Código ASP:
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protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean fileOk = false; string path = string.Concat(Server.MapPath("~/Uploaded Folder/" + FileUpload1.FileName)); if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { int fileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fileSize < 420000000) { string FileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower(); string allowwExtension4 = ".xls"; string allowwExtension5 = ".xlsx"; if (FileExtension == allowwExtension4 || FileExtension == allowwExtension5) { fileOk = true; } } else { fileOk = false; } } if (fileOk) { try { FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(path); // Connection String to Excel Workbook string excelConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=Excel 8.0", path); OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = excelConnectionString; //Aca se daña el archivo excel OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [hoja1$]", connection); connection.Open(); // Create DbDataReader to Data Worksheet DbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader(); // SQL Server Connection String string sqlConnectionString = @"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=excel;Integrated Security=True"; // Bulk Copy to SQL Server SqlBulkCopy sqlBulk = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString); //Give your Destination table name sqlBulk.DestinationTableName = "excel01"; sqlBulk.WriteToServer(dr); Label1.Text = "Exito"; dr.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } } else { Label1.Text = "No se pudo cargar el archivo excel"; } }
y se insertan los datos normalmente pero si quiero agregar una comprobacion de que si los datos del excel son correctos (ej. que una fila tenga letras donde solo deben ir numeros)
Código ASP:
Ver original
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean fileOk = false; string path = string.Concat(Server.MapPath("~/Uploaded Folder/" + FileUpload1.FileName)); if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { int fileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fileSize < 420000000) { string FileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower(); string allowwExtension4 = ".xls"; string allowwExtension5 = ".xlsx"; if (FileExtension == allowwExtension4 || FileExtension == allowwExtension5) { fileOk = true; } } else { fileOk = false; } } if (fileOk) { try { FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(path); // Connection String to Excel Workbook string excelConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=Excel 8.0", path); OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = excelConnectionString; //Aca se daña el archivo excel OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [hoja1$]", connection); connection.Open(); // Create DbDataReader to Data Worksheet DbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int verif_correctas = 0; int verif_total = 0; if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { if (!(dr["marks"] is DBNull)) { verif_correctas++; } if (!(dr["id"] is DBNull)) { verif_total++; } } } Label2.Text = verif_correctas.ToString(); Label3.Text = verif_total.ToString(); if (verif_correctas == verif_total) { // SQL Server Connection String string sqlConnectionString = @"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=excel;Integrated Security=True"; // Bulk Copy to SQL Server SqlBulkCopy sqlBulk = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString); //Give your Destination table name sqlBulk.DestinationTableName = "excel01"; sqlBulk.WriteToServer(dr); Label1.Text = "Exito"; dr.Close(); connection.Close(); } else { Label1.Text = "Algun dato de la columna 'Marks' no es un numero, debido a esto no se pudo agregar los datos del excel en la base de datos"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } } else { Label1.Text = "No se pudo cargar el archivo excel"; } }
ya no guarda los datos en la base de datos, la verdad no le veo tanta diferencia intente varios cambios pero sigue igual sea por el uso del if (dr.HasRows), while (dr.Read()) y if (!(dr["marks"] is DBNull))???