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redirecionar archivos señores tengo este problema esto me ocurre cuanto estoy instalando un paquete en el directorio tmp como puedo hacer para que esto mismos pueda estar en otro espcio de disco mas espacio por ejemplo tendo u01 que tiene mas espacio en donde puedo redireccionar este directorio tmp Preparando para iniciar Oracle Universal Installer desde /tmp/OraInstall2009-04-16_04-04-28PM. Espere... Error al escribir en el directorio /tmp/OraInstall2009-04-16_04-04-28PM. Asegúrese de que se puede escribir en este directorio y que tiene al menos 60 MB de espacio en disco. No se puede continuar con la instalación. : Conseguido |
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Respuesta: redirecionar archivos Básicamente tu problema podría resolverse, especificando que tu "/tmp" ( o el directorio temporal que necesites ) apunte, no al disco duro actual sino a otro dispositivo en el que si puedas proporcionarle más espacio al proceso de instalación. Vamos, moviendo tu "/tmp" (o el que sea) a otra partición |
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Respuesta: redirecionar archivos También podrías añadir más tamaño a la carpeta tmp. Dos ejemplos en Ingles: Cita: Problem: receiving error message: WARNING: /tmp: File system full, swap space limit exceeded /tmp becomes full when the following quasi equation looks like this for your system: ((ram + swap - processes) * .9) - files_in_/tmp = 0 | | | | | | ---------- | /tmp (avail) | | | | virtual memory | | | ------------------------------- | /tmp (total) Resolution Top There are many things that can be done to remedy the problem, among them; 1. add more ram 2. add more swap 3. kill processes 4. delete files in /tmp A fast and simple solution to add more swap is to create a swap file and add it to the existing swap: #mkfile <megs>m <path_to_filesystem_with_plenty_of_space>/swap #swap -a <path_to_filesystem_with_plenty_of_space>/swap Example: #mkfile 20m /newdir/swapfile #swap -a /newdir/swapfile To make this swap space available (add the swap file to virtual memory) each time the system is rebooted, add a line in the /etc/vfstab. #device device mount FS fsck mount mount #to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options ... /swapfile - - swap - no - This is inefficient though. Filesystems waste space for administrative reasons (about 10%). They are slower than accessing raw disk too. It is better to use a raw disk parition as a swap file. There may be plenty of virtual memory. The problem could be that some processes are simply using too much swap and need to be killed/restarted. Some badly written/configured programs will take up all available memory no matter how much of it is available. The see which processes are using the most memory run the following command: # /usr/bin/ps -el | sort -rn -k 10 8 S 52475 2594 345 0 40 20 60b1adc0 17325 6098872e ? 57:24 Xsun 8 S 52475 8111 8092 0 51 20 60d6efa0 3882 61915dfe pts/4 1:06 sotool 8 S 52475 9054 19313 0 51 20 60d07658 1568 pts/6 0:26 dtmail 8 S 0 3211 1 1 43 20 609f2038 1207 60989a16 ? 66:41 esd 8 S 0 3213 1 0 40 20 6095c6e0 1146 60989a66 ? 27:01 esd 8 S 52475 2739 2728 0 51 20 60cea208 1128 60b2a0c6 ? 0:01 nametool ^ The above ps output is sorted by process size. | The biggest offenders are at the top. | The 10th column is the process size in pages. _______| To see how big a page is in kbytes, run the pagesize command: # pagesize 8192 Segundo: Cita: From Sunsolve: The first disk on a Sun system is typically sectioned off into three or more partitions. Of these, the root (/) partition is typically the smallest, and yet often the most active, accommodating files for incoming mail, print spooling, and temporary work files for the programs that run on your system. With all this activity in the directories stored on the root partition, it isn't surprising that you sometimes may see system messages such as: vmunix: / file system full Or messages from an application such as: Not enough space in /tmp Following are instructions for getting around these problems, and for making the root partition larger. Resolution Top Solving Space Problems with Symbolic Links ------------------------------------------ Many applications create large temporary files in the /tmp and /var/tmp directories, and one easy way to make more room in the root partition is to send temporary files to a directory on a different partition. For example, many people set up a symbolic link from these directories to /usr/tmp, which is part of the /usr partition and generally has much more room. Here are the steps: 1. Quit any running applications. Applications such as MailTool often keep work files in /tmp or /var/tmp. You'll be temporarily deleting the files in these directories, so you should quit applications that may use them. 2. Become superuser Use the su command to become superuser. % su 3. Delete the /tmp and /usr/tmp directories. Use the following commands: # rm -r /tmp # rm -r /usr/tmp NOTE: All contents will be deleted. 4. Set up the symbolic links to /usr/tmp # ln -s /usr/tmp /tmp # ln -s /usr/tmp /var/tmp 5. Make the temporary directories writable. Use the chmod command to open the permissions of the two linked directories: # chmod 777 /tmp /var/tmp Solving Space Problems by Repartitioning ---------------------------------------- In some cases, it may make sense to enlarge the size of the root partition. For example, if you typically keep many long messages in your incoming mail box, your mail may be consuming a large portion of the root partition. The only way to increase the size of the root partition is to redivide the disk into new sections. This procedure is known as repartitioning. Before You Begin Repartitioning Caution - Enlarging your a partition wipes out any information you have stored on that partition. Unless this system is brand new, you should make certain you have backups of any important files on the system. Back up the entire disk. See System and Network Administration for instructions on making backups. Steps to Enlarge the Root Partition To enlarge the root partition, use the format(8S) utility from the 4.1 Release tape. 1. Boot the format utility from the first 4.1 Release tape. Follow instructions in the System and Network Administration manual, Appendix A. 2. Start format, choose "partition." Once MUNIX has been loaded, run format and select the "partition" program: # format Format Menu: disk - select a disk type - select (define) a disk type partition - select (define) a partition table current - describe the current disk format - format the disk repair - repair a defective sector show - show a disk address label - label the disk analyze - surface analysis defect - defect list management backup - search for backup labels quit format> partition 3. Change the size of the "a" partition Type a and press Return to enter new values for partition a: PARTITION MENU: a - change `a' partition b - change `b' partition c - change `c' partition d - change `d' partition e - change `e' partition f - change `f' partition g - change `g' partition h - change `h' partition select - select a predefined table name - name the current table print - display the current table label - write partition map and label to the disk quit partition> a 4. Specify the starting cylinder and blocks. The format utility deals areas of the disk in terms of "blocks." To convert megabytes to blocks, multiply the number of megabytes by 2048. For instance, if you want a partition of exactly 16MB, multiply 16 X 2048 = 32,768 blocks. partition a - starting cyl 0, # blocks 32025 (61/0/0) Enter new starting cyl [0]: <Return> Enter new # blocks [32025, 61/0/0]: 32768 partition> a 5. Check for an even cylinder boundary. All partitions should end on even cylinder boundaries-the track and block numbers should be 0. For example, the following partition ends evenly at cylinder 63: 63 / 0 / 0 = cylinders/tracks/blocks If a partition does not start on an even cylinder boundary (as below, for instance), chose the partition again from the menu and specify a new number of blocks: partition> a partition a - starting cyl 0, # blocks 32768 (62/6/8) Enter new starting cyl [0]: <Return> Enter new # blocks [32768, 62/6/8]: 63/0/0 6. Adjust the adjacent partition Because you have changed the size of partition "a", you must adjust the starting cylinder for the adjacent partition (partition "b"). Also check that the partition begins on an even cylinder boundary, and adjust the starting cylinder as necessary: partition> b partition b - starting cyl 63, # blocks 49152 (93/9/12) Enter new starting cyl [63]: <Return> Enter new # blocks [49152, 93/9/12]: 94/0/0 partition> quit 7. Label the drive. After repartitioning the disk you must relabel the disk in order for the label to reflect the changes. Use the "label" option from the main format menu. Note that you can use the SunInstall program instead of format (8S) to change the size of any partitions other than root or swap. (Though you can also use SunInstall to enlarge the swap partition, the easier way to increase swap space is through the swapon command.) 8. Run SunInstall. Reboot from the tape or CD and rerun SunInstall to set up the system. 9. Restore your files. If you backed up files before repartitioning, restore those files. Additional Information on Repartitioning Note: For detailed information regarding format(8S) see the System and Network Administration manual, Appendix A. Useful search terms in AnswerBook[TM] include: partition repartition sd0a xd0a format |