Tambien si alguien supiera que a un determinado numero de que la serpiente haya comido te mande a otro form, por ejemplo que lleve 20 comidas y ya hay te mande a otro form.
El codigo que tengo es el siguiente:
Espero me pueden ayudar Public a As Boolean Public b As Boolean Public c As Boolean Public d As Boolean Public q As Integer Public z As Integer Public Y As Integer Public X As Integer Public t As Integer Public Val As Boolean Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyLeft If b = True Then Exit Sub End If a = True b = False c = False d = False Case vbKeyRight If a = True Then Exit Sub End If b = True a = False c = False d = False Case vbKeyDown If d = True Then Exit Sub End If c = True b = False a = False d = False Case vbKeyUp If c = True Then Exit Sub End If d = True b = False c = False a = False Case Else Exit Sub End Select End Sub Private Sub cargar() Randomize Y = 1 X = 1 Do Until (Y Mod 240) = 0 And Y > 0 And Y < (Me.ScaleHeight - 255) And (X Mod 240) = 0 And X > 0 And X < (Me.ScaleWidth - 255) Y = Int(Rnd() * (Me.ScaleHeight - 1) + 1) X = Int(Rnd() * (Me.ScaleWidth - 1) + 1) Loop Load Shape1(t) Shape1(t).Top = Y Shape1(t).Left = X Shape1(t).Visible = True Me.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() t = 1 Call cargar End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If Val = True Then z = q Do Until q = 0 Shape1(q).Top = Shape1(q - 1).Top Shape1(q).Left = Shape1(q - 1).Left q = q - 1 Loop q = z End If If a = True Then Shape1(0).Left = Shape1(0).Left - 240 End If If b = True Then Shape1(0).Left = Shape1(0).Left + 240 End If If c = True Then Shape1(0).Top = Shape1(0).Top + 240 End If If d = True Then Shape1(0).Top = Shape1(0).Top - 240 End If If Val = True Then For k = 1 To q If Shape1(0).Top = Shape1(k).Top And Shape1(0).Left = Shape1(k).Left Then End End If Next End If If Shape1(0).Left = Shape1(t).Left And Shape1(0).Top = Shape1(t).Top Then Val = True t = t + 1 q = t q = q - 1 Call cargar End If If Shape1(0).Top > (Me.ScaleHeight - 255) Or Shape1(0).Top < 0 Or Shape1(0).Left > (Me.ScaleWidth - 255) Or Shape1(0).Left < 0 Then End End If End Sub