Bastante tiempo fuera del foro, pero como siempre recurro por ayuda.
Resulta que estoy probando con un equipo con opensuse como servidor web (apache) para una empresa y aunque mi experiencia en linux es poca he tenido bastantes buenos resultados.
ahora me ha surgido un tema con los correo y si alguien me pusiese aclarar algunos puntos se lo agradeceria.
primero les cuento.
-en la empresa tiene contratado un hosting para el tema del correo y alvergar una pagina web publicitaria. Los correos estan vinculados con Gmail por los que se puede iniciar sesion directamente desde gmail para enviar y recibir correos del dominio propio.
-se generó una aplicacion en php que debe enviar varios correo (en el servidor opensuse) y entonces decidi configurar postfix como relay (creo que asi se le llama) de gmail, autentificando con un usuario anteriormente creado.... despues de peliar bastante funciono y los correos empezaron a llegar bien en las pruebas, pero al enviar mas de 10 correos aprox... Gmail me envio un mail para alertarme que me bloquearian la cuenta de usuario que utilizo en el postfix por enviar SPAM....
el correo es este
mis dudas...The following is an automated security notification from Google about your domain accounts.
It has come to our attention that some of your user accounts might have been compromised and are being used to send spam from your domain:
The following users in your Google Apps domain appear to be affected:
[email protected]
We have disabled the users in a way that they can be recovered by the admin. Please follow the actions below before you re-enable these users.
1. To reset the user’s password, follow the steps in this Help Center article:
Inform the user of their new temporary password, and ask them to set a new password (it should not be a password used with any other sites).
2. To help check whether their account might have been compromised, advise users to:
Check for filters and forwarding rules so that email is not being forwarded to suspect addresses.
Check to make sure their signature has not been changed.
As an administrator, you may also consider implementing additional security features for your Google Apps domain:
1. Enrolling your domain in 2-step verification, which offers an additional layer of user authentication:
2. Completing the Gmail Security Checklist:
Additional Information about the activity of affected user accounts can be obtained by using the Audit API:
The Google Apps Team
It has come to our attention that some of your user accounts might have been compromised and are being used to send spam from your domain:
The following users in your Google Apps domain appear to be affected:
[email protected]
We have disabled the users in a way that they can be recovered by the admin. Please follow the actions below before you re-enable these users.
1. To reset the user’s password, follow the steps in this Help Center article:
Inform the user of their new temporary password, and ask them to set a new password (it should not be a password used with any other sites).
2. To help check whether their account might have been compromised, advise users to:
Check for filters and forwarding rules so that email is not being forwarded to suspect addresses.
Check to make sure their signature has not been changed.
As an administrator, you may also consider implementing additional security features for your Google Apps domain:
1. Enrolling your domain in 2-step verification, which offers an additional layer of user authentication:
2. Completing the Gmail Security Checklist:
Additional Information about the activity of affected user accounts can be obtained by using the Audit API:
The Google Apps Team
averigue que es recomendado firmar los correos con DKIM y SPF. creo que hay que realizar unos ajustes en los dns, pero en este servidor no se si esto se puede ya que solamente se accede con la ip fija que tiene no tiene cuenta DNS o no se como se hace....
lo otro si alguien tiene algun tutorial para firmar con DKIM en opensuse seria ideal ya que solo he esncontrado para otras distro....
cualquier ayuda al respecto u orientacion para que Gmail no me bloquee el usuario o si se pudiera de alguna manera autorizar al servidor me seria de mucha ayuda...???