este es mi codigo
Código HTML:
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <link href="index.css?v=<?php echo time(); ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="head"> <div class="menu" style="width:596px;float:right;paddding-right:20px;"> <ul style="float:right;paddding-right:10px;padding-right:10px;"> <li > <a href="#" class="top">Diego <table><tr><td> <ul id="m1"> <li><a href="javascript:op(0,1)">ROCK</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:op(1,1)">DANCE</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:op(16,1)">R & B</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:op(18,1)">POP</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:op(15,1)">BEATBOX</a></li> </ul> </td></tr></table></a> </li> <li > <a href="#" class="top">Salir</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="contingut"></div> </div> </body>
Código HTML:
body { margin: 0px; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; overflow: auto; } #logo { padding: 2px 0 0 8px; height: 20px; float: left; } #head { background: #559bce; padding-bottom: 8px; height: 25px; } #content { height: auto; padding: 9px 0 8px 9px; } #user { float: right; width: 330px; } .header { background-color: #559bce; } .back { background-color: #559bce; } body{background:#03689B;font:11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} #topbar{height:27px;width:100%;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:500} a{outline:none} .menu ul{ list-style-type:none; padding:0; margin-top:0; margin-right:10px; } /* make the top level links horizontal and position relative so that we can position the sub level */ .menu li{ float:left; position:relative; z-index:100; margin-right:-10px; } /* use the table to position the dropdown list */ .menu table{ position:absolute; border-collapse:collapse; z-index:100; left:-2px; top:25px; } /* style all the links */ .menu a, .menu :visited { display:block; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; width:149px; padding:9px 0; color:#fff; background-color:#449ECB; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; } /* style the links hover */ .menu :hover{ color:#000; background:orange; } /* hide the sub level links */ .menu ul ul { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; width:149px; height:0; padding-top:7px; } /* make the sub level visible on hover list or link */ .menu ul li:hover ul, .menu ul a:hover ul{ visibility:visible; } .menu .top{background:url('') no-repeat bottom center;} .menu .top:hover{background:url('') no-repeat bottom center;} #contingut{ background:url('') no-repeat center center; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; margin-top:-222px; margin-left:-390px; position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; width:780px; height:445px; }