola ![]()
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Respuesta: Aplicación para administrar banners esto lo encontre en la web Este texto va entre <HEAD> y</HEAD> <title> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="author" content="Site concept, design, and construction by Luna Design & Communications., 209 850 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1E1 (604)683-2008 [email protected]"> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta name="keyword" content=""> <meta name="description" content=""> <!-- ************************* Step 1 ************************* ********* Put this in the head of your document ********* ********* After the <HTML> and the <html> <HEAD> tags ********* ********* You will need to have 4 banners to ********* ********* use named banner1.gif to banner4.gif ********* ********* make them 468px x 60px or adjust the ********* ********* code in part 2 to suit your needs ********* ************************************************** ******** --> <script language="JavaScript"> var i = 1; banner1= new Image(); banner1.src = "banner1.gif"; banner2 = new Image(); banner2.src = "banner2.gif"; banner3 = new Image(); banner3.src = "banner3.gif"; banner4 = new Image(); banner4.src = "banner4.gif"; var links = new Array /* Put your link between the quotation marks " and " if they are outside of the domain make sure that you indicate that with something like: */ links[1] = "" links[2] = "" links[3] = "" links[4] = "" var description = new Array description[1] = "Check out the subscription benefits" description[2] = "Come inside here for great prices, and savings" description[3] = "Get a subscription.... It's worth it and more!" description[4] = "Your business name here..." function loadBanner(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); closeTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs; closeTime+=5; /* Change this number to increase decrease the rotation speed */ Timer(); } function Timer(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); curTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs if (curTime>=closeTime){ if (i < 4){ i++; document.banner.src = eval("banner" + i + ".src"); } else{ i = 1; document.banner.src = eval("banner" + i + ".src"); } loadBanner(); } else{ window.setTimeout("Timer()",1000)} } function clickLink(){ top.location = links[i] } function descript(){ window.status = description[i] } function nothing() { window.status="" } </script> Cambiar <body por <body bgcolor="FFFFFF"onload="loadBanner();"> Este texto va entre <BODY> y </B ODY> <!-- Banner Rotation --> <script language="javascript"> var nav = (document.layers) ? true : false; var iex = (document.all) ? true : false; <!-- Don't let the next 2 statements wrap... They must be one line each, otherwise they will not run, and yo will get javascript errors --> if(iex) document.write('<div style="position:absolute; ID:banner; left:300px; top:13; width:468px; height:60px; visibility:visible; z-index:100" > <a href="" onClick="clickLink(); return false;" onMouseOver="descript(); return true;"onmouseout="nothing()"> <img src="banner1.gif" border=0 name="banner" width="468" height="60"> </a> </div>') if(nav) document.write('<layer left="300" top="13" width="468" height="60" z-index="100" visibility="show" ID="banner" > <a href="" onClick="clickLink(); return false;" onMouseOver="descript(); return true;" onmouseout="nothing()"> <img src="banner1.gif" border=0 name="banner" width="468" height="60"> </a> </layer>') </script> <!-- End of Banner Rotation --> |
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Respuesta: Aplicación para administrar banners Puedes usar openx es muy simple y completo a la vez.
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