Iniciado por RootK Porque no lo haces un customvalidator..??,
No puedes usar un customvalidator ya que estos no se ejecutan si el campo esta vacio. Lo que se esta evaluando son campos requeridos
En la nueva version si puedes hacer esto con los customvalidators con la propiedad ValidateEmptyText
(The ValidateEmptyText property fixes an issue with CustomValidator.)
What's New in 2.0 - Validation Groups - You can assign a group name to a set of validators to ensure that validation occurs only for controls in the specified group. This enables you to have multiple separately-validated forms on a single page.
- Set Focus on Error - Using the new Focus API feature in ASP.NET validators can be configured to set focus to their associated control to be validated when a validation error occurs. The first control in the form that has a validation error will receive default focus when the form is submitted.
- Culture Invariant Values - When doing conversion on a compare validator's non strongly-typed properties (CompareValidator.ValueToCompare, RangeValidator.MaximumValue, RangeValidator.MinimumValue) the validator will use a culture neutral format (Date: YYYY/MM/DD, Double & Currency: US culture format) to do the conversion when CultureInvariantValues is true.
- Validate Empty Text - The ValidateEmptyText property fixes an issue with CustomValidator. In ASP.NET 1.0 custom validation would not fire if ValidationText was empty. You can set this property to true to cause custom validation to occur for empty input values.