Mi anterior post: "Mayor informacion sobre los puntos de montaje...."
Solo ingreso hasta mi login y al poner el pasword sale : (carlos@localhost carlos)$
y al darle startx sale:
(carlos@localhost carlos)$ startx
(EE) to make sure that you have the last version.
(EE) l810(0): No video Bios modes for chosen depth
(EE) Screen (S) found, but none have a usable configuration.
fatal server error:
no screens found
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/xorg.0.log" for additional information.
Xl0: fatal I0 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on x server "0.0" after o request(0 known processed with 0 events remaining.
(carlos@localhost carlos)$
Bien ahora, no puedo ingresar a ningun otro lado mas que puede pasar? gracias por anticipado..