pero no sé como hacerlo funcionar, debo copiar y pegar o hay otra cosa que tengo k hacer antes???? ayuda por favorrr <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available online from --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascriptsource.com --> <!-- Begin var how_many_ads = 2; var now = new Date() var sec = now.getSeconds() var ad = sec % how_many_ads; ad +=1; if (ad==1) { txt=""; url="link de hipervinculo"; alt="BANNER 2"; banner="url de la imagen"; width="145"; height="196"; } if (ad==2) { txt=""; url="link de hipervinculo"; alt="BANNER 3"; banner="url de la imagen"; width="145"; height="196"; } document.write('<center>'); document.write('<a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_top\">'); document.write('<img src=\"' + banner + '\" width=') document.write(width + ' height=' + height + ' '); document.write('alt=\"' + alt + '\" border=0><br>'); document.write('<small>' + txt + '</small></a>'); document.write('</center>'); // End --> </script>