Hola, ¿qué tal?
Trabajando con MyEclipse tengo un problema a la hora de levantar el weblogic. Me sale:
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Version 1.4.2_05-b04 from Sun Microsystems Inc.>
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Info> <Configuration Management> <BEA-150016> <This server is being started as the administration server.>
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server 8.1 SP6 Wed Jun 21 08:18:55 PDT 2006 781680
WebLogic XMLX Module 8.1 SP6 Wed Jun 21 08:18:55 PDT 2006 781680 >
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Notice> <Management> <BEA-140005> <Loading domain configuration from configuration repository at K:\Apps\Weblogic\Weblogic_8.1\bea\user_projects\do mains\dev_domain\config.xml.>
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Info> <Management> <BEA-140013> <K:\Apps\Weblogic\Weblogic_8.1\bea\user_projects\d omains\dev_domain\config.xml not found>
K:\Apps\Weblogic\Weblogic_8.1\bea\user_projects\do mains\dev_domain\config.xml not found
No config.xml was found.
Would you like the server to create a default configuration and boot? (y/n):
¿Por qué? Y al responder (lo que sea), me sale:
<04-mar-2009 09H59' GMT> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090115> <Created new Administrative User admin>
For confirmation, please re-enter password required to boot WebLogic server:
Passwords do not match.
For confirmation, please re-enter password required to boot WebLogic server:
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The WebLogic Server did not start up properly.
Exception raised: 'weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationEx ception: Passwords do not match, unable to generate default configuration, please try again.'
Reason: weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationExc eption: Passwords do not match, unable to generate default configuration, please try again.
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Espero que me podáis ayudar.