public class MiClaseReporte:Report
//definimos los campos de la definición de fuentes y bordes
private FontDef fd;
private double rPosLeft = 20;
private double rPosRight= 195;
private double rPosTop= 24;
private double rPosBottom= 278;
private string sConnectionString =@"Provider=SQLOLEDB;initial catalog=northwind;user id=sa;password='password'";
protected override void Create()
new Root.Reports.Page(this);
fd = new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Helvetica);
FontProp fp = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.9); // standard font
FontProp fp_Header = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.9); // font of the table header
fp_Header.bBold = true;
Stream stream_Phone = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Repo rtSamples.Phone.jpg");
Random random = new Random(6);
// create table
using (TableLayoutManager tlm = new TableLayoutManager(fp_Header))
tlm.rContainerHeightMM = rPosBottom - rPosTop; // set height of table
tlm.headerCellDef.rAlignV = RepObj.rAlignCenter; // set vertical alignment of all header cells
tlm.cellDef.pp_LineBottom = new PenProp(this, 0.05, Color.LightGray); // set bottom line for all cells
tlm.eNewContainer += new TableLayoutManager.NewContainerEventHandler(this.T lm_NewContainer);
// define columns
TableLayoutManager.Column col;
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "ID", 13);
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "Company Name", 40);
col.cellDef.textMode = TableLayoutManager.TextMode.MultiLine;
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "Address", 36);
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "City", 22);
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "Postal Code", 16);
col = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "Country", 18);
TableLayoutManager.Column col_Phone = new TableLayoutManager.ColumnMM(tlm, "Phone", rPosRight - rPosLeft - tlm.rWidthMM);
col_Phone.fp_Header = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.9, Color.Brown);
col_Phone.headerCellDef.rAlignH = RepObj.rAlignRight;
col_Phone.cellDef.rAlignH = RepObj.rAlignRight;
BrushProp bp_Phone = new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 200));
col_Phone.cellDef.bp_Back = bp_Phone;
// open database
using (OleDbConnection oleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(sConnectionString))
OleDbCommand oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country, Phone FROM Customers where Country='USA' ORDER BY CompanyName", oleDbConnection);
// read rows
using (OleDbDataReader oddr = oleDbCommand.ExecuteReader())
BrushProp bp_USA = new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(255, 180, 180));
while (oddr.Read())
tlm.cellDef.bp_Back = (oddr.GetString(5) == "USA" ? bp_USA : null);
col_Phone.cellDef.bp_Back = (oddr.GetString(5) == "USA" ? new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(255, 227, 50)) : bp_Phone);
tlm.Add(0, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(0)));
tlm.Add(1, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(1)));
tlm.Add(2, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(2)));
tlm.Add(3, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(3)));
if (!oddr.IsDBNull(4)) {
tlm.Add(4, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(4)));
tlm.Add(5, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(5)));
tlm.Add(6, new RepString(fp, oddr.GetString(6)));
if (random.NextDouble() < 0.2)
{ // mark randomly selected row with a phone icon
tlm.tlmRow_Cur.aTlmCell[col_Phone].AddMM(1, 0.25, new RepImageMM(stream_Phone, 2.1, 2.3));
// print page number and current date/time
foreach (Root.Reports.Page page in enum_Page)
Double rY = rPosBottom + 1.5;
page.AddLT_MM(rPosLeft, rY, new RepString(fp, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()));
page.AddRT_MM(rPosRight, rY, new RepString(fp, page.iPageNo + " / " + iPageCount));
private void Tlm_NewContainer(Object oSender, TableLayoutManager.NewContainerEventArgs ea)
{ // only "public" for NDoc, should be "private"
new Root.Reports.Page(this);
// first page with caption
if (page_Cur.iPageNo == 1) {
FontProp fp_Title = new FontPropMM(fd, 7);
fp_Title.bBold = true;
page_Cur.AddCT_MM(rPosLeft + (rPosRight - rPosLeft) / 2, rPosTop, new RepString(fp_Title, "Customer List"));
ea.container.rHeightMM -= fp_Title.rLineFeedMM; // reduce height of table container for the first page
// the new container must be added to the current page
page_Cur.AddMM(rPosLeft, rPosBottom - ea.container.rHeightMM, ea.container);
y luego en el evento que llama al reporte
RT.ResponsePDF(new MiClaseReporte(),this);
eso deberia generar un reporte que muestre DataGrids
Por favor ayuda

Gracias por su tiempo