aqui va el codigo
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class JListSample extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener
// Used in choosing selection. Each String name corresponds to a given image
String [] nombres = { "1","2","3","4","5" };
// be sure to save these images within the same directory of this java file
ImageIcon [] fotos = { new ImageIcon ("1.jpg"),
new ImageIcon ("2.jpg"),
new ImageIcon ("3.jpg"),
new ImageIcon ("4.jpg"),
new ImageIcon ("5.jpg") };
BorderLayout layoutBL;
JList lista;
JScrollPane selectionJS;
JLabel etiqueta, displayPicJL, infoJL;
public JListSample ()
super ("visor de fotos");
Container panel = getContentPane ();
panel.setLayout (null);
etiqueta = new JLabel ("elige una foto", SwingConstants.CENTER);
etiqueta.setSize (470,20);
etiqueta.setLocation (10,0);
panel.add (etiqueta);
lista = new JList (nombres);
lista.setVisibleRowCount (3);
lista.setSelectionMode (ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
lista.addListSelectionListener (this);
selectionJS = new JScrollPane (lista);
selectionJS.setSize (470,60);
selectionJS.setLocation (10,20);
panel.add (selectionJS);
displayPicJL = new JLabel (fotos[4]);
displayPicJL.setSize (470,350);
displayPicJL.setLocation (10,50);
panel.add (displayPicJL);
infoJL = new JLabel (nombres [4], SwingConstants.CENTER);
infoJL.setSize (470,20);
infoJL.setLocation (10,380);
panel.add (infoJL);
setSize (500,440);
setVisible (true);
setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
public static void main (String [] args){
JListSample list = new JListSample ();
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e){
if (e.getSource() == lista)
{ displayPicJL.setIcon (fotos[lista.getSelectedIndex()]);
infoJL.setText (nombres[lista.getSelectedIndex()]);