Caducan o no caducan? Entiendo que no. Pero he leido por muchos sitios de internet que sí. Cambiaron las condiciones? Certification Validity Policy
Once a candidate achieves a certification, this certification does not expire or retire. The certification path, or the exam(s) that lead to this certification may retire, but the certification remains valid at the level and version obtained by the candidate. This includes certifications granted by companies acquired by Oracle. Any certification granted prior to the acquisition remains a valid certification. Not all certifications will be supported or maintained, but will remain valid certifications.
Once a candidate achieves a certification, this certification does not expire or retire. The certification path, or the exam(s) that lead to this certification may retire, but the certification remains valid at the level and version obtained by the candidate. This includes certifications granted by companies acquired by Oracle. Any certification granted prior to the acquisition remains a valid certification. Not all certifications will be supported or maintained, but will remain valid certifications.