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De shtml a html

Estas en el tema de De shtml a html en el foro de HTML en Foros del Web. Hola disculpen tengo esta pagina web con la terminacion .shtml ya que estoy usando SSI include virtual etc.. desearia saber si hay algun modo de ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 14/02/2009, 00:37
Avatar de Androide-lL  
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2008
Ubicación: Lima
Mensajes: 51
Antigüedad: 16 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 0
De acuerdo De shtml a html

Hola disculpen tengo esta pagina web con la terminacion .shtml ya que estoy usando SSI include virtual etc.. desearia saber si hay algun modo de que ese archivo shtml se convierta en uno simple con terminacion -> html o htm para poder ponerlo en mi index :( !!

plzz alguna ayuda o sugerencia, si alguien sabe algo del archivo execute.cgi le dejo aqui porseacaso el codigo :)

tengo este codigo, pero no logro hacerlo funcionar tengo problemas con los permisos me sale este error...

You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/executer.cgi on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


################################################## ########



The Executer



## by Jimmy

([email protected])



## This is a free script, if anyone sold it to you please

contact me. ##
## Please DO NOT remove any of the copyrights or links to

our site, ##
## they keep this CGI free for everyone. Thanks!


## (c) copyright 2000 ##
################################################## ########


# This CGI will use the LWP module to grab the html output

from any web file (CGI, HTML, etc.)
# on any server and insert it into your own site. If all

you want to do is grab the contents of
# a normal (non-executable) file that is on your server,

you only need The Includer. Get it free
# at . It has less requirements

and is faster.
# Tag to use:
# ==========
# Execute CGIs (on your server or externally) with a code

like this:
# <script


# With "" being the URL to the

file you want to grab.

## Edit the following... ##

# Store the html data for later use?
# 1 = Yes
# 0 = No
# If this CGI will be run often for the same url/file it

is best to have this on.
# Instead of connecting to the same url it will store the

html for the next time it is requested.
$backup = "1";

# If you said yes above, how often should the data be

updated (in seconds)?
# 1 minute = 60 seconds
# 1 hour = 3600 seconds
# 1 day = 86400 seconds
# etc...
$bseconds = "3600";

# Optional: To keep others from using your CGI to grab

content from any site they want,
# you can specify the URLs that are allowed to be grabbed

with this CGI:
# (You can only grab files on the following sites...)
@sites =

('','','efiro .com');
# Example: @sites =

('','',' ');

## DO NOT edit anything below ##

use LWP::Simple;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

$url = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

if($url eq "") {
print "document.writeln('<font color=red>( <b>Executer

Error:</b> No URL provided. )</font>');\n";
print "document.writeln('<p><center><small>Powered by <a

href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Smart


if($sites[0] ne "") {
$found = "1";
foreach $site(@sites) {
if($url =~ /$site/i) { $found = "0"; }
if($found eq "1") {
print "document.writeln('<font color=red>( <b>Executer

Error:</b> $url Not Approved by Admin. )</font>');\n";
print "document.writeln('<p><center><small>Powered by <a

href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Smart


if($backup eq 1) {
if(! -e "backup") { mkdir("backup", 0777) || print

"document.writeln('<center><font color=red>( Excluder

Error: Could not create directory \"backup\" ($!).

)</font><br> <small>Powered by <a



$time = time;
$btime = <DATA>;

if(($time - $btime) > $bseconds) { &deleteold; }

$eurl = '/home/www/efiro/index.html';
if(-e "$eurl2") {
@html = <DATA>;
} else {
$html = get($url);
@html = split(/\n/,$html);
print DATA $html;
@html = <DATA>;

} else {
$html = get($url);
@html = split(/\n/,$html);

if($html =~ /<frame/i) {
print "document.writeln('<font color=red>( <b>Executer

Error:</b> Does not work with pages that have frames on

them, sorry. )</font>');\n";
print "document.writeln('<p><center><small>Powered by <a

href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Smart


$count = 0;
foreach $line(@html) {
$line =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
print "$line\n";

if($count eq 0) {
print "document.writeln('<font color=red>( <b>Executer

Error:</b> Unable to grab data from $url )</font>');\n";
# I can't stop you from removing this link to us, but I'd

appreciate it if you didn't, this is a free script.
# If you do remove, it'd be nice if you put up some other

form of link to on your site, thanks!
print "document.writeln('<br><center><small>Powered by <a

href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Smart


sub deleteold {
opendir (DIR, "backup");
@files = grep { // } readdir(DIR);
close (DIR);

foreach $file(@files) { unlink("backup/$file"); }

print DATA "$time";

sub Encrypt {
my ($source,$key,$pub_key) = @_;

($cr,$index,$char,$key_char,$enc_string,$encode,$f irst,
$second,$let1,$let2,$encrypted,$escapes) = '';
$source = &rot13($source);
$cr = '·¨*';
$source =~ s/[\n\f]//g;
$source =~ s/[\r]/$cr/g;
while ( length($key) < length($source) ) { $key .=

$key }
while ($index < length($source)) {
$char = substr($source,$index,1);
$key_char = substr($key,$index,1);
$enc_string .= chr(ord($char) ^ ord($key_char));
for (0..255) { $escapes{chr($_)} = sprintf("%2x", $_);

while ($index < length($enc_string)) {
$char = substr($enc_string,$index,1);
$encode = $escapes{$char};
$first = substr($encode,0,1);
$second = substr($encode,1,1);
$let1=substr($pub_key, hex($first),1);
$let2=substr($pub_key, hex($second),1);
$encrypted .= "$let1$let2";
return $encrypted;

sub Decrypt {
my ($encrypted, $key, $pub_key) = @_;
$encrypted =~ s/[\n\r\t\f]//eg;

($cr,$index,$decode,$decode2,$char,$key_char,$dec_ string,$

decrypted) = '';
while ( length($key) < length($encrypted) ) { $key .=

$key }
while ($index < length($encrypted)) {
$decode = sprintf("%1x", index($pub_key,

$decode2 = sprintf("%1x", index($pub_key,

$dec_string .= chr(hex("$decode$decode2"));
while( $index < length($dec_string) ) {
$char = substr($dec_string,$index,1);
$key_char = substr($key,$index,1);
$decrypted .= chr(ord($char) ^ ord($key_char));
$cr = '·¨*';
$decrypted =~ s/$cr/\r/g;
return &rot13( $decrypted );

sub rot13{
my $source = shift (@_);
$source =~ tr /[a-m][n-z]/[n-z][a-m]/;
$source =~ tr /[A-M][N-Z]/[N-Z][A-M]/;
$source = reverse($source);
return $source;

  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 14/02/2009, 18:25
Avatar de Triby
Mod on free time
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Ubicación: $MX->Gto['León'];
Mensajes: 10.106
Antigüedad: 16 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 2237
Respuesta: De shtml a html

Si renombras tu pagina a index.shtml y te aseguras que no haya otro index (.htm, .html o .php) debe funcionar.

Ese script de PERL (CGI) no funciona porque contiene comentarios donde se eliminaron los caracteres para identificar la linea como comentario.


The Executer


## The Executer es un comentario, pero no tiene ## al inicio de la linea
## Y lo mismo pasa con todas las lineas que no tienen ## hasta antes de:

## Edit the following... ##
- León, Guanajuato
- GV-Foto
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 02:13.