Esta es el inicio del conteo:(function($){ var days = 24*60*60, hours = 60*60, minutes = 60; $.fn.countdown = function(prop){ var options = $.extend({ callback : function(){}, timestamp : 0 },prop); var left, d, h, m, s, positions; // Initialize the plugin init(this, options); positions = this.find('.position'); (function tick(){ // Time left left = Math.floor((options.timestamp - (new Date())) / 1000); if(left < 0){ left = 0; } // Number of days left d = Math.floor(left / days); updateDuo(0, 1, d); left -= d*days; // Number of hours left h = Math.floor(left / hours); updateDuo(2, 3, h); left -= h*hours; // Number of minutes left m = Math.floor(left / minutes); updateDuo(4, 5, m); left -= m*minutes; // Number of seconds left s = left; updateDuo(6, 7, s); // Calling an optional user supplied callback options.callback(d, h, m, s); // Scheduling another call of this function in 1s setTimeout(tick, 1000); })(); // This function updates two digit positions at once function updateDuo(minor,major,value){ switchDigit(positions.eq(minor),Math.floor(value/10)%10); switchDigit(positions.eq(major),value%10); } return this; }; function init(elem, options){ elem.addClass('countdownHolder'); // Creating the markup inside the container $.each(['Days','Hours','Minutes','Seconds'],function(i){ var boxName; if(this=="Days") { boxName = "DAYS"; } else if(this=="Hours") { boxName = "HRS"; } else if(this=="Minutes") { boxName = "MNTS"; } else { boxName = "SECS"; } $('<div class="count'+this+'">' + '<span class="position">' + '<span class="digit static">0</span>' + '</span>' + '<span class="position">' + '<span class="digit static">0</span>' + '</span>' + '<span class="boxName">' + '<span class="'+this+'">' + boxName + '</span>' + '</span>' ).appendTo(elem); if(this!="Seconds"){ elem.append('<span class="points">:</span><span class="countDiv countDiv'+i+'"></span>'); } }); } // Creates an animated transition between the two numbers function switchDigit(position,number){ var digit = position.find('.digit') if(digit.is(':animated')){ return false; } if(position.data('digit') == number){ // We are already showing this number return false; } position.data('digit', number); var replacement = $('<span>',{ 'class':'digit', css:{ top:0, opacity:0 }, html:number }); digit .before(replacement) .removeClass('static') .animate({top:0,opacity:0},'fast',function(){ digit.remove(); }) replacement .delay(100) .animate({top:0,opacity:1},'fast',function(){ replacement.addClass('static'); }); } })(jQuery);

Este es el conteo funcionando:

y esto sucede luego de refrescar la pagina